View Full Version : New Phantompatch-TM6900HDSuper_750p

24-10-2012, 08:43 PM
Biss codes/pl tv hd/chelsae tv/nbatv/10E

Please test it !

24-10-2012, 11:07 PM
Biss codes/pl tv hd/chelsae tv/nbatv/10E

Please test it !

Think most people who are genuinely interested in this will have seen & downloaded this new 'test' patch 750P by now?

I certainly have already had a 'preliminary ' look at it - and once again I'm sad to report that it certainly DOES NOT do what it claims - and that PLTV HD, MUTV, Chelsea TV & MGM Biss keys on 10E are still being lost when moving from one patch to another - e.g. I moved from best old patch 726P to new one 750P and the keys were STILL lost and had to be re-entered when on to 750P!
The problems with jerky video and audio going out of sync on PLTV HD 10E is STILL there too and becomes unwatchable within 5 mins!

So will probably be moving back to the most stable and reliable patch 726P tomorrow after first making further tests on patch 750P!:frown:

25-10-2012, 07:02 AM
@holmroad mate, can you provide 726p patch for me as i cannot locate it anywhere!! Want PLTV jerk free!


25-10-2012, 12:24 PM
nice one manic mate.

25-10-2012, 01:17 PM
I have just loaded this patch on my TM6800HD Super and, once again, it did not affect my BISS settings, so it must be only the 6900 model which loses them.

I had noticed over the last few days that the new patches for other TM models were described as a Viaccess fix, so that was what I was expecting from 750p. I have had a quick look at the French TNT channels at 19.2E and some seem more stable (France 3 and France 5) but others are still freezing every few seconds.

25-10-2012, 05:31 PM
hi holmroad ,is they some sort of list of bliss channels that are open .many thanks for any info. ferddie.
Think most people who are genuinely interested in this will have seen & downloaded this new 'test' patch 750P by now?

I certainly have already had a 'preliminary ' look at it - and once again I'm sad to report that it certainly DOES NOT do what it claims - and that PLTV HD, MUTV, Chelsea TV & MGM Biss keys on 10E are still being lost when moving from one patch to another - e.g. I moved from best old patch 726P to new one 750P and the keys were STILL lost and had to be re-entered when on to 750P!
The problems with jerky video and audio going out of sync on PLTV HD 10E is STILL there too and becomes unwatchable within 5 mins!

So will probably be moving back to the most stable and reliable patch 726P tomorrow after first making further tests on patch 750P!:frown:

25-10-2012, 09:13 PM
@ bamber...thanks for letting me know that TNTsat still has not been fixed, I just can't understand why Phantom doesn't just copy the correct working emulation patch which was working perfect on the 743 -745p I mean what's the challenge here to get this right? I also see that Biss on 10E is still a big mess so again another pointless release. I am staying with 726 still and at this rate looks like it wil become a perminant version on my machine.

Anyone got new if the recording side of things got sorted or is this also still a mess? Looking forward to more dissapointing test resaults on this patch as I already am looking ahead to 751 with little or no hope of improvement over this release......well we can but ive in hope as they say.

25-10-2012, 10:37 PM
Still had to re-enter all Biss keys for PLTV HD MUTV Chelsea TV & MGM on 10E again when moving from patch 726P to patch 750P - so this STILL not sorted by Phantom yet either!
Had to re-enter them again after moving back to 726P from 750P
However, the PVR recording probs MAY now be sorted - so far so good!:respect-051:

26-10-2012, 12:25 PM
I have just loaded this patch on my TM6800HD Super and, once again, it did not affect my BISS settings, so it must be only the 6900 model which loses them.

I had noticed over the last few days that the new patches for other TM models were described as a Viaccess fix, so that was what I was expecting from 750p. I have had a quick look at the French TNT channels at 19.2E and some seem more stable (France 3 and France 5) but others are still freezing every few seconds.

Just as a matter of interest Bamber, which patch were you on before you tried 750P please?:king-042:

26-10-2012, 01:00 PM
Just as a matter of interest Bamber, which patch were you on before you tried 750P please?:king-042:

I was using 749p and I have never lost the BISS keys on any upgrade.

