View Full Version : Stuck on F100

02-09-2012, 05:44 PM
Hi,I have a Spider 9900HD and it is stuck on F 100.I have powered off and on,but it goes directly on F100 and stay there.Any help would be nice.

02-09-2012, 06:01 PM
use the repair file and loader and a null modem cable

02-09-2012, 06:32 PM
Thank you,i will try that

03-09-2012, 10:11 AM
I tried the repair file and it didnt work.Downloader shows connected to port 2,but not counting and box still on f100.I did change the baudrate to 115200,but whot about the other settings on the comport?

03-09-2012, 10:28 AM
Have you tried putting F100 in to the search facility and read the info that the search facility produces, which type of PC are you using ie, a Desktop or Laptop.

03-09-2012, 10:35 AM
standard com port settings are

9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit

if you change the 9600 to 115200 it increases the speed of the transfer and is the only change you make

to do the task properly you need a desktop pc or laptop containing an actual 9 pin com port (no usb to serial adapters) and preferably running xp too

I usually use a hp/compaq d530 desktop pc running xp for this, and use one of its built in com ports on the rear backplane

settings are 115200 , none , none , 8 , 1

obviously you choose com port 1 or 2 dependi ng how many there are built in and which of them you connected to, as some pc,s and laptops only have one com port

modern stuff tends to have no com ports at all and most win7 versions wont support this method either, although vista can sometimes be used

most people nowadays have laptops running win7 or vista and so have no com ports at all, then they think they can "get away" with using usb to serial adapters and yet even with the correct drivers they fail

so make sure you use a proper pc running xp that was built with a com port inside it and wired to the backplane, or suffer failure

03-09-2012, 03:11 PM
Yes, i am using a desktop xp with 2 comports.Really dont know whots the problem,as i been using both pc/null modem cable for patching/upgrading receivers and cams.Althogh it is some years ago.

03-09-2012, 03:44 PM
you do realise you have the box SWITCHED OFF at the rear switch, start the loader, then switch the box on ?

if its switched on and showing f100 before you start it will never flash it

1. Switch off STB
2. Run downloadin.exe on PC
3. Select COM port and Press connect button
4. Press "Choose fule" and select the attached spider_rs232.bin
5. Switch on STB
6. you will see the progress status on PC
7. STB will auto-reboot after finishing the downloading.

08-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Hi, I have a 9900 with the same problem, as my computer has no RS232 port I rummaged through my ac***ilation of old leads and found a USB RS232 converter. I plugged it in opened the downloader and waited for the driver to install. After a few minutes the downloader connected to com3. I switched the 9900 off and back on and the file loaded without problem. I havn't changed the board rate as I dont know how to, but the 9900 is now working okey anyway. I hope this is not a common problem or my retailer can have it back.

Bst Regards Moyman.

06-10-2012, 07:06 PM
hi i got the f100 last weekend got xp done the downloadin .exe with repair file worked perfectly ,this weekend changed channel went back to f100 tried repair file again com port 1 connect load file wait for blue percentage bar ,nothing any ideas or can you only use repair file once thanks in advance daan

06-10-2012, 07:42 PM
hi i got the f100 last weekend got xp done the downloadin .exe with repair file worked perfectly ,this weekend changed channel went back to f100 tried repair file again com port 1 connect load file wait for blue percentage bar ,nothing any ideas or can you only use repair file once thanks in advance daan

use repair tool as many times as you like

make sure you are using the correct com port and the null modem cable is connected correctly

turn box on AFTER pressing the connect option

17-10-2012, 01:22 PM
i have been getting this F100 message sometimes after switching on for last few months it usually comes on as normal after a couple of mins seems to happen every time i switch on now and take a bit longer to boot up

can i fix this error message easier now that the box is on and working ok or do i still need to through the laptop and null modem cable route ?

17-10-2012, 02:10 PM
It is quite normal to see F100 in the display, however it should only last for a few seconds and then it clears, if yours lasts longer then you may have a problem, the answer to your second query is NO, it would have to be done with the recovery tool and a null modem cable, with the receiver powered OFF, and then start the the recovery tool and then switch ON the receiver, then you will see the progress bar on the screen, after it completes the receiver will reboot and all should be OK, providing you have followed the instructions included with the recovery tool.

