View Full Version : Feedback please! Phantompatch-TM6800-TM6900 HDSuper_10-10-2012-749p

10-10-2012, 11:17 PM
Phantompatch-TM6800-TM6900 HDSuper_10-10-2012-749p:-

I personally havent yet had chance to check the latest patch 749P out, but I will tomorrow - so please post all your findings HERE, as requested by Phantom/Technnomate alongside this 'test patch, yet again of theirs!:grouphug:

11-10-2012, 09:34 AM
My initial thoughts after installing 749p:
1. PLTV still not stable.
2. Some of the TNT channels are still freezing (e.g. FRANCE3 and FRANCE5).
3. Not possible to test C+NED as I don't think the current keys are known.

11-10-2012, 04:16 PM
Which Swiss channels?
There are 3 TP's of those,10971H (Hd),11526H & 12399H...
It must be something new,never mentioned here.
I can't confirm it though,my TM-6900 Super is given to my kid a couple of years ago.

11-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Well guys already TNTsat reported freezing still by bamber is yet again another disappointment if that truly is the case, I am still using the much trusted 726p myself and won't change until I know that an actual new patch works the way it should and besides not in the mood for the constant BISS channel input every time I try a new patch that never ends up working properly.

Well it's early days yet let me just see what other members here think of this new patch or if TNTsat does work because I do know that TNTsat can freeze if your using certain cams with the patch so let's wait and hope for the best though I won't hold my breath as 750p could already be on the horizon...?

@holmroad you have a PM

11-10-2012, 04:29 PM
@ Holmroad PM now sent!

12-10-2012, 09:13 AM
Which Swiss channels?
There are 3 TP's of those,10971H (Hd),11526H & 12399H...
It must be something new,never mentioned here.
I can't confirm it though,my TM-6900 Super is given to my kid a couple of years ago.
Sorry, my mistake. I hadn't realised that my Diablo2 was in the receiver and that was clearing the Swiss channels.

12-10-2012, 10:50 AM
Just as a matter of interest, here are my findings SO FAR while using patch 749P:-

ALL my Biss codes were lost transferring from 726P to 749P!
e.g. PLTV HD, Chelsea TV, NBA TV, all on on 10E!

Also PLTV HD on 10E still goes unwatchably jerky after 1-3 mins, plus audio STILL goes out of sync after just over a minute!

BBC channels on 27.5W etc Biss codes had to be re-input as lost between patches too!

Good - all 8281 channels opened IMMEDIATELY - especially good on 13E - r.g. Sly It, Polsat, Nova, JSC Sports 1-10 - all this is definately fine now - unlike 748P!
Also 8281 fine opening channels on 30W, 1W, 4E,7E, 9E, 19E, 23.5E, 28E & 39E!

Also sorted seems to be thet when changing channels whilst moving between satellites also seems fine now!
Unable to check if C Ned 19E Irdeto 2 opens with softcam as latest softcams not containing latest working keys after quite a while for some reason!
Bulsat on 39E Irdeto 2 channels opening fine however with softcam!

Downside:- Recordings I made to PVR whilst on 726P yesterday NOT playing back with new patch 749P - not only not playing but when selected it reverts to last live channel on, i.e. goes OUT of PVR list altogether, so will have to go BACK to 726P to play this recording - as WELL as watching PLTV HD pn 10E - what a PAIN!!

So in summary 749P is Much better in general, WELL DONE & THANKS - in MY opinion at least, when compared with 748P - but still some remaining issues!

726P still seems to be the yardstick/benchmark against which all patches should be measured - as has been mentioned on NUMEROUS occasions in the past!

NB: Still not quite sure how Viacess is involved as suggested by Phantom however, unless he refers to Viacess cards?:number-one-043:

12-10-2012, 11:39 AM
I am puzzled by people saying that they lose their BISS settings when upgrading, as that has never happened to me when changing patches on my TM6800HD Super. The only time I lost them was when I loaded a softcam including BISS keys, which overwrote my settings, so I now always check the softcam files and delete any BISS keys.
I generally don't bother with a factory reset when upgrading: I just load the new patch, then the add-on, then the latest softcam and my channel lists and BISS settings are unaffected. When I installed 748p, which required the factory reset, I backed up the channel list first (does that back-up include the BISS settings?) then reloaded it after the factory reset and all of the BISS keys were there.
Are the people who lose the BISS settings using the 6800 model, like me, or the 6900?

12-10-2012, 05:29 PM
Well we are on the right track with 749p so it seems but still some glitches not sorted from previous patches. @holmroad how is TNTsat working for you on 19E? I do in principle agree with holmroad that the 726 is a benchmark compared to most patches, even if some sofcam emulations are not working one can use a cam to get around this but main point is the patch works on most levels. It is annoying to hear that new patches can't get the PVR sorted properly, this constant changing from one patch to another is not the solution and hopefully when & if 750p comes out it wil be the one we have all been waiting for so that we have a new release as a benchmark because the 726 is getting a bit old now.

18-10-2012, 02:37 PM
Tried recording DCI Banks off ITV HD last night, setting it up from EPG!
After all that my DCI Banks recording didnt work with patch 749P at all!
It did appear to be recording from the display on the front of my TM6900HD Super, but was not in the list of recordings afterwards!
Tried PVR recording function again today with BBC 1 HD FTA channel - same result, no recording produced!
Seems we still do have more serious probs with patch 749P, in addition to PLTV HD on 10E going jerky after 30 secs plus audio sync going well out within a minute or two!
Plus SCT HD on 13E freezes and stays frozen on 13E!
All these problems worked fine - and were not there AT ALL under patch 726P!
Shame, because in MOST ways patch 749P seems so much better than all the other recent feeble attempts!:nopity:

18-10-2012, 04:32 PM
Did you test C+NL Irdeto ch's with today's softcam?

18-10-2012, 10:30 PM
Did you test C+NL Irdeto ch's with today's softcam?

Yes, working fine with 749P!:respect-055:

19-10-2012, 04:45 AM
back to the drawing board it is then, let's hope that phantom is actually reading all this and has taken note, can't see why not 750p can't be the best of them all if he has truly taken note...let's hope!

22-10-2012, 11:35 PM
One further fault to report on TM6000 Super Series - yet again when I reverted from patch 749P to 726P mainly because of the current recording problems with 749P - yet again all the Biss keys I'd entered whilst on 749P for PLTV HD, MUTV, Chelsea V & MGM all on 10E, plus NBA HD on 24.5W and BBC 1 HD etc on 27.5W - had ALL disappeared when got back on 726P and had to be re-entered YET AGAIN!
So it cerainly does seem to be a further fault for Phantom/TM to sort out for us - as has also been reported with other recent patches too!:frown:

23-10-2012, 03:13 PM

I know what you mean that's why I haven't bothered updating any new patches until we get one that actually works the way things should, Personally I don't know why bamber doesn't have this issue but then and again he most likely didn't realize we are talking about the 6900 HD Super and not the 6800 which he is talking about, maybe it doesn't suffer form this issue...?.

Well What we need to sort out these BISS keys is what I said in my previous post, an option or some colored button that we can press say "YELLOW" to back-up BISS keys to USB or internal chip and then same again say "RED" button to put them back again that would make changing patches more tolerable I think but anyways there are other issues that need to be sorted out first which are far more important....

* Recording Issue
* 10E PLTV Sync
* TNTsat (19E) Freezing!
* SCT HD (13E) Freezing!
* Implement a backup & restore function for BISS keys

* SRG/SRI/SRF Add known emulation Swiss package would be a bonus!

Fix all these issues whilst maintaining already sorted issues on version 749p and 750p will surely be a winner! Please Phantom......

24-10-2012, 01:45 PM
Biss keys - I'm just wondering if the red button Channel Back-up which forms an ndf file may be the culprit regards the 'lost' Biss keys, because obviously if the channel backup you use BEFORE patching no longer contains them, but only channels (i.e the Biss keys are NOT backed up at the same time), maybe that's where the keys MAY be lost moving from one patch to another as they MAY be zeroised again when re-patching ?
Just a thought!:respect-062:

24-10-2012, 04:56 PM
The new 750 patch is out

24-10-2012, 11:30 PM
Yes mate, but so far it seems no different to 749P - so maybe yet ANOTHER ameteurish & wasted patch from Phantom & co?:frown: