View Full Version : Spiderbox 9000HD with CCAM queery

chris B
28-08-2012, 10:46 AM
Hi guys,

I have a few clines from peers that worked fine until recently.

When contacted, the peer explained that all keys are present but the spiderbox users were not able to decode the channels and that the keys work without problem on enigma.

I belive the peer operates an oscam server and noticed this file below on the pimps site


Can anyone tell me if this file is safe to run on the Spider and wether it may solve my problem?

I cannot go into anymore detail for obvious reasons, but my lines are operating fine apart from one specific package.



28-08-2012, 10:54 AM
you cannot run any files on a spiderbox

all a spiderbox equires is the hostname , the port, the nameID and the password, nothing else is required
it runs cccam 214 and always has done, this cannot be changed

it also works fine with an oscam feed using either cccam or using newcamd (newcamd also requires the standard deskey)

so the issue will not be with the spiderbox

so basically the spiderbox needs 4 aspects of a c line or 5 aspects of an n line to work, nothing else is required, and no changes can be made either

neither can it use oscam lines or mgcamd lines or any other emu lines, just a c line or an n line or both

clearly if its only one package then its something else

pm me the package in question ;)

chris B
28-08-2012, 11:58 AM
Hi Eche,

Thanks for the response.

I have pm'd you as requested and hope that you can provide me with some further advice.



28-08-2012, 03:14 PM
checked and replied

chris B
28-08-2012, 05:51 PM
Hi Eche,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm still a little bit confused and have pm'd you back.

Sorry for being a pain.....If it's something you can answer on the forum, then it might be a useful tutorial for other Spider owners also.

