View Full Version : Patches

19-09-2012, 10:03 AM
Hi there
I have a TM 5400Ci super + I have no Idea what these patches are or even a soft cam. Is the soft cam something else I have to buy.

19-09-2012, 02:49 PM
A patch replaces the original firmware on a receiver. A softcam is a file that has the keys for certain channels in it. It needs to be kept up to date when the key is changed and no you don't need to buy it as it is posted on here. Alternatively you can edit the file in your receiver when the new key is known. Both files are usually put on your box by USB.

20-09-2012, 09:40 AM
Hi there

Most helpful indeed I shall now go and do what must be done (hope I know how lol)

many thanks Kuergun

21-09-2012, 01:04 PM
I also believe you might choose to take heed of what is being advised regarding application of patches around the forums, e.g.:-

1) Back up your current Channel List (or use the one you already have obtained/made)
2) Carry out complete System Reset
3) Apply latest version of 'original' TM firmware
4) Carry out another complete System Reset
5) Apply latest (or 'chosen' patch you wish to use
6) Apply 'Add-On' patch
7) Carry out complete System Reset
8) Apply backed up Channel List from above(1)
9) Apply latest softcam

Thiis procedure, although not approved of by 'all' is considered to be the best way to ensure the 'cleanest' system possible is being used - i.e. all the residue of old/duff data is removed before applying the latest firmware!

This applies across the entire range of TM receivers - and MOST fellow-users find you really DO get the best results by carrying out what appears to be a somewhat long winded procedure to ensire the best results!
NB: This also suggests that the 'original' TM firmware really IS ALSO important - to lay the basic framework of your system, because as you will see BOTH firmwares are applied above, one on top of another, to this end!
Good luck!:respect-055:

27-09-2012, 09:53 AM
so some of the french channels work but C+ does not can you help

27-09-2012, 10:19 AM
One C+ channel is FTA but I donot think any of the other premium channels can be opened anymore using softcam. You either need a sub or find someone you can trust to share with. :)

27-09-2012, 01:16 PM
One C+ channel is FTA but I donot think any of the other premium channels can be opened anymore using softcam. You either need a sub or find someone you can trust to share with. :)

I dont think you've stated EXACTLY 'which' French channels you seek here mate?
Think you may find that MOST of them will only open via c/s links and not by softcam!:respect-050: