View Full Version : new motor setup satellite signal but no picture

06-10-2012, 08:56 PM
Hi guys i just put dish etc up today, have put in my lat / long and using usals

Im getting 70% signal on 0.8west and 28.2e but im not getting any channels to show?

Could this be right or any ideas please

06-10-2012, 08:58 PM
which channel list have you put in ?

06-10-2012, 09:03 PM

06-10-2012, 09:07 PM
well, I cannot see his having any problems but I have just uploaded mine as I backed it up earlier this week, and I know for a fact mine works as I just tried it here on 0.8w and 28.2e

so if you dont get any joy with either of them you clearly have done something wrong

06-10-2012, 09:07 PM
when i go to satellite search menu i get at bottom
s = 70%
q = 2%

06-10-2012, 09:09 PM
when i go to satellite search menu i get at bottom
s = 70%
q = 2%

that will depend on which transponder you are on and it will default to the first one

make sure its an active transponder (4th option down = TP Freq)

06-10-2012, 09:13 PM
ok there are alot - do i just go through them all to see if anything changes?

06-10-2012, 09:18 PM
ok there are alot - do i just go through them all to see if anything changes?

thats one way of checking, but using an active transponder is easy enough to find out

for 28e try 10714H 22000 as I get green 84% and blue 98% on it

or try bbc1HD on 10847V 23000 (an example of an active transponder)

and for 0.8w try 10715V 25000 as I get green 76% and blue 94% on it

or try the music channel on thor on 11900 H 28000 (an example of an active transponder)

06-10-2012, 09:35 PM
tried all with no joy, i know 70% isnt great signal but surely i should be getting something through?

06-10-2012, 09:39 PM
tried all with no joy, i know 70% isnt great signal but surely i should be getting something through?

quality is what matters , not signal

signal proves nothing at all

you havent said how you verified your motor was setup correctly, but it sounds to me as if it isnt

I would have setup on 0.8w on music channel or bbc world news or something similar (after ensuring your usals was setup for your location)

once you start with that you can then check the arc is correct by checking 28e and 39e and 42e on the east and checking 5w and 15w and 30w on the west

06-10-2012, 09:45 PM
Sounds to me that your Alinged up on a incorrect satellite,
This won't solve your issue but could help with your allignment,

Start with you Spiderbox on 28.2 east
Now using your remote browse through the following
Menu> Motor setup> Motor Type scroll to off exit to save changes.
Exit from all menus

The above will just disable your Motor while you perform some tests...

Next press your sat button and scroll to 19.2 east look for a fta channel these don't have the dollar sign next to them
see if you get a signal and the channel refers to that of the channel on your channel list, if this don't work please try other satellites like 16E 13E etc

Good luck

06-10-2012, 09:46 PM
is lnb sqew at 0

06-10-2012, 10:12 PM
compass thanks for replying - tried all you suggested but couldnt pick anything up. I did setup at 0.8w but when im not getting any channels its hard to know what to fix. Its as if there is something really simple wrong but i cant work it out. Voyager where do i find the lnb sqew?

06-10-2012, 10:28 PM
compass thanks for replying - tried all you suggested but couldnt pick anything up. I did setup at 0.8w but when im not getting any channels its hard to know what to fix. Its as if there is something really simple wrong but i cant work it out. Voyager where do i find the lnb sqew?

Lnb skew is on the Lnb itself

Try the same as i suggested above but using 0.8w then turning the motor off

06-10-2012, 10:36 PM
still nothing compass really gutted here

06-10-2012, 10:44 PM
is 0.8 west the highest sat on your arc,, whats your longtitude?

06-10-2012, 10:53 PM
006.1w is longitude

06-10-2012, 11:04 PM
send the motor to 28.2e,,, then loosen the dish and move it until you get a good signal ,and tweak the dish angle , tighten up again and try another sat

06-10-2012, 11:11 PM
i did try that earlier but is the strange thing not that i am getting 70% sat signal but no picture?

06-10-2012, 11:29 PM
are you getting any channels at all on any of the sat,s you tried ???maybe the l.n.b is bollocksed.....as they can show a good signal strength even when not working ,,do you have a spare just to rule it out

06-10-2012, 11:37 PM
5w is your nearest satellite to true south and skew will be zero when pointing at it

send to 5w using usals and use gcpe1 on transponder 12543H 27500 to setup your system

once you get the test card and test tone and get signal and quality on that channel you can then see if you have the arc setup correctly

I get signal of 75% green and quality of 98% blue for that channel and transponder on 5w

you wont get a picture until you are pointing at it so the box can lock onto that transponder

I already said signal was irrelevant until you get quality and the correct channel and ident (channel ident for gcpe1 is 1101)

06-10-2012, 11:39 PM
no channels at all everything just says at bottom q - 2%
i even tried the sat bleeper there and it near blew my ears off
getting more signal than a local friend but still no picture what the hell is wrong
brand new lnb dark surely i wouldnt be getting sat signal if not working?

06-10-2012, 11:42 PM
gcpe1 im getting s=64% q = 2% still no pic

06-10-2012, 11:52 PM
my opinion is that when you set this up you didnt follow the standard procedures

you should have input a spiderbox list, and set your usals to about 6.1w and 53.4n (east coast of ireland)

then sent it to 5w and selected gcpe1

now having a sat meter and a tv connected to the box, you should have moved the dish left and right and up and down on the dish elevation until you actually saw and heard gcpe1 on the tv screen

listening to a sat beeper doesnt tell you which satellite you are pointed at, so you could be pointed at any of them as I dont believe you bothered using a tv and the spiderbox to double check this

so if we assume you only used a sat meter or beeper, we have no idea what your reference satellite position is pointed at, and you would have had no idea either unless you used a tv and the spiderbox to decide which of the many satellites up there you were pointed at

sounds like you did a poke and hope rather than scientific study of making sure that what the beeper told you was borne out by the spiderbox

suggest you start again using gcpe1 on 5w , send the motor to where it thinks that is using usals, then set the motor elevation to about 53.5 and lock it, and then move the dish left and right and up and down until you see and hear gcpe1 on the tv screen (the beeper will also indicate a signal too)

once the quality turns blue and you see and hear the channel, you will be a lot closer to tracking the arc from the known reference point

when I set mine up earlier this year I did a similar trick using 5w , then finely adjusted it using 4w

there are a few setup guides in the dish forum here


this appears to be a dish and motor issue, not a spiderbox issue

06-10-2012, 11:59 PM
i can honestly say the only thing i didnt do there was have the channel list loaded first. I only tried the sat beeper afterwards to see was i able to get better signal and did by few %. My reference satellite was 0.8w and motor elevation is correct. I will try again tomorrow using 5w and gcpe1 and let you know how i get on.
Thanks a mill for your help so far

07-10-2012, 12:11 AM
thats your mistake then

the sat beeper will emit a signal, and the frequency will go up when it finds a satellite, so you listen for that change in pitch

this wont tell you which one of the dozens up there it has found (unless its an expensive rover or lacuna or similar meter)

so locking on to a satellite without knowing which was found wont help, especially as you hadnt loaded a channel list, input the usals and sent the motor to where it "thinks" 5w should actually be

in your case 5w is only 1 degree out from your 6w location so its your starting point as the motor will be near zero when you are pointing at 5w and no skew on the lnb either ( so if its a bottom entry cable it will point straight down)

so setting the motor to the correct part of the arc using the spiderbox and usals will be half your battle, then leaving it on gcpe1 and moving the dish up and down and the motor mount left and right until you get gcpe1 with the beeper indicating you are on a satellite, and your spiderbox and tv actually locking onto that channel so you see and hear it, that will prove you are on the correct satellite and transponder, with signal and more importantly QUALITY to provide that proof, with a working channel actually on the tv screen

my opinion here is the dish could be pointing anywhere, and the arc could be way out too

so lock the motor on your latitude, connect the beeper and spiderbox, ensure usals is set correctly and the motor pointer is close to zero, hook up the tv so you can see it, and start adjusting the dish until you see and hear gcpe1 come up with its test card and test tone. at that point lock it up and try for 28e and 42e , and 15w and 30w, finely adjusting until you track the arc correctly, from your due south position of 5w (which is why you are choosing 5w and gcpe1 in the first place)

good luck ( been there and got the t shirt several times myself ;) )

07-10-2012, 12:27 AM
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but installing someone else's channel list also installs their latitude, and longitude, which means the motor will not align to the satellite correctly, after installing the channel list always go into the motor set up and check your latitude, and longitude.

07-10-2012, 01:56 AM
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but installing someone else's channel list also installs their latitude, and longitude, which means the motor will not align to the satellite correctly, after installing the channel list always go into the motor set up and check your latitude, and longitude.

Not correct!

you can load anybody's usals channel list it won't change your usals settings
if you were to load a channel list that is set to Diseqc command,
(it will confuse your stored positions in your motor that is if your using Diseqc command)

07-10-2012, 10:46 AM
best thing to do here ( its a beautiful day for the job ) is start from scratch ,,go right back to the wall bracket and recheck everything ..................

