View Full Version : Best sats for EPL

23-09-2012, 11:23 AM
Hi guys,
just wanted to know if any of you footy fans out there can help me out with this.

I have been a member of this site for some time now & if you know me, you know I'm not a football fan, but looking at a set up for my brother.
At the moment he has a openbox fixed on 28.2E.

I have been doing some searching on the net & looking at LJ's site.

What would be a good basic set-up for 3 0'clock epl games as I would like to know what are the most popular channels out there for football?
I dont really want to set up a motirised system for him.

I was thinking about keeping his mini dish & getting an 80 cm dish with 2 lnb's. 1 x 19e & 1 x 13e and connecting it up to the mini dish with Diseqc switch.
What are the best channels for footall on these birds.

Or would 1 extra dish on 16E for tring be ok?

Like I said I know nothing about football so any help would be appreciated.

23-09-2012, 11:51 AM
Probably the best would be 0.8W, the PLTV HD channels, they're showing all the games today, as they have 3 channels, although English commentary has ended.
Saturday 3PM games now require a motorized dish, to get the most options, due to the FAPL limiting viewing, to the UK.
Currently PLTV HD, 10E, is very popular, due to the keys being known, and having an English commentary.