View Full Version : Still no Technomate Softcams - C Ned 19E

16-10-2012, 10:29 PM
See the Techmaker 1.5 is still not providing us with the latest C ned updated keys, just wondering why - is this maybe down to the Masare Team - or for other reasons - anyone please?
All I do know is that there cerainly ARE new working keys - after all its happily AU ok on my G*mm* card, its always previously been added to the latest softcams very quickly, but not THIS time it seems?:confused:

17-10-2012, 07:47 AM
Did you notice that the channels :
12344H : Animal Planet,EUROSPORT,Veronica/DisneyXD,Comedy Central/Kindernet &
12515H : NET5 & Nickelodeon
do not clear any more?
Unfortunately Irdeto has been abstracted from those!...

17-10-2012, 01:19 PM
No mate, hadnt noticed that - but I have noticed they DO seem to keep messing about with packages from one softcam to another of late - Bulsat is a classic - AND in Irdeto 2 as well!
I do realise its been rumoured for at least three years about the demise of C Ned 19E remaining Irdeto 2 channels, but SO FAR at least its carried on regardless!
Lets hope they are wrong AGAIN if that is the case - and have to reinstate it on the softcam?:number-one-043:

17-10-2012, 08:59 PM
found this elseqwhere
C+NL@19.2E IR2 CHANNELS ONLY.. 17-10-2012

17-10-2012, 09:04 PM
Is C+ NL working with this softcam?

17-10-2012, 10:03 PM
Is C+ NL working with this softcam?

Yes mate - provided you are using the correct patch for your receiver!:respect-053:

21-10-2012, 09:04 AM
only a matter of weeks now for the c.nl Irdeto2 switch off they might keep NED1+2+3 Irdeto2 for an other while but the commercial broadcasters will be switched off soon.