07-10-2012, 11:22 AM
Can anyone advise angle my dish should be at?
I have motor set right

07-10-2012, 11:24 AM
Can anyone advise angle my dish should be at?
I have motor set right

at no point in this thread have you actually said which dish and motor you have bought

so not without knowing the dish and motor details we cant, although your motor booklet should tell you this

its typically between about 22 degrees and 29 degrees and mine is something like 27 degrees on my motor but it does vary according to the dish being used but the dish elevation and motor elevation will add up to 90 degrees

07-10-2012, 11:31 AM
the hardest part of setting up a motorised dish is actually knowing what sat your on if any,i dont always use channel lists,what i have done in the past.used my meter and tv,lock on to strongest signal and then done a blind scan,so for example if i think i am on 1w once scan is complete its easy to check if channels scanned actually match with channels on kos.if not then you have a rough guide of where you dish is actually pointing by comparing what you have scanned with say kos,maybe not the easy way but it works for me,bbcworld has always been my reference on 1w due to my location.but you will get there.patience is the key


07-10-2012, 11:39 AM
motor is gbsat hh120 dish is 1.2m on a ground mount
if i put the dish angle to 22-29 it will be pointing very low
my problem mister-t is getting any channel at all!

07-10-2012, 11:45 AM
to start with keep the dish plumb on 28.2e you can tweak it later

07-10-2012, 11:48 AM
the only 2 constants for your setup is your location, thats longitude and latitude

the latitude is set using the motor elevation and is probably about 53.5n for your location, and your longitude is 6.1w, so both those go into your spiderbox channel section under usals and that will send the dish to 5w when you ask it to for gcpe1

now your problem is deciding, from your do***entation supplied with the dish and motor, what the dish elevation should be, so I suggest you check that do***entation for the info , the dish will be about 90 degrees to the ground when pointing due south, and any obstructions will block the signals from reaching your dish, so you need a clear line of sight from 42 east to 30 west, no buildings or trees in the way, bearing in mind the signals come from space and so at maybe a 45 degree angle (so a wall 10 feet away will block the signals)

I am not familiar with your dish or motor equipment so I would check what the supplied paperwork says is the dish angle or elevation for your latitude , so look around the 53 to 54 latitude section of that paperwork

if you need dish and motor info you should have posted in the dish forum, so maybe you should do so until you get this setup sorted out

once your dish and motor track the arc correctly, thats when the spiderbox questions can be answered

its the ground mount that is plumb, the dish will only be close to plumb on the zero setting (due south)

good luck

edit , the dish ELEVATION angle is probably about 36.5 (as I said earlier, you take away your latitude from 90 degrees)

the dish bracket angle is possibly 27 degrees like mine is

the danger here is just saying the word ANGLE , instead of specifying if its ELEVATION ANGLE or BRACKET ANGLE

there are 3 angles to consider




07-10-2012, 11:50 AM
motor is gbsat hh120 dish is 1.2m on a ground mount
if i put the dish angle to 22-29 it will be pointing very low
my problem mister-t is getting any channel at all!

ok if you are using usuals and you have set up long and lat correctley,move dish to your refernce sat
use your meter and tv,now raise or lower dish any signal? if so scan that sat,if not move whole of mount a degree left or right and redo previous raise dish up or down,i know its long winded but once you get a lock and channels are scanned you will have an idea how near or far you are away of your reference sat


07-10-2012, 11:55 AM
if you use a channellist you have to set your lat/longitud in menu.
or else its the uploader of channellist lat and long you use...

07-10-2012, 12:01 PM
just done a search of your motor,looks exactley like mine but name is different,so what is your location,dont just say ireland lol


07-10-2012, 12:12 PM
just done a search of your motor,looks exactley like mine but name is different,so what is your location,dont just say ireland lol


lol its belfast

07-10-2012, 12:21 PM
just done a google search and its a stab h-h120 motor, page 5 of the pdf manual tells you how to calculate your dish elevation, according to your location

belfast on bing maps is about 54.5N and 5.9w

07-10-2012, 12:22 PM
hope this doesn't sound daft but is both ends of your cable ok , not loose going into your lnb and receiver?

07-10-2012, 12:24 PM
lol its belfast

ok now the motor has a scale on the side,if its a lattitude scale then it should be 54.5
if not then it should be 35.0 this would be polar elevation,this is taken from my installation manual.but i think it should be 35.0 as the longtitude reference would be to the nearest 0.5 degree 6.w which i would presume would give you the sat at 5w your reference sat,the dish elevation im afraid would be trial and error
obviousley you still need to alter polar mount left or right to peak all signals but its a start


07-10-2012, 12:27 PM
ok now the motor has a scale on the side,if its a lattitude scale then it should be 54.5
if not then it should be 35.0 this would be polar elevation,this is taken from my installation manual.but i think it should be 35.0 as the longtitude reference would be to the nearest 0.5 degree 6.w which i would presume would give you the sat at 5w your reference sat,the dish elevation im afraid would be trial and error
obviousley you still need to alter polar mount left or right to peak all signals but its a start


sounds right to me (55 + 35 = 90)

here is the manual I downloaded if its any more help

07-10-2012, 12:30 PM
ok now the motor has a scale on the side,if its a lattitude scale then it should be 54.5
if not then it should be 35.0 this would be polar elevation,this is taken from my installation manual.but i think it should be 35.0 as the longtitude reference would be to the nearest 0.5 degree 6.w which i would presume would give you the sat at 5w your reference sat,the dish elevation im afraid would be trial and error

-ok i have motor set at 54.5 you think i should try it at 35 then?

