View Full Version : vertical channel get frozen by switching HDMI - old problem

07-10-2012, 07:28 AM
Hi, I know this is old issue but have never found any solution, so I'm asking again if someone fixed this problem. Basically, if watching horizontally polarized channel and turn your TV off and back on watching program will still work but if watching vertically polarized channel when switching TV back on the picture will get frozen. There is some odd problem with HDMI. I have never got this problem using original FW. Have someone solved this?:o15:

13-10-2012, 08:50 AM
Hi Robert.

Running a S4000 with one of the latest HDMU E2 (1229) images, with a Ver 1.4 HDMI cable on a 40' Samsung LCD tv (2 years old). And I cant reproduce that fault.

I know some of the HDMU images did have tuner (transponder) locking up issues, but normally only while watching, of which I think they have resolved. But the fault sounds more like the communication between the 2 devices via the HDMI cable as they do talk to each other.

Sounds daft, but does it do it on other TV's with a different HDMI cable.

Sorry, cant help much.

13-10-2012, 10:39 PM
Hi fatboy7.

thanx for your interest. Well, I have no idea what version of HDMI cables I have. Just bought it with no interest about version. Did not know it matters. Anyway, my problem happens only using the Enigma2 but with original FW everything goes fine. I run S4000 too and also have Samsung TV (42" plasma) I think there is something like you said related to "communication between the 2 devices via the HDMI cable as they do talk to each other" if any of devices connected by HDMI cable is switched off and than on the screen gets frozen but only on vertical transponder. Switching to horizontal transponder makes it running horizontals and verticals again.

I'm gonna buy ver 1.4 HDMI cable and will see if that helps.

14-10-2012, 02:45 PM
I bought 1.4 HDMI cables today but unfortunately it did not help. I even took internal HDD out of the box to try all possibilities but with no success. I'm really sad gonna take my STB to friend of mine and try it with his TV.

I tried friend's TV and it was the same :-(

Maybe I do sth wrong. I'm gonna write all steps I do during installation, please check it for me.

1. install boot loader for E2 using Maxi-flasher-T11+BA
2. install E2 image on USB drive using Maxiboot installer (last time PKT NEBULA v3 for octagon SF1018)
3. run E2 from front USB
4. after first run manually set some horizontal and vertical programs for testing
5. vertical programs do not work after TV is switched off and switched back on (screen is frozen)

have no idea why???????

19-10-2012, 10:26 PM
Hi just did some research about the problem I have. Took multimeter and checked voltage on LNB. Running Enigma2 I got 18V on horizontal polarization and 13V on vertical. It was the same on original firmware but on Enigma2 on vertical polarization when switched my TV/home cinema off the voltage on LNB jumped from 13V to 18V. As a result LNB was switched on horizontal but Enigma2 was still on vertical. Because of it the screen got frozen. Running original FW voltage stays on 13V at all times no matter the TV is on or off. Could someone tell me why voltage on LNB changes depending on HDMI connection. How come the 13V jumps on 18V by turning TV off????

20-10-2012, 12:49 AM

Check my post here mate:

I never did get to the bottom of it, and sold the piece of poop! no such problems with my beloved XTREND 9200.