View Full Version : Dusted off my old Navigo SY885 v1 for my Dad

01-10-2012, 10:47 AM
Hi all
I was one of the many who bought a v1 Navigo SY885 from ebuyer 4 or 5 years ago. :)
Used the PC Tailor website to get it up and running with TomTom, and was very happy with it until I started using a smartphone with maps on.
Its been in a drawer for the last couple of years, and the memory cards got formatted and used in a camera.

But .. this weekend it rose from the drawer like a Pheonix :)
My Dad has decided he wants to buy a SatNav for his car. I've told him to hold off spending his £99 and that I would give him one that would be fine for his needs.
Spent a few hours yesterday going through the stickys and other topics. Dowloaded menus and TT files. Got myself a 2GB fat32 SD card. Followed all the great step by steps that peeps have kindly written.
But its not working for me. TT still wont work. Launches, but isnt activated.

I've come to the decision that my Dad wont want the custom menu anyway.
Just needs to boot Navigo, click Navigation, and be taken straight to an easy to use SatNav app, which is as up to date as possible, and has maps for UK, Ireland , Spain, France.
And be reliable when its done. No chance of any activation errors when he's in driving through some village in Spain :)

Any advice / pointers on how I should go about this?
I'd rather not have to go through all the TT unlocking, so maybe IGO would be a good option ?

Many thanks to all on this forum. Its a great resource for someone trying to revive an old Navigo Sy885.

01-10-2012, 11:44 AM
the main problem with running any of these apps is getting and registering the maps

I havent bothered updating the ones on my navigos in over 12 months APART from the tom tom maps published here in the tom tom forum

to get any navigo working all you really need is 2 folders , the mobile navigator folder with the name of the app as mobilenavigator.exe, and the maps in the place they should be

so for tom tom, as explained in the other thread I wrote in yesterday, you have 2 folders and generate the bif file

the tom tom 7.910 I uploaded in the stickys does not need activating, it runs and thats it !

its the MAPS that need activating, and the uk and ireland map I gave a link to can be added as a folder to the root directory, then boot tom tom to generate the bif file (where it says map not activated or found or whatever the error message is)

then you remove the sdcard and activate said maps with bbs tools using the me ta file (after updating the one in bbs tools) by pointing it at the map folder on the sdcard and activating those maps

now when the navigo boots, you select navigation , it looks in the Mobilenavigator folder and boots the correctly named app in there (turbodog or tom tom or whatever your tool is) and as long as the maps for that app are located correctly and cracked as well, it should work (this is how turbodog worked)

the menus are only required if you require the extras they give you, like multiple apps for instance, including more than one navigation app, my navigos have several apps for navigation including tom tom, igo , primo , garmin etc

but the problem here is threefold, one is obtaining up to date maps in the first place, two is activating those maps, and three would be getting hold of maps that are not uk that are for the locations you asked for, and dont have ALG or IQ routes included

so I tested this yesterday on a 2 gig fat sdcard using just tomtom 7.910 and the uk and ireland maps I linked to, and used bbs tools to crack those maps for my navigo v2 and it boots ok when selecting navigation in the menu

I havent tried a v1 sy885 as I dont own one but I assume its the same procedure albeit a 4:3 screen ? (not a widescreen like a v2 or a v3)

now if you can find suitable maps you are welcome to add links, same as updated apps or pois etc like I have done already

so I do not think you will find up to date cracked maps for anything other than tom tom , and bbs tools is used for cracking tom tom maps, unless you prefer to use those older tools like alberts etc ?

my advice would be to stick with tom tom, get it working on the uk and ire maps

then look for europe maps containing the countries you asked about, bearing in mind you want the NO ALG and NO IQ route maps

I did post links a year ago in the stickies for getting apps and maps and info, so anything on those sites may be of use (like gpsunderground), but apart from tom tom files I tend not to look for aything else anyway

I did sort out one some time ago that was an rac version of the navigo, that booted igo8 using the info from the sticky threads, but as I said that uses maps from about 2011 and I havent looked for updated maps since then (it always stuck on the tom tom loading screen when trying tt7.910, so froze which is why I could not use tt on it)

01-10-2012, 02:03 PM
Hi echelon
Thanks for the speedy and comprehensive reply.
I'll take your advice and stick with TT (without custom menu).