07-10-2012, 12:33 PM
-ok i have motor set at 54.5 you think i should try it at 35 then?

no , the motor is on 54.5 as that is the motor elevation for which is your actual latitude (54.5N)

that stays the same and is locked on from the beginning

we are referring to your DISH ELEVATION ANGLE, not the MOTOR ELEVATION ANGLE

07-10-2012, 12:36 PM
-ok i have motor set at 54.5 you think i should try it at 35 then?
leave it at 54.5 as this is for your location and seems the scale on your motor is set for lattitude,then move motor to 5w then if your dish has scale on it
try at about 35,this the trial and error part,when both motor and dish is set when looking at dish should look just off flat slightly raised if you know what i mean not pointing at the moon lol


07-10-2012, 12:44 PM
just to clarify , he means slightly tilted back from the "plumb" position when pointed at due south ( 5 west in your case )

07-10-2012, 01:23 PM
leave it at 54.5 as this is for your location and seems the scale on your motor is set for lattitude,then move motor to 5w then if your dish has scale on it
try at about 35,this the trial and error part,when both motor and dish is set when looking at dish should look just off flat slightly raised if you know what i mean not pointing at the moon lol


ok have done this and looks as you describe - straight and just slightly tilted but still no channels lol. Have 70% s and still just 2% q

so is it a case now of just manually moving dish to try improve

07-10-2012, 01:29 PM
stick the box onto 5 west and gcpe1 and have a tv connected, making sure your usals has 6.1w and 54.5n in the motorised settings

now move the whole motor on the mounting pole, left or right until gcpe1 pops up (also have your sat finder inserted in the coax feed and making noises too, to help locate a satellite)

if necessary tilt the dish itself up or down a touch ( so at 34 degrees or 36 degrees etc) until you get a good signal and quality on gcpe1

note:- on gcpe1 your stab motor should be somewhere close to zero, so leave it there, and leave the box on 5 west gcpe1 while doing his

07-10-2012, 01:48 PM
flickerrr it may help you if you were to use -www.dishpointer.com

enter your location and select the satellite your are attempting to align you dish to this will give you a direction that you should be aligning your Dish to.

I know most would suggest 0.8 west as a starting point,

I personally i setup on
Hotbird 13 east 11747 H 27500 Dubai Sports which is FTA

Once i have a good signal i personally move to Astra 4A 4.8 east 11747 V 27500 Viasat Xtra PL1
this is a scrambled channel
but obtaining a good signal on this TP will depend on 3 elements Location, weather & Dish size.

Another good one to optimize dish alignment is Eutelsat 16A 16 east 11283 V 27500 Tring Sports News

Now you can browse through your satellites from 42e - 30 west checking fta channels first to confirm your alignment.

07-10-2012, 01:53 PM
ok have done this and looks as you describe - straight and just slightly tilted but still no channels lol. Have 70% s and still just 2% q

so is it a case now of just manually moving dish to try improve

Just because you have set your dish elevation to the advised scale doesn't guarantee you will be aligned correctly the scale is only a guide, and will also be dependent on you dish bracket being plumb, so gentle movement is the key to aligning a satellite dish.

07-10-2012, 02:42 PM

07-10-2012, 02:45 PM
flickerrr it may help you if you were to use -www.dishpointer.com

enter your location and select the satellite your are attempting to align you dish to this will give you a direction that you should be aligning your Dish to.

I know most would suggest 0.8 west as a starting point,

I personally i setup on
Hotbird 13 east 11747 H 27500 Dubai Sports which is FTA

Once i have a good signal i personally move to Astra 4A 4.8 east 11747 V 27500 Viasat Xtra PL1
this is a scrambled channel
but obtaining a good signal on this TP will depend on 3 elements Location, weather & Dish size.

Another good one to optimize dish alignment is Eutelsat 16A 16 east 11283 V 27500 Tring Sports News

Now you can browse through your satellites from 42e - 30 west checking fta channels first to confirm your alignment.

thanks for help, i have been using dishpointer but starting to think this isnt for me! Is the fact im getting some signal mean anything? Whats really worrying me is im never getting any improvement on the q - 2% no matter what sat im on and no matter how often i move the f in dish!

