View Full Version : Motorized Dish issue

19-08-2012, 10:38 AM

Have started to have an issue with my 1.8m dish, not sure if the superjack is on the way out or not but if i have all sat positions saved correctly and i go to say 30w from 13e all is fine, however when i go back to 13e i have to manually adjust the dish to find 13e again as it's slightly off. This seems to be happening more and more and i wonder if anyone has any clue as to why?

Also if i have to replace the superjack what alternates do i have these days as i know things are limited for moving such a large dish?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

19-08-2012, 11:39 AM

Have started to have an issue with my 1.8m dish, not sure if the superjack is on the way out or not but if i have all sat positions saved correctly and i go to say 30w from 13e all is fine, however when i go back to 13e i have to manually adjust the dish to find 13e again as it's slightly off. This seems to be happening more and more and i wonder if anyone has any clue as to why?

Also if i have to replace the superjack what alternates do i have these days as i know things are limited for moving such a large dish?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

AFAIK the superjack is the best option for moving a large dish I have one myself for my 1.2 chanell master.
Sounds like yours is missing counts I think this is a reed switch fault, probably the best option is to replace the jack completly.

regards painter

19-08-2012, 12:32 PM
i doubt its missing counts.

i had this exact problem and its caused by the bearing at the bottom of the actuator having play and being nearly worn out.if you go to your dish and try to move it by hand,you will see it will have about an inch of play.
the next step is for it to collapse completely as mine did.

unfortunately,these days you cannot get the old bearing out as you used to be able with the older actuators,and replace it for the cost of a fiver.the more modern ones are pressed and its just impossible to get the sleave out without destroying the actuator.this is to force you to go and but a new one rather than repair it for just five pounds,as this repair made it like new again as this bearing is the only thing that wears out ever.

new actuator needed im afraid bud.


19-08-2012, 01:03 PM
Hi Ian,

Thanks for this, i was just about to buy a replacement reed switch so reading your post has at least saved me that i guess.

Will order a new one tomorrow, as most of the sticker has now come off it i presume it's a 24" that i will need.
Having looked at it i think i can change it without having to re-align the dish etc.

Thanks again.

19-08-2012, 01:29 PM
before you go and buy a new one just double check by trying to move the dish by hand whilst watching the actuator.
if this bearing is on its way out,then your dish and the inside of the actuator will all move back and forth by about an inch.

if this happens try to get a new on asap because when this bearing goes the dish will just fall to 180E and if its metal it will go with quite a bang and could bend the dish when it hits the stand.luckily mines fiberglass so i had no damage when this happened to me.


19-08-2012, 01:32 PM
[QUOTE=Roughneck;849889]Hi Ian,

Thanks for this, i was just about to buy a replacement reed switch so reading your post has at least saved me that i guess.

Will order a new one tomorrow, as most of the sticker has now come off it i presume it's a 24" that i will need.
Having looked at it i think i can change it without having to re-align the dish etc.

Thanks again easy enough to measure the existing 1 can't think of any other problem apart from the motor have a look at the dish make sure everything is as should be before buying new actuator no loose bolts ect

19-08-2012, 09:16 PM
Just a foot note be careful where you source the new actuator from i have seen the cheaper so called 'Powerjacks' that last around 12-18 months and need replacing again, try and source an official branded 'Superjack' i source mine from germany far cheaper than anyone in the UK as far as i can see

21-08-2012, 11:23 AM
Thanks again for all your help guys, i did try moving the dish by hand and there is zero play in it.
I think (fingers very crossed) i may have actually fixed the issue, grease!
The dish use to make a hell of a noise when it moved and no new grease had been added around joints and moving parts for the best part of 7 years so i had nothing to really loose by smothering it in copper grease and hey presto at the moment it seems to be moving West to East perfectly... more tests to be done but at the moment looks a-ok.

21-08-2012, 12:48 PM
Thanks again for all your help guys, i did try moving the dish by hand and there is zero play in it.
I think (fingers very crossed) i may have actually fixed the issue, grease!
The dish use to make a hell of a noise when it moved and no new grease had been added around joints and moving parts for the best part of 7 years so i had nothing to really loose by smothering it in copper grease and hey presto at the moment it seems to be moving West to East perfectly... more tests to be done but at the moment looks a-ok.

Just remember to do some routine cleaning and maintenance every 12 months and it should see you out another 7 years :-)