View Full Version : uno crashing

21-09-2012, 11:12 AM
i am running the latest blackhole. everything working fine except when i move dish to 9east the box will crash,only happens on this sat
just dont understand why it only happens when going to 9east

thanks for any help


21-09-2012, 12:12 PM
ok sorted it,gone back to earlier version of blackhole and everything is fine


21-09-2012, 02:33 PM
It is probably a corruption of your satellite.xml

Try updating it.

21-09-2012, 06:12 PM
It is probably a corruption of your satellite.xml

Try updating it.
but would'nt it happen on both images if it was corrupt?
and how would i update the sat.xml

as allways thanks for your help


21-09-2012, 06:54 PM
mister-t the other image is this VIX ?

Below refers to VIX Image & could explain why it doesn't apply to both images if your other image is vix
If it's not then just ignore my comments

The satellite.xml is in etc/enigma2

If you were to delete it completely (then the system-file in etc/tuxbox will be used)

You can get yourself one from -http://satellites-xml.org/

21-09-2012, 08:12 PM
other image is not vix,but did try a vix image but was not impressed with it so installed the latest blackhole image,thats when my problem started
so installed the earlier blackhole image that i had on when i first got uno and its been fine,but all information is always usefull,the more i learn the more i can get used to linux based systems and images, so thanks for any info its all appreciated


28-09-2012, 08:32 AM
I am running the lates Black hole 1.7.7. and it does not crash on any Sats including 9e.
I use my own channel lists as using different universe allows one for me and another for the Kids so can take out the channels i dont want them to see.
May be worth doing a back up with current image, then update and resort backup.

28-09-2012, 09:04 AM
have you tried looking at the crashlog to see if that can point you in the right direction?

its always best to view this log using the tspanel crashlog reader and select short.

this then shows the important bits that caused the crash.
