View Full Version : Motherwell-Panathinaikos

31-07-2012, 07:38 PM
Channel data : 10e,11004h,5632
Channel Name : ARQIVA UKI457
Date : 31/07
Time : 19:24
Sat Name : Eutelsat W2A
Sat Pos : 10.0°E
Event Type : Football CL: Motherwell-Panathinaikos

Football CL: Motherwell-Panathinaikos,07.0°E

Channel data : 7e,11144v,7120(dvb-s2,enc.)
Channel Name : UKI 1368 ENC 1
Date : 31/07
Time : 19:16
Sat Name : Eutelsat W3A
Sat Pos : 07.0°E
Event Type : Football CL: Motherwell-Panathinaikos

31-07-2012, 07:51 PM
10e feed is Norwich v Ajax friendly.

31-07-2012, 07:54 PM
ah, and the 7e feed is crypt!