07-10-2012, 03:02 PM
no, as I have said previously the signal means nothing as there is always background noise

if you use dishpointer and find your house, put a peg on it where your dish is, and select 5 west in the satellite selection box it will draw a red line on the map, showing where you should be pointing the dish, use this to pick out a landmark, like the chimney on a neighbours house, or a church spire, or a particular tree thats obvious to your location

also make sure there are no nearby obstructions blocking the signals as its a ground mounted pole

this task is not for everybody as its very precise and many people try and fail, which was why I was so sceptical at your opening posts as I saw little evidence of proof that your motor was indeed lined up correctly, whereas I know my channel list works fine on a spiderbox as I lifted it off my box and checked the channels and transponders I told you to check

you could try doing this by selecting a different satellite and channel like compass said, like say 28e bbc1HD as you can look at sly dishes close by to get a direction on the satellite itself

I have seen this saga go on for days or weeks on this and other forums from various members, and its easier when you have done one or more in the past like I have

07-10-2012, 03:11 PM
i understand but we all have to start somewhere and maybe some are quicker on the pickup than others! Again thanks for all your help

07-10-2012, 03:24 PM
just checked gcpe1 and 2 on 5 west again for you today (not checked since late last night) and the test cards are missing

so instead try tmc on 11554V 29950 which is fta and has sound using french audio and also pictures too

its the third channel on 5 west if using the list I posted last night

or use france 3 or 4 or 5 which are channels 4 and 5 and 6 on my 5 west list, all working and all fta on 11591V 20000

signals are about 72% and quality of 88%

07-10-2012, 03:33 PM
i understand but we all have to start somewhere and maybe some are quicker on the pickup than others! Again thanks for all your help

first off,is this the first time you have had a motor setup,lets take it slowly,are all your connections correct?double check them,does your dish,motor actually move?have you seen it move?double check your settings in spiderbox,long and lat double check them,i forgot to alter my longitude to west once and couldnt get a sniff of any sat lol,dishpointer which has been suggested is really usefull for you,will give you something to aim for,as been suggested a tree or chimney,as for signal i can hold a lnb in my hand in my house attatched to reciever and signal meter and it will give a reading on meter,28e is maybe the strongest sat you can pick that up even with a badley alligned dish maybe try that sat,dont worry about getting all sats at this point,concentrate on one sat
heres a tip for you,get some clothes pegs or sticks,get one sat lined up,then stand in front of dish and stick peg or stick in ground in line with lnb that way when attempting to line up other sats you will always have reference point to fall back on,remeber move motor with your hands dont rely on receiver at this point,double check everything,once you have say28e and its been marked by peg or stick,try 19e then mark that position,dont worry about getting it spot on just yet,just get dish to follow the arc,keep marking sats as you find them,remeber each sat will be slightly higher from 28e untill you reach your reference sat which will be the highest point in your arc,the all sats after this will be slightly lower,keep going you will get there


07-10-2012, 03:44 PM
ok try this when you have the signal at a certain percentage you could be aligned on a sat but probably not 5w try a blind scan on your spiderbox if channels pop up then you should be able to know what sat your aligned on the it should be easier for you to know if the dish needs to move e or w also the little sat beeper will help get a high signal and then do a scan to see exactly where on the arc you are pointing then move ew untill you locate 5w not that hard

07-10-2012, 03:53 PM
ok try this when you have the signal at a certain percentage you could be aligned on a sat but probably not 5w try a blind scan on your spiderbox if channels pop up then you should be able to know what sat your aligned on the it should be easier for you to know if the dish needs to move e or w also the little sat beeper will help get a high signal and then do a scan to see exactly where on the arc you are pointing then move ew untill you locate 5w not that hard
he has said he's tried that but gets nothing,if his dish is so out of line he will not get anything.
i would just concentrate for example on 28e for now surely he can see a sky dish somewhere to give him a refference point


07-10-2012, 04:02 PM
well if he's had a high signal on his sat beeper and then scanned the whole frequency range 10.7-12.75 with nothing it looks like there is a fault somewhere

07-10-2012, 04:12 PM
well maybe hes sorted it aint been back on here for a bit lol
seriously tho,maybe he should disconnect motor.put cable from spider straight to lnb then try to get 28e,if succesfull re-attatch cable to motor then see what happens with regard to sig and quality


09-10-2012, 10:27 AM
Guys wish i was sorted lol just havent got near it again with work and dark nights but seriously really appreciate all your advice.
Turns out im not getting any signal at all as the bar is red - i was round looking at mates and while his is moving to another satellite his bar goes red and shows 70% and 2% - exactly what mines doing so i am yet to receive any sort of signal!
I think my next step is to try for 28.2e like you say mister-t. I have another dish pointing to it and using dishpointer on my phone it gives me the right aim. I had my motor at zero so maybe i will diconnect motor and try and just get it going then worry about motor after.
Just one thing when you mention inputting lat and long - my lat is -6.07 so in the spiderbox i have 006. - i take it thats correct rather than 600!! Just trying to think of everything i know minus is west

Cheers guys

09-10-2012, 11:27 AM
if you have another dish pointing at 28e put your spider box on that just to discount any other problem.
as for your lat can not remember what my setting in spider looked like as use uno now but not sure if thats correct,it dont look correct to me the way you have put that?