17-10-2012, 02:17 PM
i have been getting this F100 message sometimes after switching on for last few months it usually comes on as normal after a couple of mins seems to happen every time i switch on now and take a bit longer to boot up

can i fix this error message easier now that the box is on and working ok or do i still need to through the laptop and null modem cable route ?

everybodys box shows F100 at boot, the problem is not that it shows F100, if you read the thread title it is STUCK ON F100, so its only when its stuck or frozen on F100 that there is a problem

its not an error message at all, its the standard boot message on the lcd, same as your windows will show loading xp or win7 or whatever. so the problem is only ever a problem if it freezes on the loading meassage, and it isnt and never was an error message

as mentioned above, using the repair tool always involves a null modem cable, the repair file and its loader

17-10-2012, 04:34 PM
thanks for both of your replys

it has been 10-15 mins sometimes before it starts up, today it was around 10 mins with the screen showing f100 all that time so its probably only a matter of time before it does not start at all
i will have ago at the repair file once i get a cable for it


17-10-2012, 06:38 PM
should be say 5 seconds, not minutes

backup your channel list, factory reset and then reload the list and test

if still slow, use the repair file

17-10-2012, 07:42 PM

does your laptop have a com port, if not you will have to use a desk top PC and a null modem cable to run the recovery tool, and please follow the instructions in posts 6 & 8.

17-10-2012, 11:25 PM
i have got a PC with windows 7 and a toshiba P100 with xp

i had a look on google and a com port looks like its 9 pin i have one on the PC but not on the laptop

i will try a factory reset first as echelon suggests, and if still slow will buy a cable and try the repair file

17-10-2012, 11:37 PM
i have got a PC with windows 7 and a toshiba P100 with xp

i had a look on google and a com port looks like its 9 pin i have one on the PC but not on the laptop

i will try a factory reset first as echelon suggests, and if still slow will buy a cable and try the repair file

unfortunately, like a lot of members on forums (and in this thread too) you havent stated the version of win7 you are using , and as there are half a dozen or more versions its important to know those details , so win 7 , starter, basic,home premium,pro,enterprise,ultimate are what I can remember offhand

if you had professional or ultimate then it may be possible to use a usb to serial adapter, although I have never managed to get it to work and would not recommend using adapters anyway (but it will not work in the first 3 versions of win 7 starter,basic,premium)

although you can have a 25 pin com port, its normal to have a 9 pin com port, exactly the same as on the back of your spiderbox, if you have one at all, and most modern pc`s and laptops dont have them, you can use cardbus cards in laptops as long as its xp, some vista and at least 2 of the win7 operating systems

so the ideal solution is an xp desktop or tower or laptop with a proper 9 pin com port built into the motherboard with a fifo buffer. that is what the tools and the equipment was designed for, and works. I have hp desktops and a compaq laptop, all running xp and all having a built in com port, for flashing boxes and routers etc

a job is always easier with the correct tools, but so is the knowledge and being specific about what you have or dont have

win7 is not a product , its an os sold in half a dozen or more versions, and you also find network mapping is missed out on the first 3 versions too, as detailed in my thread in the win7 section

so as most people will probably have win7 home premium, thats 2 things it misses out on already

the laptop I am using is currently running win 7 ultimate 64 bit (but should be running pro 64 bit) and I doubt would work with a usb adapter despite being one of the top two os`s, but network mapping DOES work

those of you who have no idea about com port setup clearly have not read my FAQ in the GUIDES and FAQ section

and none of these pc issues are relevant to the spiderbox as they are all ancillary pc issues or equipment and tools issues that are relevant to any box or router that uses the com port for communication and affect dozens of boxes and routers due to the same basic parameters

why anybody would want to try to fix something without using the correct tools is beyond me

good luck

19-10-2012, 05:07 PM
I've just seen this info on the other forum ref the F100 issues, it was posted by jimihendrix, it may be a useful addition to the FAQ's or a sticky:

Just to add to this I have repaired several "F100" Spiderbox receivers both 7000 and 9000. In all cases IF the recovery software did not work then replacing the TIP42C transistor just in front of the tuner did cure the fault BUT it really needs an engineer to do this as the motherboard needs to be removed from the receiver and great care is needed in the unsoldering of the faulty part and soldering in the replacement part.
This is defiantly not a job for an inexperienced person or "well meaning friend" to tackle whoever does it will need preferably a soldering station and an iron with a fine tip and be experienced in working with through hole plated PCB's.
I cant guarantee this will fix all "F100" faults where the recovery tool has failed but in several cases the TIP42C replacement did restore full working to the receivers.
I have a feeling that this fault could (not 100% sure) be caused by loop through when both receivers are on at the same time or maybe incorrect earthing when two receiver are connected to each other but these are just my guess.
Sometimes a simple visual inspection of the TIP42C will show either the middle leg (collector) melted away or in some cases "blue-ing" of the metal tab either of these signs means it is the culprit but either way it's an inexpensive part to change providing you know a competent engineer.
I must repeat this IS NOT a fault that can be repaired by the user UNLESS he or she is very experienced at working with PCB's and confident of their soldering abilities.

