View Full Version : Latest map onto f&h 3.5?

06-09-2012, 03:54 PM
Hi all,
I have a F&H 3.5 which is working fine on 880.3868 maps. I've tried updating to several later maps (all without IQR, alg) but can't get either bbs tools or fast activate to activate the maps. Is it possible to put more recent maps on the device or am I wasting my time?

07-09-2012, 09:13 PM
I've just updated my Navigo v1 and Dell Axim to a newer map : United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 890.4234 , the TT verion is 7.910 and all working well .
I think your F&H is the same as the Navigo ,so you should have no trouble . Make sure you use the device code from the bif file , and you use the correct me_ta file .I'm still using the old Easyusetools to patch as I cannot get hold of the new patchers ,but it still works very well .

11-09-2012, 10:35 AM
I've just updated my Navigo v1 and Dell Axim to a newer map : United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 890.4234 , the TT verion is 7.910 and all working well .
I think your F&H is the same as the Navigo ,so you should have no trouble . Make sure you use the device code from the bif file , and you use the correct me_ta file .I'm still using the old Easyusetools to patch as I cannot get hold of the new patchers ,but it still works very well .

having read the above I just updated my navigo v2 maps to the same version (the download link is in the tomtomgo section by russell)

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156375-UK-amp-RoI-v890-4222-Map post #2

BBS tools is also available from this forum and I used that to patch the map using the correct me_ta txt file


f+h is similar to a navigo so I am going to update my v3 f+h navigo next to that same map

so firmware v 7.910 and United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 890.4234 maps

885/890 postcodes


just need a more up to date set of speed cameras files now, and maybe up to date poi`s etc too

thanks for the input

11-09-2012, 06:28 PM
having read the above I just updated my navigo v2 maps to the same version (the download link is in the tomtomgo section by russell)

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156375-UK-amp-RoI-v890-4222-Map post #2

BBS tools is also available from this forum and I used that to patch the map using the correct me_ta txt file


f+h is similar to a navigo so I am going to update my v3 f+h navigo next to that same map

so firmware v 7.910 and United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 890.4234 maps

885/890 postcodes


just need a more up to date set of speed cameras files now, and maybe up to date poi`s etc too

thanks for the input
Thanks guys - I thought I'd subscribed to this thread but obviously not, hence the delay in saying thanks. Do I need to mod the bif file on the device with bbs tools? pd

11-09-2012, 07:48 PM
the bif file should be fine, I just booted with the new maps on so it told me there was an activation problem

then I patched the maps with the bbs tools and the met@ file details only

after that I have added new POI`s to the map folder, new zip (postcodes) to the mobile navigator folder, etc

both the navigo v2 and the f+h ( v3 ) are working fine

11-09-2012, 10:11 PM
the bif file should be fine, I just booted with the new maps on so it told me there was an activation problem

then I patched the maps with the bbs tools and the met@ file details only

after that I have added new POI`s to the map folder, new zip (postcodes) to the mobile navigator folder, etc

both the navigo v2 and the f+h ( v3 ) are working fine

Well - I just spent 3 hours trying - including starting from scratch on a new 8mb card and I can't get it to work with the 890-4234 maps. No probs with the earlier maps (880-3868)but neither fast activate nor bbs tools seem to do the trick with anything newer. I thought it was me but I did a blank sd card with 880-3868 no probs. App is 7.910 (9815) free ram 32 mb, gps driver 1.20 pd

Can't explain this one but a new sd card & it worked first time. Thanks for the help guys

11-09-2012, 11:32 PM
@echelon , cheers for the link for the new postcode file . I think I should also update the speed cam files too. Will have a look .

27-09-2012, 06:00 PM
bear in mind you need the tomtom v7.910 files in the folder called Mobilenavigator on the root of the sdcard

the latest maps are all in the folder called United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ir eland_890.4234

(nb:- note , there is no space between r and e in the folder name, the forum adds it by error)

the sdcard is formatted on the pc to fat32 and ideally use a 2 gig sdcard from places like play dot com or mobymemory or mymemory or similar
I recently bought three 2 gig sdcards for less than a tenner delivered from mobymemory at play trade

so my card has the following folders on the root

United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ir eland_890.4234

(nb:- note , there is no space between r and e in the folder name, the forum adds it by error)

and then the additional files on the root are


and your own ttnavigator.bif file generated by your satnav from your serial number is there on the root too

note that the * is actually an e but the forum blanks out the whole word if I write it out fully so its me and ta.txt with no space between e and t

29-10-2012, 10:08 PM
Many thanks to all!

I have put the TT maps onto my F&H 3.5".
It took me two attempts - moral - read the instructions properly!!!
