View Full Version : 13e or 19e for football?

02-09-2012, 08:30 PM

I hope this is the best area to post this question, my apologies if it should be elsewhere.

I've been trying since we moved to our new house to get my 60cm Raven dish to see 28e, 19e and 13e. I think its just a push to far, I can get various permutations of 19e and 13e, 13e and 28e and of course 19e and 28e. i've played with putting each bird as the focal point, but long story short I just cant get enough of all three.

That said, i've been thinking perhaps I don't need 19e AND 13e for what I want. Basically I want Football. English Premier League mainly, but if there are a few channels showing the odd Championship game then great.

So having bored you with my waffle, and since i've never had 13e before only 28e and 19e, would it be better (with regards to the channels I want to receive) to have my dish setup receiving 19e ASTRA or 13e HOTBIRD in addition to my standard 28e?

Other possibilities i'm happy to hear.

Thanks Guys.

Tayta :respect-050:

02-09-2012, 09:13 PM
Not bad for a first post.

But cannot see where your new home is ( location country, county ) that would help us to help you.


Ps. welcome to the forum:party:

02-09-2012, 09:21 PM
Trying to get 3 birds with one dish is a bit optimistic, especially a 60cm dish, I'm not into football but I think 13e is better than 19e, but then there is tring on 16e and of course PLTV clear on 10e, why not go for it and stick a motor on your dish, for about £50 yo can pick up all the sats with the best quality as you will then be able to point straight at each sat without trying to pick them up from weird angles.
Just my opinion


02-09-2012, 09:43 PM
Cheers stievejb

Yeah ever the optimist me ;)

Trouble with adding a motor to my setup is i'm using one dish for my sports on one receiver and the normal sky box. This is so the missus can watch her crap too.

If i'm tuning my football game in in one room, she is gonna suddenly find her eastenders goes off isn't she?..

Skomedal i'm in the Midlands.

02-09-2012, 09:53 PM
I think I may have posted this before but I used to have something similar. I had a 70cm raven with 13e 19.2 and 28.2e. It's not a perfect situation as 28.2 is slightly higher than the rest. I think I was pointed at 28 and the arm on the dish was on the opposite side with 13e 19e. I think I did try with 19e being the focal point but some channels on 28 were very hard to get. The first time I tried it I hadn't realised 13 and 19 were on the opposite side, laws of reflection and all. Also I couldn't get some channels on 13e when pointed at 28.2e.

Personally I would save some beer tokens and go motorised and get a bigger dish. I motorised my 70cm and it was fine for 1w,4.8e,13e,19e and 28.2e all in between it struggled. It was fine at the time as most stuff I wanted was on 19e and 28.2e (2003-2007ish). But almost everyone will tell you at least 80cm motorised is the way to go.

The alternative is have two dishes , one solely for 28.2 and the other for 13 and 19. At the end of the day it's up to you.

02-09-2012, 10:22 PM
most of the issues were dealt with in this thread years ago


I had to lengthen the arm when I tried it on a 59cm zone 2 raven dish, and that is probably why you are struggling on a standard dish

you could go for an 80cm and get them, but as for your question hotbird is always going to be the one with more on offer

but a motorized dish and also a fixed dish on 28e are the way to go

02-09-2012, 11:37 PM
Thanks for all the advice guys

03-09-2012, 10:31 AM
most of the issues were dealt with in this thread years ago


I had to lengthen the arm when I tried it on a 59cm zone 2 raven dish, and that is probably why you are struggling on a standard dish

you could go for an 80cm and get them, but as for your question hotbird is always going to be the one with more on offer

but a motorized dish and also a fixed dish on 28e are the way to go

hey echelon can I drop you a pm about how you extended your 59cm dish? Or I can post on the other link you sent me. I think discussing it more on this thread is way off topic :blush5:

Cheers for the headsup on the 13e. I'll settle for that if its the best I can get.

03-09-2012, 10:43 AM
post on the other link as its several years ago when I did that installation and you cannot expect me to remember it all now as its been a while ;)

I certainly dont use it any more and dismantled it years ago

the point I was making is that the length of the dish arm for the lnb is crucial to the focus and spread, and so without altering it you cannot achieve what you tried without a bigger dish that uses a longer arm, unless you make your own arm like I did at that time and swapped it out on the zone 2

I found a pair of folding aluminium ladders that had the correct box section on the legs, and shortened the ladders in order to obtain the required length of box section aluminium (you have to think outside the box at times in this hobby)

the forum is for discussing these matters too, not pm which isnt