I think I got close last night. TT launched but complained about licence for map.
The part I think I tripped up on was the me ta file part.
I was expecting to find a me ta.txt file in the map zip. But didnt find one.

In fact that whole me ta file part of it I dont really understand. (what it is / what i do with it / put it)
Any pointers on that side of things would be really appreciated.

I'm going to reformat the SD tonight and try again.
Is there any topic with a step by step that you recommend for my situation ?

Thanks again

01-10-2012, 02:26 PM
Hi Echelon
I just looked again at the other thread you mentioned.
I recon by following that I should be ok. (fingers crossed).

But I would still appreciate an explanation of the "me ta.txt" file. Where I will find it and exactly what I do with it.
Why does everyone post with the space? :)

I'm sure I didnt have that file in the map zip I downloaded.

01-10-2012, 04:10 PM
the m*ta should either be in the download or with that post by russell

but update bbs tools as well after installation ,then copy the me ta file over to your sdcard too, into the root

the forum adds the space, people dont post it, it just happens due to the forum censor, so just remove the space as stated in the post

it also adds that space in other filenames too, so as I say, just remove it, dont worry about it, thats all, because its irrelevant to the task in hand

as far as tt goes its not tom tom that needs patching, its the map itself, so just make sure it generated that bif file before patching

ps:- the m*ta is in post #2 of the maps link, so just copy and paste into notepad, remove the spurious space, and save it as me ta.txt (no space)

02-10-2012, 08:58 PM
I have the very same model [v1 Navigo SY885 -4.3"] bought from ebuyer years ago . Working fine but the battery doesn't last long .I hacked the reg so it boots directly to WinCE. On it I have Igo , Miomap & TT running from the same SD card , with shortcuts on the desktop .This was done ages ago ,so the maps for igo & mio arnt current ,but using the maps for TT from this forum I have everything virtually up to date .Dont bother about "hacking" the unit , just put 7.910 on with a current UK & IRE and maybe a version of the Europe map on . I dont have any current version of Europe maps ,it dont really matter as I dont drive abroad .
Follow the guides in the stickys and if you get stuck ............just ask . I can confirm the SY885 should be fine with TT with the latest map I'm using is ..............United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 890.4234 - 166mb

02-10-2012, 09:23 PM
Hi rickt / echelon

Just wiped my SD card and started again.
Downloaded files again inc BBS Tools v1.0.60

Followed the tutorial word for word , but still no joy. :(

I run into problems at step 23. Instead of getting "Map Activated" from BBS Tools, I get..
"Map could not be activated!!!
Check that you have an updated m*ta.txt.."

If I try to boot TT anyway, on the Navigo I get ..

"Activation Failed.
Sorry, this is not the correct activation code for the product United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ir eland"

At step 19 , after pasting my 2 lines into BBS Tools, it looks like this..

; United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ir eland_890_4234
47 1D 72 B7 0D 32 BD 4C C8 83 6F 43 AC 02 C9 B5 United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ir eland-571.m*ta
;Version 12.09.19
; Actualizacion 19-09-2012

MAPAS 895.xxxx

; Australia v895.4436
32 09 06 73 AB 1E 8C D7 6B E0 36 43 19 89 71 3B Australia-607.m*ta
;Australia 895_4438
26 FB 2D 45 CC 85 23 4A 24 C3 3C 61 A6 12 8A 62 Australia-609.m*ta
; Benelux_895_4438

Any thoughts?

Couple of Qu's...
-Should I be able to do all this with SD in my laptop card reader slot? (apart from when i boot TT obviously when SD is back in Navigo).
-Do I need a copy of m*ta.txt in root of SD?
- do i need to open the bif file once its been created by TT ?

Any help really appreciated.

02-10-2012, 09:46 PM
I would advise having the m*ta.txt on the root of the sdcard yes

I always use the sdcard slot of my laptop to do this task

update bbs tools in order to update the m*ta txt inside it

make sure the bif file is created on the root of the sdcard, no need to open it no (although you can view it in notepad if you wish to)

so 2 folders on the sdcard (mobilenavigator and the maps), and the m*ta.txt file and the bif file

now point bbs tools at the map folder of the sdcard and press the activate (you may need to do this more than once)

make sure you have no spaces etc in me ta or in Ir eland (thats just a forum issue and not relevant)

sounds like you are close here so persist with bbs tools once you have 2 folders and 2 files on the sdcard, with the sdcard in the laptop card slot

03-10-2012, 09:35 AM
Hi again
Yey! I got it working.
Tried BBS several more times, without luck. Ended up finding a link from Russel (?) to a tool by Albert (?). I forget details as it was late by then.
Anyway its working. And Ive just tested it on my drive to work. :)

So next step is to add the maps for western europe.
Am I looking for WE map with same version as my UK&I .. v890-4222 ?
Do I just drop the WE map folder along side the UK&I map folder?
Will I need a new m*ta file for those maps?

Thanks for all the help and advice so far.
Think I'm nearly there. :)

03-10-2012, 10:15 AM
good news m8

not seen the maps you require but I assume you need a western europe one similar to the uk+ire one, with no ALG or IQ routes

no idea as to how you add it as I havent tried 2 maps on 1 sdcard, but if you do find the right map I will test your theory no problem

yes you need the correct m*ta file for each and every map to crack them, they are all different

obviously you could have 2 sdcards, one with each map on it, and swap cards as required, if the two maps on one card trick didnt work

must have been alberts easy activator you used, and it doesnt matter which tool you use as long as it gets the job done ;)



replace the 4 stars with m e t a

I think there may be 3 or 4 crack programs for the job, I used bbs tools now but have used those older tools when pc tailor was alive

03-10-2012, 11:54 AM
Seems to be plenty of WE maps out there with the same version .. 890_4234.
Will download and give it a try tonight.
Now that I have TT UK working on one SD card, I think I'll keep that safe, and use another SD to try and get UK & WE both on one card.
I'll let you know how I get on.

Anyone else reading this done the 2 maps on one SD thing ??

03-10-2012, 02:25 PM
Looks like WE map zone contains UK anyway.
So hopefully I just need to repeat what Ive done with WE map. :)

03-10-2012, 06:27 PM
"Anyone else reading this done the 2 maps on one SD thing ?? "

Yes , I thought I had updated my V1 to the latest map , I haven't .............I did my pda & v2 ,so I need put the 890.4234 map on .But just checked and have an old Europe 850.2801 [2GB] & UK & ROI 880.3868 on and it's working perfectly . Just went into change preferences - manage maps - switch maps ,changed to the europe .......working ..........changed to the UK ...working . You can have as many maps as you want ............just switched on my Dell Axim and the maps on there are: Turkey, Greece ,Western Europe [1GB] and the UK & ROI . Same principle applys for each map when it comes to activation.

05-10-2012, 04:31 PM
so, did you find any Western Europe suitable maps for the navigo ? ( if you did , any links ? )

I checked through my TT map archives and can only find uk or uk+ire so am willing to download and try any suitable pda maps that work on the navigo


05-10-2012, 07:27 PM
Hi all
Ok, here's an update on 'Dads sat nav' ... :)

I too managed to get multiple cracked maps on one SD card and swap between them using the Manage Maps option in Prefs.

I did initially have some 'out of memory' errors with the WE map on a 2 GB SD card.
Thought that was odd as the WE map is only 1.2GB. ( I wasn't using a UK map as UK is in the WE map).
But the biggest file in the WE map folder is 550MB. Maybe the internal memory of the Navigo v1 can't cope with that?

What I did in the end was stick with the UK & I map, and added the maps for Iberia and France.
Switching between them works no problem.

So.. Dads all set to go :)
Anyone got a PDF of the TT user guide. ?

I'll go find the map links I used and post them here.

Oh, and thanks again to echelon et al.

05-10-2012, 07:44 PM
All the links I used were from here ..


08-10-2012, 12:22 PM
Hi there i take it from your posts that you got your navigo working .I have had no such look .i have download every file and fold from every working link i can find.bbs tools .easy activator.cereg edit.i have read every thing on here .and wik?? links but still nothing works .if i use ECHELONS way the unit will only load to first step 1 .no voucher just stops .if i load ttzip file from echelons download i get to the second step but thats my lot .could you tell me do i need to make folds on the sd card as with the old turbodog ie maps and mobilenavigator if i do what do i put in what folder.i found on download with tomtom 6 that works no crack files no loading to root of pc or **** files.just download to sd card . please help if you can with a step by step way of putting tt7 on a navigo sy885v2.thank you .bill

08-10-2012, 01:13 PM
Hi there i take it from your posts that you got your navigo working .I have had no such look .i have download every file and fold from every working link i can find.bbs tools .easy activator.cereg edit.i have read every thing on here .and wik?? links but still nothing works .if i use ECHELONS way the unit will only load to first step 1 .no voucher just stops .if i load ttzip file from echelons download i get to the second step but thats my lot .could you tell me do i need to make folds on the sd card as with the old turbodog ie maps and mobilenavigator if i do what do i put in what folder.i found on download with tomtom 6 that works no crack files no loading to root of pc or **** files.just download to sd card . please help if you can with a step by step way of putting tt7 on a navigo sy885v2.thank you .bill

you need 2 folders on the sdcard


and the maps folder

mine has the patched pda tomtom 7.910 files in the Mobilenavigator folder , which is instead of the turbodog files (as it boots the mobilenavigator.exe file from that Mobilenavigator folder

these are the files from my tt7910 zip file, with the folder and the exe file already named, so you just unpack that folder to the root of the sdcard

I have used the latest pda maps too , the uk + ire maps 890.4234 by downloading them, unpacking the folder and copy and paste the folder to the sdcard onto the root, so thats 2 folders only on the 2 gig (or smaller) standard sdcard in the actual root

posts 2 and 8 explains all this anyway so all I am doing is repeating myself ;)

I dont have your sy navigo so cannot test an actual sy v1 or v2 unit, but the v2 and v3 navigos work fine

14-10-2012, 05:03 PM
Hi again
Yey! I got it working.
Tried BBS several more times, without luck. Ended up finding a link from Russel (?) to a tool by Albert (?). I forget details as it was late by then.
Anyway its working. And Ive just tested it on my drive to work. :)

So next step is to add the maps for western europe.
Am I looking for WE map with same version as my UK&I .. v890-4222 ?
Do I just drop the WE map folder along side the UK&I map folder?
Will I need a new m*ta file for those maps?

Thanks for all the help and advice so far.
Think I'm nearly there. :)

ok , just downloaded and added the 1GB version of the western europe maps (version 890_4234) and they patch ok with bbs tools and work fine alongside the uk+ireland maps of the same version

so yes you can have both on a standard 2 gig sdcard

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?156375-UK-amp-RoI-v890-4222-Map post #8

23-10-2012, 04:20 PM
can i just ask when putting tt7 on to your navigo do you use the navigo id in the tt bif file as in XXXX.XXXX or the tt device id number

23-10-2012, 04:21 PM
you run the unit and generate the bif when it errors saying the map is not activated

then you activate the map using one of the tools (I use bbstools)

so the bif is generated at first boot of the tomtom, and the bif file contains the serial device code

the me ta file activates the map

once all the above are done , tt7.910 is active using the bif, and the map is activated with the bbs tools
when both are active, its job done

28-03-2013, 12:55 AM
Read this thread a couple of days ago and decided to dig out my old Navigo and charged it up. Followed all the instructions and hey presto it's now a TTOne with recent maps and speedcams...

Big THANKS to echelon!