View Full Version : Route files

14-08-2012, 08:46 AM

I was wondering if the combined knowledge of this forum might be able to help me?

Are there any satnavs out there which save a route file in a readable format, with waypoints & desinations located by their grid reference? I have tried iGo Primo, but that's totally unreadable.

What i am looking to do is possibly use CSV files with grid references in them to add routes to a satnav to use at a later date, but i need to know the format from individual satnavs so i can adapt the CSV files to work. I can't imagine this will not work with any unit/software, after all, alot of speed camera files are in CSV format.

Failing the above, does anyone know of a piece of software which will convert a CSV file into the appropriate format for the unit. I just need to know what unit i can use this with to then go out & purchase it.

Thanks in advance


14-08-2012, 06:50 PM
A quick search on google found this :-

Plenty of other converters out there.

15-08-2012, 08:51 AM
I will have a look there, thanks.

I have had a search, but to no avail yet.