09-10-2012, 11:42 AM
just looking on dishpointer.com for belfast
lat is 54.5974 lon is -5.9341 i know thats not your exact location,but you seem to have wrong settings


09-10-2012, 12:04 PM
spider box has been working on that dish fine - just upgrading to motororised, or trying to!!
on spiderbox you have to have 3 digits so i am putting in 005.9 as opposed to 500.9 im guessing thats correct? The motor is moving and all and it moves to where it should be according to dishpointer so im happy enough with those settings - its just getting a signal is problem

09-10-2012, 12:43 PM
Check the connections, at the LNB, motor and receiver, one bad connection could explain why you're getting no signal. Also check the cable, for any obvious signs of damage. If all these are fine then forget the motor and concentrate on getting a picture, select one satellite, a powerful one, 19E, 13E, and try aligning your dish to it.
Your first guess is correct, but negative numbers = West positive = South, so -006.0W should be about right

09-10-2012, 01:41 PM
on the spiderbox it will be as follows

Longitude 006.0 W (or 005.9 W)
Latitude 54.6 N

and then hit save at the bottom

that sets you up for usals and will move the motor to the correct point for the satellite you choose

if the spiderbox is ok on the sky dish on 28e then its not the box giving the trouble here

09-10-2012, 03:08 PM
As Mickha says Check to see if your connections are good,

There's nothing to suggest any problems between Receiver and Motor as you have confirmed your dish is moving from satellite to satellite.

But Motor to Lnb could be your problem,

It's worth checking to see if your RG6 inner core is protruding by 5mm at each end of your F connectors

I have came across this only once before.
the lad was up and down to his dish for days without success, I said i would take a look at his connections an when he fitted his F connector he had cut his inner core to short to the LNB

09-10-2012, 04:06 PM
OK thanks Compass will check connectors tonight

Should it really be hard to get signal if everything else is working ok even with 1.2M dish?!

09-10-2012, 04:15 PM
OK thanks Compass will check connectors tonight

Should it really be hard to get signal if everything else is working ok even with 1.2M dish?!

providing you have no obstructions its easy to setup on a single satellite, especially 28 east or 19e or 13e as they are very strong in the uk

so even if you decided to setup on 28e (having checked the spiderbox on your sly dish feed first), all you would do is make sure the usals is correct (I gave you the spiderbox settings earlier), send it to 28e and look at say bbc1HD and move the motor left right on its mounting, and the dish up and down too, until its pointing at 28e and bbc1HD pops up on the tv screen attached to the spiderbox, fine tune to peak the signal and lock the mounting bolt and dish bracket bolts up (never adjust the motor elevation bracket, that is set on 54.5n)

then you check if others work

so its easy to get one sat working (yes I know you havent done yet), but harder to track the arc and get multiple satellites

I usually find a sat in 5 to 10 minutes at most (assuming there are no obstructions), but getting the arc correct can take much longer

09-10-2012, 04:31 PM
providing you have no obstructions its easy to setup on a single satellite, especially 28 east or 19e or 13e as they are very strong in the uk

so even if you decided to setup on 28e (having checked the spiderbox on your sly dish feed first), all you would do is make sure the usals is correct (I gave you the spiderbox settings earlier), send it to 28e and look at say bbc1HD and move the motor left right on its mounting, and the dish up and down too, until its pointing at 28e and bbc1HD pops up on the tv screen attached to the spiderbox, fine tune to peak the signal and lock the mounting bolt and dish bracket bolts up (never adjust the motor elevation bracket, that is set on 54.5n)

then you check if others work

so its easy to get one sat working (yes I know you havent done yet), but harder to track the arc and get multiple satellites

I usually find a sat in 5 to 10 minutes at most (assuming there are no obstructions), but getting the arc correct can take much longer

So should i use the motor to get it turning where it thinks 28.2e is, then move everything about manually to try find signal - then hopefully will find other sats too using usals? My USALS settings have always been correct

09-10-2012, 04:57 PM
So should i use the motor to get it turning where it thinks 28.2e is, then move everything about manually to try find signal - then hopefully will find other sats too using usals? My USALS settings have always been correct

yes, thats the basics of the idea

usals allows you to do this using any satellite, as when you have found one and set the dish and motor up, the rest "should" fall into place

09-10-2012, 07:49 PM
looks like you are getting somewhere at last,once you have done it once you will wonder what all the stress was about:D


