View Full Version : clone or not ??

02-08-2012, 12:22 PM
looking at the vu+ duo on the sponsor site at £295,,,,ive seen one on another site at £199 supposedly same spec.
does this seem to good to be true?????

02-08-2012, 12:27 PM
£199 will be a clone (used duo's go for more than that).

02-08-2012, 03:59 PM
Genuine Vu+ Duo available from our site sponsor £289.00 click here (https://www.goldwafers.co.uk/Vu-Duo-Twin-Tuner-DVB-S2-HD-Linux-Engima2-Satellite-Receiver-PVR-Ready.html)

02-08-2012, 04:03 PM
Has my reply been deleted? If so why?

02-08-2012, 04:18 PM
£199 will be a clone (used duo's go for more than that).

I have also seen posts elsewhere of clones being bricked, and to me there doesnt seem a massive difference in price

having owned an original dreambox and a clone, the original wins hands down with reliability

better to pay more and get a good original box with a proper warranty and after sales service when spending this kind of money, thats my view anyway

02-08-2012, 04:22 PM
Has my reply been deleted? If so why?

try reading the rules, especially rules 12 and 14 and 15


02-08-2012, 05:30 PM
Has my reply been deleted? If so why?

It has due to breaking the rules it seems.

I did see your original reply, and not sure where you have seen originals at the price you quoted (how are you so sure they are genuine btw).

As for what you said about the sponsers prices, I don't agree. They might not be the cheapest on everything (well who is ?) but they will definately be genuine and the prices are competitive.

02-08-2012, 06:16 PM
The problem with clones is that if the manufacture does not sell his units and make some money, he then cannot afford to invest in updates and new products.
We all want better recievers and that has to be paid for some way.
Clones have a place, as some people dont have the cash for the real units.
But the clone is unlikely to last, will often have lower spec parts on the board and there will be no help when they go pop.
when you have spent twice you may as well have had a original.

Also use proper trusted retail shops, they need to make money to stay open and sell us the stuff, or this hobby will end up finished.

It does show how good / popular the VU+ is that clones even come out.

02-08-2012, 06:26 PM
The problem with clones is that if the manufacture does not sell his units and make some money, he then cannot afford to invest in updates and new products.
We all want better recievers and that has to be paid for some way.
Clones have a place, as some people dont have the cash for the real units.
But the clone is unlikely to last, will often have lower spec parts on the board and there will be no help when they go pop.
when you have spent twice you may as well have had a original.

Also use proper trusted retail shops, they need to make money to stay open and sell us the stuff, or this hobby will end up finished.

It does show how good / popular the VU+ is that clones even come out.

Totally agree.

With Dmm clones the market was there due to the price of the originals being excessive (most of the clones were / are half the price or less).

With the vu+ clones there not even cheap compared to the originals, £199 for Duo clone vs £289 for Genuine with warranty and support and no risk of bricking it. Ok I guess someone could argue that a clone is nearly 1/3 cheaper than a genuine box, but it's still only 1/3 as good as an original all things considered. For the sake of £90 to me it's a no brainer.

02-08-2012, 08:59 PM
Get one from the sponser and have years of trouble free service. For me then and now it was worth every penny. Great picture, runs cool and good build quality. Go for a clone and you may regret it. Iam not saying that it's the best receiver on the market just good value for money.

02-08-2012, 10:35 PM
Not too sure where all these £199 prices for clones are coming from, If you order direct from china with delivery included it works out at around £170 at the moment due to exchange rate. Now the bad thing i owned an original V1 clone and never had a single problem but it does appear from the V2.0 ones PSU's are of a very low quality and failure rate on these have been immense.

For that reason i would recommend an original from the sponsor for that piece of mind and warranty, I think it will be a good few months before they sort the clones out as they should. Plus the fact that VU released new drivers on the 7th july that have anti clone measures so any of the very latest images will not work on a clone.

Buy an Original from the Sponsor :-)

14-08-2012, 06:13 PM
With clone you can get unexpected headaches.
Buy original.