One other thing is if the receiver is under a year old then RETURN it to the dealer as it should be repaired/replaced under guarantee.

22-12-2012, 01:48 PM
im sure this question has been asked here before im sorry i cant remember by who, it was prob echelon (he knows his onions on this sort of stuff). as far as youre problem, can you not do a factory reset and then demand your money back. it is obviously faulty goods.

26-12-2012, 01:52 PM
Well, I had this twice before and managed to repair my Spiderbox 9900HD with the "recovery tool". This time i am not succesfull. I have another receiver connected to my system, therefore, what you say makes sense.

The Spiderbox is just over a year old, is there anyway that you could make this repair for me?

I have just added the VASIKS patch and paid the donation subscription and then this happens!

Any help greatly appreciated!!!!!

I've just seen this info on the other forum ref the F100 issues, it was posted by jimihendrix, it may be a useful addition to the FAQ's or a sticky:

Just to add to this I have repaired several "F100" Spiderbox receivers both 7000 and 9000. In all cases IF the recovery software did not work then replacing the TIP42C transistor just in front of the tuner did cure the fault BUT it really needs an engineer to do this as the motherboard needs to be removed from the receiver and great care is needed in the unsoldering of the faulty part and soldering in the replacement part.
This is defiantly not a job for an inexperienced person or "well meaning friend" to tackle whoever does it will need preferably a soldering station and an iron with a fine tip and be experienced in working with through hole plated PCB's.
I cant guarantee this will fix all "F100" faults where the recovery tool has failed but in several cases the TIP42C replacement did restore full working to the receivers.
I have a feeling that this fault could (not 100% sure) be caused by loop through when both receivers are on at the same time or maybe incorrect earthing when two receiver are connected to each other but these are just my guess.
Sometimes a simple visual inspection of the TIP42C will show either the middle leg (collector) melted away or in some cases "blue-ing" of the metal tab either of these signs means it is the culprit but either way it's an inexpensive part to change providing you know a competent engineer.
I must repeat this IS NOT a fault that can be repaired by the user UNLESS he or she is very experienced at working with PCB's and confident of their soldering abilities.

One other thing is if the receiver is under a year old then RETURN it to the dealer as it should be repaired/replaced under guarantee.

26-12-2012, 02:12 PM
Hi M8

Ref the above post, you could try to PM jimihendrix on the Vasik forum, however PM's are restricted at the moment, you may have a better chance of contacting him on the A***t forum

26-12-2012, 04:40 PM
I have done this.

Thanks for your help. I though it was you who was doing the soldering!!!!


Hi M8

Ref the above post, you could try to PM jimihendrix on the Vasik forum, however PM's are restricted at the moment, you may have a better chance of contacting him on the A***t forum

23-01-2013, 02:03 PM
I have done this.

Thanks for your help. I though it was you who was doing the soldering!!!!


The shop has come up with the goods and supplied a refurbished 9000 HD. I connected the receiver last night, with the IKS software and channel list and my old key and all its OK again!!!!

Thank you very much for all your help during the last 4 weeks.

23-01-2013, 03:50 PM
I am pleased to see that you have managed to get your situation resolved and that you have every thing working again. :respect-067::respect-055:

02-02-2013, 11:49 AM
Bump: I have the same issue I have soldered a new TIP42C but still F100. Any other ideas or fixes?


02-02-2013, 10:35 PM
Spiderbox 9900 is crap.I had 2 of them,the first worked for about 7 months.I send it back to the shop and got another,that one lasted 1 month before i got the F100.And i am very sure i did the recovery thing right,because i had to do that on a Mvision too and that worked right away.Anyway,have a Spider 7000 without problems for a long time.

16-02-2013, 03:57 PM
I encountered a similar problem also with my receiver Spiderbox 9000HD. I did the connection with null modem cable and the receiver read normally the recovery file. But the signal "f100" still exist, and does not accept any function from the buttons of screen or from the remote control..... Is there anything else to do? Also note that with the first time the receiver read the file! Nonetheless reintroduced again, so I preclude not read well the receiver the file since my reports that have "installed" in flash memory. The problem is that it doesn't make auto-reboot.... Please help me!!! Thank you very much before hand!

13-06-2014, 11:40 AM
have a 9900 and have tried every thing recuv. file and even had tip 42c replaced still no good
this seems to be a common fault with this box for i have seen a lot of boxes on e---y sold for spares with
this fault i would therefore be gratefull if anyone could tell if these boxes are repairable or not