09-10-2012, 10:19 PM
thats it ,,,keep the dish lined up with the centre of the motor shaft,,,and swing the motor around to you get 28.2,,,,its a good idea to put a jubilee clip below the motor bracket ,stops it falling down when slackened

09-10-2012, 11:33 PM
thats it ,,,keep the dish lined up with the centre of the motor shaft,,,and swing the motor around to you get 28.2,,,,its a good idea to put a jubilee clip below the motor bracket ,stops it falling down when slackened

or a car exhaust bracket of the correct diameter ;)

10-10-2012, 08:49 AM
Start off at Thor 0.8 I take a small tv outside (weather permitting lol) connect spider to it etc and to motor and move it to 0 or goto motor setup and in commands send it to centre, your setup wrong at the min 70 signal 2 quality means your wrong,if your motor is new in the instructions you should have a grid to cross ref to get your dish alignment I.e 30' set up to what it says make sure everything is plum and put bbc world news on go back to motor setup and move dish slowly left to right tiny bits at a time the bad thing about spiders for setting up motor is it takes a couple of seconds to get the signal so If your inpatient like me you'll miss it lol

Hope this helps don't give up hope it'll come we all started like this

10-10-2012, 10:43 PM
Well guys hope your sitting down - IV DONE IT!! Got 13e hotbird and unbelieveably all the other satellites work too, cant believe it

thank you all for your help and hopefully this long winded thread will help others some day!!

Thank you all

11-10-2012, 07:36 AM
good man,,,,,,wasnt that hard was it???
keep all that info in your head for those windy nights ahead...........
good luck

11-10-2012, 08:36 AM
Start off at Thor 0.8 I take a small tv outside (weather permitting lol) connect spider to it etc and to motor and move it to 0 or goto motor setup and in commands send it to centre, your setup wrong at the min 70 signal 2 quality means your wrong,if your motor is new in the instructions you should have a grid to cross ref to get your dish alignment I.e 30' set up to what it says make sure everything is plum and put bbc world news on go back to motor setup and move dish slowly left to right tiny bits at a time the bad thing about spiders for setting up motor is it takes a couple of seconds to get the signal so If your inpatient like me you'll miss it lol

Hope this helps don't give up hope it'll come we all started like this

good advice, except the 0.8w part and being on zero

that advice is fine if you live on the 1 west longitude (so 1 degree away from london) or anywhere in the "corridor" of say 1 west to 1 east of london, but this op is in belfast which is 6 degrees west of london and is why I went to great lengths explaining that he should use 5 west as his reference satellite and not 0.8 west. had he been in stockholm or berlin or sofia it would have made things even worse for him.also that advice given applies when using diseqc which he wasnt using, but was good advice in zeroing the motor in diseqc mode, then switch to usals , send it to 5 west and check the motor indicator is on or about the zero mark

as it happens he has used 13 east as his reference in usals, found it and gets the rest, so well done that man, we knew he could get there, just a matter of persistence and learning, and if he had to do another one this weekend I am sure it would now take a fraction of the time

he now has the satisfaction of doing it himself and achieving what we all have done, getting a motor and dish to track the arc ! by DIY methods

so glad its sorted

be interesting now to see what sig and quality he gets on 5w on france 2 , 3 and 5, or the others I mentioned and gave figures for

also be interesting to compare what he gets on the channels and satellites that others mentioned too, for comparison

11-10-2012, 09:14 AM
Well guys hope your sitting down - IV DONE IT!! Got 13e hotbird and unbelieveably all the other satellites work too, cant believe it

thank you all for your help and hopefully this long winded thread will help others some day!!

Thank you all

sitting down.i fainted when i just read that
seriousley though well done,just go'es to show with a little persistance and some good help off members off here anything is possible


11-10-2012, 09:21 AM
Yeah totally agree mister-t....the members on here are amazeing with their imputs
helping out a fellow member...glad you sorted flickerrr

11-10-2012, 10:53 AM
he now has the satisfaction of doing it himself and achieving what we all have done, getting a motor and dish to track the arc ! by DIY methods

so glad its sorted

be interesting now to see what sig and quality he gets on 5w on france 2 , 3 and 5, or the others I mentioned and gave figures for

also be interesting to compare what he gets on the channels and satellites that others mentioned too, for comparison

I will look tonight and let you know signals on 5w - i didnt look at them should have but im getting 84% on 13e and 98% quality so very happy. Couldnt believe the other sats just fell into line so easily really wasnt expecting that but maybe got lucky there!

Mister-t hope your feeling better now!!

11-10-2012, 11:14 AM
i'm a lot better now thanks:D
and happy your sorted now sit back and enjoy the wonders of multisat tv and keep away from those mucky channels lol


11-10-2012, 11:41 AM
Well guys hope your sitting down - IV DONE IT!! Got 13e hotbird and unbelieveably all the other satellites work too, cant believe it

thank you all for your help and hopefully this long winded thread will help others some day!!

