View Full Version : JazUp 2.7 ?

10-08-2012, 06:40 PM
Hi Hectore & PR2,

Do you plan to release a new version of JazUP in order to flash OpenAZBox PLi MOD HD Prerelease (http://openazbox.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=162) ?

FYI, you can kill the receiver using AZUP : "PEOPLE DONT FLASH BACK OPENRSI IN RECEIVER UNTIL WE RELEASE NEW AZUP 2.2.5. Open RSi TEAM DIDNT PUT Kernel: field in their patch.e2 and this is killing receivers!"


11-08-2012, 10:13 PM
One more eager for answer. :)

12-08-2012, 10:14 AM
Can donors expect update?

25-08-2012, 03:17 PM

There will be no more version of JaZUp, we decide to stop all support to AZbox product.

Moreover please don't use anymore JaZUp since with kernel 3.4.4 RTi team change the boot value in Yamon.
You needs to use setxenv to change it, this is not implemented in JaZUp 2.6.

Even to return from kernel 3.4.4 to old kernel (official firmware or other Enigma2 distro that still use old kernel) don't use JaZUp, this will brick your Azbox.

My small gift to you is the command to send to change the boot parameter in Yamon:

To boot kernel 3.4.4

setxenv -f /dev/mtdblock0 -k y.start -v \""dump romfs 0xac080000;load zbf 0xac080090; go"\"

To boot older kernel (official or old Enigma2)

setxenv -f /dev/mtdblock0 -k y.start -v \""xrpc 0xac080090; load zbf 0xb3000000; go"\"

If you don't know what those lines means, don't play with them, I am not responsible of Azbox brick. But people that already brick their Azbox and with Yamon cable can probably take advantages of this information. :-)

So we know what to do to add support for kernel 3.4.4 in JaZUp but we decide to no longer release any version of JaZUp, for us this is an old story now.
We would like to thanks donators that support us so far, release 2.6 was already created for them, but now it's time for us to use our skills on other projects.

Pr2 & Hectore

25-08-2012, 07:55 PM

There will be no more version of JaZUp, we decide to stop all support to AZbox product.

Moreover please don't use anymore JaZUp since with kernel 3.4.4 RTi team change the boot value in Yamon.
You needs to use setxenv to change it, this is not implemented in JaZUp 2.6.

Even to return from kernel 3.4.4 to old kernel (official firmware or other Enigma2 distro that still use old kernel) don't use JaZUp, this will brick your Azbox.

My small gift to you is the command to send to change the boot parameter in Yamon:

To boot kernel 3.4.4

setxenv -f /dev/mtdblock0 -k y.start -v \""dump romfs 0xac080000;load zbf 0xac080090; go"\"

To boot older kernel (official or old Enigma2)

setxenv -f /dev/mtdblock0 -k y.start -v \""xrpc 0xac080090; load zbf 0xb3000000; go"\"

If you don't know what those lines means, don't play with them, I am not responsible of Azbox brick. But people that already brick their Azbox and with Yamon cable can probably take advantages of this information. :-)

So we know what to do to add support for kernel 3.4.4 in JaZUp but we decide to no longer release any version of JaZUp, for us this is an old story now.
We would like to thanks donators that support us so far, release 2.6 was already created for them, but now it's time for us to use our skills on other projects.

Pr2 & Hectore

Can't say I blame you!!! This box is still full of bugs, the only reason I keep it is for the 422 capability

25-08-2012, 09:23 PM
the box is a piece of s...t and rti never produce anything bug free, fact!! thats why i went to vu+, you can all pretend if you want but trust me you will never have a fully functional box fact!!, the only reason i read these threads are for sentimental reasons so much hope but in the end s..t, my first enigma 2 box, cheers guys.

06-10-2012, 04:28 PM
Hi Pr2 & Hectore,

Please open up the source code of your JaZUp by making it GPL or whatever license you like.

JazUp is a very valuable tool for the OpenPLi/OpenRSI community!
It's a shame we need MS-Windows to program a Linux Box.
JaZUp since it is Java based, it a multi-platform tool.
You can run it on Linux, Windows, Apple, whatever you like.
It should be the preferred tool to install OpenRSI on a AZbox.

13-10-2012, 07:59 PM

Sorry our decision is to keep it closed source and to no longer release new version of it.
We know precisely what to change in JaZUp for the new kernel, it is easy to implement (I publish all the information on this board) but we won't do it.
We stop all support activities around Azbox. Follow my advice, sell it on a famous ******* site, Brazilians are looking for Azbox... and purchase an efficient STB thatreally does what it is promised on paper (Xtrend, VU+,...) and even more but no longer waste your time with Azbox.

Pr2 & Hectore

20-01-2016, 11:55 PM
[QUOTE=skybub;849086]Hi Hectore & PR2,

Do you plan to release a new version of JazUP in order to flash OpenAZBox PLi MOD HD Prerelease (http://openazbox.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=162) ?

FYI, you can kill the receiver using AZUP : "PEOPLE DONT FLASH BACK OPENRSI IN RECEIVER

Indeed I was unluckyI did not read this before..now waiting for the Ttl /usb cable, finger crossed.......really stressed.....and will try to come back to offw..., probably for ever

25-01-2016, 08:14 PM
Use MAT tool for flash. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. I have presented MAT on this site (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?173168-MAT-Flash-and-backuptool-for-Azboxes).