View Full Version : 5402hd timer recording fails

18-10-2012, 08:57 PM
Has anyone else have problems with timer recording on the 5402+ , it will record from the peg & from manual select but I can't seem to get it to record on the timer ! Have tried varies patches 116. 118 123 and now onto 125. Anyone got any ideas how to work around this prob, Many thanks. By ten.

19-10-2012, 11:56 AM
Has anyone else have problems with timer recording on the 5402+ , it will record from the peg & from manual select but I can't seem to get it to record on the timer ! Have tried varies patches 116. 118 123 and now onto 125. Anyone got any ideas how to work around this prob, Many thanks. By ten.

Cant test on your model stb mate, but certainly lots of problems recording to PVR on my TM6900HD Super using latest patch 749P!
So hopefully Phantom & co will be reading this feedback ready for NEXT spate of patches, as recording is obviously an inherrent problem on many of the latest patches!!:woohoo-022: