View Full Version : TM 6902 T2 latest patch 123P problems

fred fickle
01-10-2012, 08:00 PM
I also have the multiple start entries of appros 19 secs of unrecorded entries with timed recordins on this patch also freezing when altering TPs deleting or adding plus a delay when I press file list of about 30secs before it appears.

seems to be a step back if you aske me.

One other query someone might know how to save your timer entries as they are not saved in the STB file and it is a nuisance having to set them up again when the box locks up.

I have a theory that lockups have a lot to do with multiple remote commands that the box can not handle as have seen this many times especially with Humax boxes.

P.S. Also have the FF/RW lockups when viewing files and box has to be rebooted each time, will stay with it for a while longer but if it does not improve I will go back to 122P.

02-10-2012, 08:08 PM
Fred Fickle.
I have observed the same problems on the6902T2 patch 123p.
Record Ch5 HD using card a 20min recording produces some 27 repeat enteries in PVR files approx19seconds or longer,none will play.
BBC 1HD or BBC HD recordings the file entries are normal! 122p ok.
Also from several previous patches ago, "Play" button only brings up Progress Bar, will not start playback. Have to use "OK" button to select file and play.
Also on the 6902T2 fast folwarding/reversing using the left/right buttons on the progress bar is now tempermental.
Ken H

fred fickle
02-10-2012, 08:42 PM
Now I find it is clearing the timer events completely every other day , what a nuisance deffo a bad patch. Also the add-on has now dissapeared and has to be uploaded again.

P.S. Receiver got full factory reset after patching.

fred fickle
08-10-2012, 10:49 PM
Had to go back to 121p as recordings are failing every other day.Just noticed peeps with 6900 model having similar problems , what a pity "phantom" does not detail what changes he has made to these patches so we all can relate to them.

I will be staying with this one for the forseeable future then and will report any problems.

Does anyone else have problems as only 1 reply to thread.

14-10-2012, 06:42 AM
On the Tm6902 the new 124p has got the same problem with recording as mentioned above by Kenlhuk. All the best yorick.