View Full Version : Latest Phantom Patch 748P

31-08-2012, 11:19 AM
Hi again, once again can you post your own findings with the latest Phantom Patch 748P as posted yesterday on their Download Centre?
Once again it was posted with no information to suggested what it might actually do better than previous patches - but I suppose we have to be philosophical and look at it as if it were Christmas again eh?? lol!!
Any offers yet please?:bravo-009:

31-08-2012, 08:38 PM
Ok, here I go again, replying to my OWN threadstarter!
This is a post I made elsewhere with my preliminary findings on this patch:-

Re: New patches TM68/6900Super

Patch no. 748P:

.Menu/System Info shows 748P August 27 2012
Menu does not crash the box as with some previous releases.
CAS and BISS menu buttons appear OK.
BISS decryption working normally.
(However Biss keys previously entered on patch 726P, e.g. PLTV HD 10E, BBC HD channels at 27.5W, etc have all disappeared and will need re-entering & setting up!)

The blue loading swirl is still there!

Cannot test 1149 Hardstation on 6900HD Super?

Motor jam between sats on channel change - seems to be cured. This has been a problem since 741p approx. Good fix !

Checked Softcam with keys generated today in TM Maker 1.5

Obviously , cant test C+NL at present until new keys available on softcam.
Bulsat @ 39°East Irdeto2 channels OK
Rai @13°East 10992 V 27500 Seca August OK
AustriaSat Cryptoworks @ 19.2East OK
ORF Digital + HD Cryptoworks @ 19.2East OK
Mezzo 12245 H 27500 @ 13East OK
Ant 1 europe @ 39East 11052 V 30000 OK
12111 H 27500 Sirius 4 @ 4.8°East Cryptoworks channels only OK
TV Globo Internacional @ 13East OK

TNT @ 19.2East NOT FIXED
SD Channels freezing every 6 seconds.
HD versions of these channels working fine.

Not sure anything has changed in the softcam dept. but I expect C+NL WOULD be fine if we had keys as it was ok on 747p

PLTV HD 10E not yet tested for jerkiness/audio sync as I have to re-enter keys!

CCCam clearing all major providers Uk, Spain, Nordic, Netherlands, Portugal. Instant clear.
Greece clears 30 secs on 13E
Italy, JSC sports and SCT on 13e Taking 1-2 minutes to clear for ME - but not the 5mins plus it was on 747P!
(SCT HD 13E freezes after 2 secs, having taken up to 5 mins to clear - unlike on patch 726P where it works perfectly without freezes!!)
Germany freezes after a few mins. Repeated this a few times.
This is only my FIRST trial, but intend staying on 748P a little longer than I did on 747P - so I can test it much more thoroughly!
So far so much better! :respect-050:

01-09-2012, 07:39 PM
Here's yet ANOTHER reply to my own posts/thread guys!!
PLTV HD on 10E still needs sorting by Phantom as it still starts jerking in less than one minute and the audio still goes out of sync the longer you watch the channel!

Still cannot check C Ned on 19E as the Masare Team still havent produced the new keys after their summer break, to enable a new softcam to be posted!:respect-050:

08-09-2012, 09:19 PM
I can't agree to the fixed problem with the motorised dish, still stops here when zapping while motor is changing the position...
What's the matter???

08-09-2012, 09:45 PM
I can't agree to the fixed problem with the motorised dish, still stops here when zapping while motor is changing the position...
What's the matter???

Well maybe I've simply been lucky mate, but every time I've tried changing channrels whilst its changing satellites its worked perfectly with patch 748P!
PLTV HD on 10E still very jerky plus audio sync goes out quickly - also with Cccam Sly Italia 13E still takes a minute to open each channel - but much better than the 5 mins+ with 747P!
Still no softcam from Masare Team to enable a test with 748P on C Ned 19E, but suspect it will open fine as with 747P!:respect-050:

09-09-2012, 11:09 AM
New C+NL keys are out now,so you can check it,m8!

09-09-2012, 11:29 AM
@holmroad - been away for a few weeks didn't know there was a new patch - will have to try. If, from your deductions, PLTV is still jerky and Sly Italia takes a while to clear then might just avoid trying this!

11-09-2012, 07:51 PM
Got round to checking 748p and found:
As per 747p when entering PVR files limited to approx 10 latest enteries. Delete one and an earlier one appears.
Something I had not noticed before and present on patches 746, 747 & 748 while recording BBC 1 HD or BBC HD one cannot play an earlier recording or start to watch the recording taking place. Try recording say Planete HD on 23e and all is normal!!
Going back to 745p overcomes this problem.
747 official version Ok except for Play button below

Just mentioning 6902T2 patch 123p record Ch5 HD using card a 20min recording produces some 27 repeat enteries in PVR files--none will play.
BBC 1HD or BBC HD recordings the file entries are normal! 122p ok.
On both units "Play" button only brings up Progress Bar, will not start playback.
Also on the 6902T2 fast folwarding/reversing using the left/right buttons on the progress bar is tempermental.
Sorry for finding some odd problems.
Hope this feedback helps Phantom.

