View Full Version : Vu+ Duo\Solo\Uno & Ultimo Drivers 20/08/2012 ?

21-08-2012, 01:26 PM
as the title suggests,do i need to install these drivers
and if so is there a guide on how to do it

as always all help much appreciated


21-08-2012, 02:31 PM
Check first that the image you are currently using supports these new drivers before updating otherwise your box won't boot properly after rebooting.

An FPGA update to 4.5 is also required.

- Improve TS playback
- Improve Graphic 2D acceleration
- Fix Russian VFD display(duo, uno)
- Fix High/low symbolrate channel scan problem.(Uno, Ultimo : Need FPGA Update)
-- UNO : _http://archive.vuplus.com/download/fpga/vuuno/4.5/
- Fix EOS detection problem in media playback
- Enhance Security

21-08-2012, 05:01 PM
thanks for the reply,think i will do a bit more research before i mess with the uno as dont wont to mess it up


21-08-2012, 07:39 PM
Got these running on My Uno running Blackhole 1.7.6 and have also done the FPGA update so far so good no problems encountered but will need some more testing especially the low symbol rate channels that have problems

21-08-2012, 07:54 PM
With the Uno its is easy but the Ultimo is not playing ball.

With the uno use the FPGA plugin to download and update then to update the drivers use the great VU Control Centre from a certain board sponsor.