View Full Version : ColdAsICE!! Web browser for Icecrypt S3500HDCCI does not work for me.

20-08-2012, 09:20 AM
Hi, (ColdAsIce)

Web browser for the Icecrypt S3500HDCC is not working!

Is it correct that the only file in the root of my USB hard disk should be: WebZeal-20110708.mnt ??

Anyway I have posted a question: "How to install a plugin (Firefox)" witch I would be very glad if somebody could answer.

Kind regards

:-) Amoko

21-08-2012, 11:37 AM
Hi Amoko,
The reason the Web browser is not working for you might be because your using an old webzeal.
Try the later webzeal 2.7

25-09-2012, 05:29 PM
Thanks C.A.I.

But webzeal is not much of a browser without a keyboard.
Or is it just me who can't use the remote properly.
:cool: Amoko

27-09-2012, 02:58 PM
I agree that web browsing using a remote control is not the ideal method but it does work.

29-09-2012, 01:05 AM
i found with the old version i could not type anything into google search or move the cursor around, once i updated to the latest it worked with the remote much better