View Full Version : file downloads ?

04-08-2012, 11:50 PM
Newbie..So Hi all.
Seeing as the site is no longer active to get these files.(megaupload) Is there any way i can get them elseware so I can update my navigo.Would appreciate.Thank you.

05-08-2012, 09:59 AM
as a lot of these links are quite old I would assume they are no longer valid

it would help if you had actually stated which actual files you were after, and copied and pasted the links to the relevant threads in order to help others to help you

welcome to the forum

05-08-2012, 07:42 PM
I have the navigo 1.On it i have tomtom 7.910.9185 with maps 830.2307. Its been a few years since I put these on and would very much like any information as to updates for this.I understand there is 870 that would go on or anything newer but it seems the site to get this with the information no longer exsists.Items I refer to were posted by Russel1 on the 24.05.2011.If this helps.Thank you.

05-08-2012, 08:19 PM
tom tom stuff is in here if available https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?135-TomTom-GO

890 maps are here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156375-UK-amp-RoI-v890-4222-Map in post 2 and it is still valid and needs the v7 navcore and that post has the me ta file too

880 maps are here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?152674-United-Kingdom-and-Republic-of-Ireland-v880-maps-%28Nov-2011%29 and the link is still valid

bbs tools here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156343-BBS-Tools-v1-0-57-Release-Date-26th-March-2012 (still valid too)

tt 7.910 is the navcore you require and links and info are in this thread here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?153529-HOWTO-Install-TomTom-7910-onto-F-amp-H-GPS35LS

the installation guide is here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?153529-HOWTO-Install-TomTom-7910-onto-F-amp-H-GPS35LS

so frankly I am not sure what you require apart from you may have asked for 870 maps and that link is old and probably not valid but the rest seem accessible to me

08-08-2012, 04:55 AM
I'd like to say a big thank you for all your help.It's very much appreciated.