Ken H

11-09-2012, 08:11 PM
Got round to checking 748p and found:
As per 747p when entering PVR files limited to approx 10 latest enteries. Delete one and an earlier one appears.
Something I had not noticed before and present on patches 746, 747 & 748 while recording BBC 1 HD or BBC HD one cannot play an earlier recording or start to watch the recording taking place. Try recording say Planete HD on 23e and all is normal!!
Going back to 745p overcomes this problem.
747 official version Ok except for Play button below

Just mentioning 6902T2 patch 123p record Ch5 HD using card a 20min recording produces some 27 repeat enteries in PVR files--none will play.
BBC 1HD or BBC HD recordings the file entries are normal! 122p ok.
On both units "Play" button only brings up Progress Bar, will not start playback.
Also on the 6902T2 fast folwarding/reversing using the left/right buttons on the progress bar is tempermental.
Sorry for finding some odd problems.
Hope this feedback helps Phantom.

Ken H

Sorry to hear all that mate - I personally havent experienced ANY of that with 748P on my TM6900HD Super - except that I cannot watch one channel whilst recording another (on same satellite of course!! lol!!), but I will now look out for the duplications etc you mention on the recordings list - I'm sure mine's ok but will check again later!
Thanks for your feedback mate - I'm sure Phantom/TM will see this thread!
Its very much in their interests to take notice in the current atmosphere!:respect-050:

12-09-2012, 05:22 PM
Just the fact that TNTsat is still freezing and SKY-IT takes so long to open for me makes this patch yet another complete waste of time and I for one won't bother loading it. How many releases does one need to get it right, complex sure it may be to implement these changes but not exactly rocket science or am I wrong?

I will stay with the much loved 726 patch until a descent working patch is actually released.....we can but hope!

Q: I wonder why the Swiss package hasn't been included in any of the patches i.e. SRI-SRF-SRG?...just a thought

12-09-2012, 10:17 PM
Just the fact that TNTsat is still freezing and SKY-IT takes so long to open for me makes this patch yet another complete waste of time and I for one won't bother loading it. How many releases does one need to get it right, complex sure it may be to implement these changes but not exactly rocket science or am I wrong?

I will stay with the much loved 726 patch until a descent working patch is actually released.....we can but hope!

Q: I wonder why the Swiss package hasn't been included in any of the patches i.e. SRI-SRF-SRG?...just a thought

Fair comment mate. but if you dont want Bulsat at 39E on softcam thats obviously fine!
Not sure if ORF on 18E is opened with softcam either using 726P!:respect-050:

13-09-2012, 04:39 AM
Fair comment mate. but if you dont want Bulsat at 39E on softcam thats obviously fine!
Not sure if ORF on 18E is opened with softcam either using 726P!:respect-050:

Well Im using a Diablo cam for ORF, Bulsat, TNTsat & Swiss Package so that's all working fine, whats more important is that the patched software needs to be configured correctly so that SKY IT on 8281 menu works and TNTsat stops freezing...between us how good would it be if in addition one could save or back-up the Biss keys and a function to restore them back again. Everything taken in to consideration since the 726p release onwards it's been one long up & down with the patched software with owners never quite sure what patch to use since one does this the other does that one has errors the other doesn't........I would like to see one good perfect working patch without any errors and all the emu's working without freezing so that if one day support should subside at least we can continue to use a fully working good patch as part of this great receivers legacy....will this be the 749p or 750p?.........we await with great anticipation

13-09-2012, 11:49 AM
Lets hope you are right Tony - but I wouldnt hold your breath! lol!!:respect-050:

21-09-2012, 01:11 PM
It is also being reported that with patch 748P, if you record via red button directly from the EPG, recordings made of encrypted channels goes all wrong, yet FTA channels record perfectly!
I am currently trying all this out and will report back with my results!:respect-050:

21-09-2012, 06:48 PM
I may have caused confusion here by mentioning the 123P firmware for the TM6902 T2 box whilst replying to the TM6900 Super problems.
The recording of scrambled progs multi entry problem under "Files" only refers to the TM6902T2 not the TM6900 Super which does not suffer this problem.
Sorry, my fault for causing confusion, should have started another thread for the TM6902T2, but was hoping that if this info on the Super got back to Phantom, he would also see the 609T2 problems as well.
Ken H.

21-09-2012, 07:59 PM
Hi Kenni, please DO start a new thread of your own regards YOUR receiver & its latest patch, because to obtain best recognition of all our problems messrs Phantom/TM do really need to be reading INDIVIDUAL patch feedback in MY opiinion that is please mate!
Thing is, each patch may well have DIFFERENT problems which need to be addressed!:respect-055:

30-09-2012, 11:53 AM
I also have the recording issues on 6900hd super, recording scrambled channels produces multiple entries, none of which will play.

09-10-2012, 12:36 PM
No more feedback then guys?
Lets hope Phantom/TM are reading threads like this one so as to provide us with a real 'professional' type patch which actually works - just as in the old days when DM & Magic used to do it!:respect-055:

09-10-2012, 03:33 PM
@holmroad.....more feedback on this 748p? What more is there to say apart form it don't work...lol.....anyways it's been since end of August when this got released, seems we have been waiting an eternity for 749p to make an appearance.

09-10-2012, 05:37 PM
@holmroad.....more feedback on this 748p? What more is there to say apart form it don't work...lol.....anyways it's been since end of August when this got released, seems we have been waiting an eternity for 749p to make an appearance.

Yes mate, its about time we got a new patch 749P - but its a LOT disillusioning when TM post two new patches for the TM5000 series BOTH in the 'non-super' section in the Download Centre, when one is actually 'super'!! lol!!:cheers2: