View Full Version : Az Tv biss key

20-09-2012, 12:53 PM

Is the Az Tv biss key available? Because I've been trying to open this channel and can't. The other channel on the same frequency (Idman) works ok with the biss key but no luck with Az.

Thanks :)

20-09-2012, 07:41 PM
Az TV uses the same keys as Idman,so it depends upon how your receiver handles these keys.
What is your receiver?
Have you ever inserted such keys manually in it?

20-09-2012, 08:01 PM
My receiver is Humax and yes I inserted the keys manually. I did the same with Idman and the other biss channels...i.e. changing the frequency, servid and pmtpid into hex and then adding the key. With the other channels it worked, but with AZ it didn't.

20-09-2012, 08:16 PM
I can't remember if Humax works OK with 2 biss ch's on the same frequency,
it looks like you can handle these keys in your receiver,I can't be more helpful to you.good luck

21-09-2012, 08:20 AM
Thanks sat_rrstm. Maybe somebody else can help...