View Full Version : s3500 hard drive help

28-07-2012, 10:20 AM
Hi can anyone give me any pointers as to what would be the best hard drive to use with my icecrypt S3500? I have a 100gb hdd atm and it seems to have started to struggle getting up to speed to timesheet mostly on HD channels.

I have been looking at getting OCZ AGT3-25SAT3-120G Agility 3 120GB SATA III but then I'm not sure if it will even work as I'm not that technically savvy. I only intend to use to record and timeshift on my box so am aware this may be overkill in terms of speed.

Any advice on this or alternates would be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

29-07-2012, 03:46 AM
If its anything like an s4000 yr better off with a drive that runs at 5400rpm with a 64cache like the WD Green/Seagate Green etc hard drives as mentioned by ColdAsIce. Fatboy7 has been using an SSD drive in a s4000 and has mentioned the decrease in boot and load times and also a decrease in heat but is having some hiccups with the new .67 f/w (just like many). Check 2nd and last page of post 's4000 firmware' (below yr post) as all above is mentioned there and may help you get some knowledge/advice to help u make a choice.
Hope that helped.

Sent from my iPhone

29-07-2012, 09:03 AM
Without getting to technical, stick with a normal hard drive and as blakmumba indicated 5400rpm and 64m cache (my opinion).

My SSD in my S4000 works fine, but I'm sure the software writers have found a way of using the dram (cache) on the HDD to help the box out with memory allocation.

SSD's are so fast at reading / writing they don't use a buffer as such, in the way a normal HDD would, so I'm not sure what this may do to overall box performance, so play it safe and buy a cheaper (and bigger), HDD (my opinion), as I'm not sure if the 3500 depends on the HDD cache, as the 4000 does (ColdasIce may have an inside track to find out for you).

Hope it helps.

Edit: Just re-reading information from 'ColdasIce', 16m (no), 32m (yes), 64m (even better).