View Full Version : Help...!!!

21-09-2012, 07:25 AM
I do wish some one amongst you would find a little patience and guide me HELP me set up my TM5400 CI usb super +

I loaded a patch 156p and got extra channels but not all I expected..!! I see some channels are viaccess and some Nagravision and Irdeto So what do I need and what do I do to receive
more than the patch has done for me.

cheers Kuergun

21-09-2012, 07:58 AM
A good start is to add a bit more to the thread title. 'Help' doesn't help.:) It's mentioned in the rules.

21-09-2012, 09:28 AM
we all want more but that's life there is not all that much open these days with patches another type of receiver would give you more options spiderbox protek or the linux receivers you also have the option of paying sky or some other provider