View Full Version : TM 5302 HD box ccam futureproof options and problems

fred fickle
28-08-2012, 01:30 PM
This box appears to have a lot of futureproof options like key and software plus "gifts" updates either OTA or by Lan is there any sign of them being implemented ?

There still seems to be problems with the firmware as editing and finding channels sometimes don't operate correctly using the may 2012 version

examples are favourite channels getting duplicated and jumping in to different categories ,getting no signal on various transponders but go back in a couple of minutes and signal is there!!

When the box is operating correctly it is brilliant and works flawlessly with C/S and FTA but these problems are very irritating to say the least,I have reset all to default settings and reinstalled the soft but problems remain.

I would be interested in hearing if other peeps are having the same trouble. Cheers

28-08-2012, 03:15 PM
I got a mate of mine one of these last year it took phantom almost 6 months to get the ethernet functioning correctly and the so called promised channel editor still has not materialised. Apart from that it seems pretty stable now on the latest firmware dated a couple of days ago which also fixes the Blind scan feature, personally i have never bought one since and have stuck to the bigger brother the 5402

fred fickle
28-08-2012, 07:54 PM

What was the problem with the modems as mine always worked well just curious before i flash it.

28-08-2012, 08:55 PM
This box appears to have a lot of futureproof options like key and software plus "gifts" updates either OTA or by Lan is there any sign of them being implemented ?

There still seems to be problems with the firmware as editing and finding channels sometimes don't operate correctly using the may 2012 version

examples are favourite channels getting duplicated and jumping in to different categories ,getting no signal on various transponders but go back in a couple of minutes and signal is there!!

When the box is operating correctly it is brilliant and works flawlessly with C/S and FTA but these problems are very irritating to say the least,I have reset all to default settings and reinstalled the soft but problems remain.

I would be interested in hearing if other peeps are having the same trouble. Cheers

You dont say EXACTLY which patch you are using Fred, because there is a 'test' patch dated 26/8/12 which MAY help mate?:respect-069:

fred fickle
29-08-2012, 04:12 PM
Its dated 28-04-2012 any good?

29-08-2012, 06:40 PM
Its dated 28-04-2012 any good?

Update to the latest patch and see if that helps dated 24-08-2012


fred fickle
01-10-2012, 01:00 PM
Seema a bit more stable ok but will reserve final judgement until a few months time.

fred fickle
20-12-2012, 01:43 PM
The latest patch I can find is dated 28th April in the 08/2012 folder!! also it does not address any of the editing problems.

Got the last updated patch but still editing problems 27 Oct 2012.

fred fickle
20-12-2012, 06:25 PM
Latest patch is
11 Dec 2012.

Not in firmware section yet.

fred fickle
21-04-2013, 04:59 PM
I have been using the last patch for a few months but he editing problems are still there e.g. you delete channels and when you come back to the list they are still there!! also when searching the signal just drops off completely for no reason and after a reset comes back on, sometimes when you switch off the box with the remote or front panel controls it locks up and won't respond to the remote . You have to switch off at the back and back on to get it going again and on occasions it goes in to a loop and won't boot up, leave it for a day and starts okay the next day. I hope Phantom takes these faults on board and brings out a more stable patch.
When its running okay it is a great box especially with the "gift" on board so please sort out these niggles.

Latest patch seems to be just a Via improvement or something else??