Thank you all

Stevie, I hear you had a couple of local friends pop a long to give you a helping hand, it's great news now enjoy your satellite viewing

11-10-2012, 12:12 PM
Stevie, I hear you had a couple of local friends pop a long to give you a helping hand, it's great news now enjoy your satellite viewing

if thats the case then well done to the local friends
maybe we should have a stickey thread on people who would not mind helping others in there local areas,non profitable of course
i actually helped a lad in birmingham setup is motorised dish,all it cost was a few cups of coffee,plus you get to meet the other members


11-10-2012, 12:18 PM
Yeh Compass you were next on the list!!

Good idea too Mister-t i think even i could help someone now lol :ack2:

15-10-2012, 10:17 AM
Echelon - not getting anything on 0.8W or 5W i think its a tree blocking me so thats been my reason for not getting set up on the sats! Gonna do some chopping this weekend!
Tell me this, I am able to get some channels on 4.8E - but i cant get tv2 pl1 2 etc - should i be able to pick them up? Was hoping they were the same as on 0.8W and would save the tree!

15-10-2012, 10:49 AM
anything in the line of sight of your dish could well block your signal.after 1w i get nothing untill i get to 30w due to roof line in the waythe tv2 pl channels you mention are they the 12456 frequency if so i only get sound on those but sig is 59% but only use 80cm dish here in walsall west midlands


15-10-2012, 11:13 AM
Echelon - not getting anything on 0.8W or 5W i think its a tree blocking me so thats been my reason for not getting set up on the sats! Gonna do some chopping this weekend!
Tell me this, I am able to get some channels on 4.8E - but i cant get tv2 pl1 2 etc - should i be able to pick them up? Was hoping they were the same as on 0.8W and would save the tree!

well, I did mention several times in my replies that you must have no obstructions blocking the signal, including trees or walls or buildings !

so the fact that a tree is blocking some signals should have been obvious from the beginning ;)

4.8e is harder to get the further west you go as its aimed at scandinavia, not the uk , and definitely not northern ireland

I have no idea if the 4.8e channels are the same channels as 0.8w

time to get the chainsaw out

15-10-2012, 11:16 AM
Yeh Mister-t they are on 12456 - i have 120cm dish and am picking up other channels on same sat so thought i should be able to pick them up. Was wondering do they maybe only broadcast when match is on but if your getting sound then i must have other issues.

15-10-2012, 11:18 AM
I know you did echelon but didnt think this would be in way - it wont be for much longer! Am i right in assuming if i can get some channels from 4.8e that therefore i am picking up the sat and should be able to get other channels on the same sat - as long as i have the card for it?

15-10-2012, 11:19 AM
You might want to check PLTV HD, on 10E, 11387 V 30000 S2 8PSK 3/4, this is encrypted, in BISS, but the keys are currently known, they broadcast in English and show most games, including a Saturday 3PM game.

15-10-2012, 11:38 AM
I know you did echelon but didnt think this would be in way - it wont be for much longer! Am i right in assuming if i can get some channels from 4.8e that therefore i am picking up the sat and should be able to get other channels on the same sat - as long as i have the card for it?

no, because as I said the sats at 4.8e are aimed at scandinavia and not ireland , so the further east you go the easier it becomes

you will get some channels like the travel channel and hustler , but you are unlikely to get every channel beamed from 4.8e, and you would probably need a card or cs feed to decode them anyway, even if you could pick them up (sometimes the scandinavia countries use internet for decryption by valid subscribers to their subbed boxes, no idea if these channels need that however)

I get them here in the north west on a 120cm dish, but sound only , they dont decode , the audio sounds like the same as we get on 0.8w however

15-10-2012, 11:48 AM
Thanks guys i get PLTV HD on 10E ok was just trying to save a trees life!! I should be able to get them on 0.8W. Echelon i do get the travel channel but not sure about hustler :biggrinjester:

15-10-2012, 12:00 PM
Yeh Mister-t they are on 12456 - i have 120cm dish and am picking up other channels on same sat so thought i should be able to pick them up. Was wondering do they maybe only broadcast when match is on but if your getting sound then i must have other issues.

you might be picking up channels on same sat,but some frequencies are different,weaker,more aimed at country they are for.i seem to get plenty off that sat
but certain ones i would never get,some give me no signal at all,if i raised my ground stand pole by say 2 or 3 feet i could more than likely get the sats my roof line obstructs.but seeing as most providers broadcast on several sats anyway it just aint worth the hassle,.as for the pl channels they are the same as on 1w
so in my opinion your better going for those if you can get the tree sorted,or 10e as been suggested as that has english comms

15-10-2012, 06:06 PM
hustler tv sometimes comes up as pg tv or something simmilar
just check through your channel list for that sat