26-10-2012, 10:04 PM
I was using 749p and I have never lost the BISS keys on any upgrade.

I just wonder if the keys get lost during the various Factory Resets whilst clearing all the sh*t during the load new firmware process most of us now do?
(e.g. Channel backup, factory reset, load 'original TM firmware, factory reset, load new patch, load Add-on, factory reset, reload backed up channel list)

Maybe that's all part of the problem with the 'missing' Biss keys! :respect-023:

27-10-2012, 11:53 AM
I was using 749p and I have never lost the BISS keys on any upgrade.

Thats very interesting mate - but did you load patch 750P straight on to 749P without any of the other steps we have been discussing over the months?:cup-006:

28-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Thats very interesting mate - but did you load patch 750P straight on to 749P without any of the other steps we have been discussing over the months?:cup-006:

The only time I have ever done the factory reset was when one of the recent patches said that it was required; generally the new patches install fine without the factory reset. I have never loaded original TM firmware before installing a new patch. I just load the new patch, then the add-on, then the softcam; the receiver reboots itself after each of the first two stages.

28-10-2012, 04:38 PM
Fair comment mate - its just that I assume you'll have seen all the threads which DO suggest that to avoid old corruptions etc etc to be totally destroyed during adding new firmware, that we are advised to carry out all the seemingly long-winded actions as follows:-

1) Back up Channel List
2) Factory Reset
3) Load 'original' TM firmware
4) Factory Reset
5) Load new patch
6) Load Add-on
7) Factory reset
8) Load back Channels List from 1) above

Its supposed to ensure that no 'extraneous' rubbish is left in place, thus avoiding problems through that source mate!:king-042:

29-10-2012, 10:36 AM
Its supposed to ensure that no 'extraneous' rubbish is left in place, thus avoiding problems through that source mate!

Perhaps your BISS settings are regarded as "extraneous rubbish" and that is why you lose them. What I have been doing seems to work fine, so I shall continue to do the same for future updates.

29-10-2012, 02:46 PM
Yes mate - if you like!! lol!!
No, seriously it is felt that little bits of old patches, etc etc can actually remain after patching 'the simple way' with continued patch after patch loading over each other and may cause problems including unexpected freeze ups, box can unexpectedly switch itself off for no reason - lots of weird things have been experienced over the years by most of we TM users - and some of our more technical colleagues have COLLECTIVELY come up with this 'safer' means of adding patches - trying to avoid these consequences mate!
However, as you say, we all do what we feel safest with - and I certainly feel safe with the longer way - but you carry on doing what you feel fit!:respect-051:

31-10-2012, 04:32 PM
@Holmroad & bamber

have you both lost the plot?...lol...I am sure that this thread is about testing 750p and not BISS? Toclarify.....Bisss channels get deleted with factory resets as Holmroad pointed out which if a version works one doesn't mind doing form time to time. It is also correct that a factory reset is th eonly sure way to ensure that the newly loaded patch is working as intended by the author...this small example wil show you why:

Correctly Patched With Reset
A: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACC 00120ABCD5535DD
B: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACD 00120ABCD5535DD

No Factory Reset Incorrectly Patched
A: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACC 00111ABCD5535DD
B: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACD 00112ABCD5535DD

This is just an example how an emulation coul dbe wrongly transferred which is why then errors occur.

Now to the real matter in-hand

OK so now we have established that in version 750p PLTV is freezing on 10E still and TNTsat on 19E is also stil freezing. This is such a headache as to why when we are pointiong out to Phantom what the issues are they just don't get sorted which makes threads like this seem quite pointless? If we can get these 2 issues sorted without disturbing what's now working then 751p will be a winner and a benchmark version as has been 726p.

@ Phantom

Why not just copy the correct emulation for TNTsat from version 743p, 744p, 745p where they were woking 100% and also for PLTV copy the emulation from the working patch 726p where it is working 100% and transfer it to th enew patch, we appreciate all the hard efforts you put in to get patches working speaking for all the members here but seriously I mean it's not rocket science to get this right is it?

I am sure you have the correct tool for creating & saving patches for this machine back in the day I used hexedit to amend emulation & keyfiles but times have moved on since no doubt but in principle the task is the same.

31-10-2012, 05:28 PM
Cheers, Tony - I agree with ALL you are saying - PLUS dont forget that I think I'm right in stating that the PVR function is a little iffy, right across the TM range mate!
Plus SCT HD on 13E STILL freezes as soon as you open it - in addition to the ongoing probs with PLTV HD on 10E going jerky & audio out of sync!:respect-051:

01-11-2012, 10:35 AM
@Holmroad & bamber

have you both lost the plot?...lol...I am sure that this thread is about testing 750p and not BISS? Toclarify.....Bisss channels get deleted with factory resets as Holmroad pointed out which if a version works one doesn't mind doing form time to time. It is also correct that a factory reset is th eonly sure way to ensure that the newly loaded patch is working as intended by the author.

Biss keys were specifically mentioned by the OP. I have never lost the BISS settings even when I did a factory reset, so is it actually the "load original TM firmware" step (which I have never done) which deletes them? For me, missing out the factory reset has never created any problems not reported by other users.

10-11-2012, 04:23 PM
Still waiting on Emulation fixes for the 751p to emerge, let's hope the Phantom can sort it out so that we have a decent new patch as benchmark because the 726p is getting old now....

18-11-2012, 07:21 PM
As we all hold our breath....still waiting for 751 to emerge

18-11-2012, 11:01 PM
Totally agree mate - I'm sure Phantom must by now have more than enough feedback on patch 750P to give us a near perfect 751P very soon - in fact he'd asked for all feedback to be completed by TODAY, 18th Nov 2012!!:cup-006:

19-11-2012, 04:23 PM
@Holmroad & bamber

have you both lost the plot?...lol...I am sure that this thread is about testing 750p and not BISS? Toclarify.....Bisss channels get deleted with factory resets as Holmroad pointed out which if a version works one doesn't mind doing form time to time. It is also correct that a factory reset is th eonly sure way to ensure that the newly loaded patch is working as intended by the author...this small example wil show you why:

Correctly Patched With Reset
A: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACC 00120ABCD5535DD
B: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACD 00120ABCD5535DD

No Factory Reset Incorrectly Patched
A: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACC 00111ABCD5535DD
B: 97AC88789BBA34444979BACD 00112ABCD5535DD

This is just an example how an emulation coul dbe wrongly transferred which is why then errors occur.

Now to the real matter in-hand

OK so now we have established that in version 750p PLTV is freezing on 10E still and TNTsat on 19E is also stil freezing. This is such a headache as to why when we are pointiong out to Phantom what the issues are they just don't get sorted which makes threads like this seem quite pointless? If we can get these 2 issues sorted without disturbing what's now working then 751p will be a winner and a benchmark version as has been 726p.

@ Phantom

Why not just copy the correct emulation for TNTsat from version 743p, 744p, 745p where they were woking 100% and also for PLTV copy the emulation from the working patch 726p where it is working 100% and transfer it to th enew patch, we appreciate all the hard efforts you put in to get patches working speaking for all the members here but seriously I mean it's not rocket science to get this right is it?

I am sure you have the correct tool for creating & saving patches for this machine back in the day I used hexedit to amend emulation & keyfiles but times have moved on since no doubt but in principle the task is the same.

Because Phontom is copy paste Boy.......in Uploading not in Software...and For Korean boys is hard to understand all...They are OUT of this WORLD. lol

19-11-2012, 11:16 PM
Because Phontom is copy paste Boy.......in Uploading not in Software...and For Korean boys is hard to understand all...They are OUT of this WORLD. lol

Such a shame we havent still got YOU - sorry Magic, doing it for us mate eh?:respect-067:

21-11-2012, 01:35 PM
Lets hope the eagerly anticipated new patch 751P emerges in the next day or two - as Phantom closed off his thread for our lists of current problems on the 18th Nov (last Sunday) to enable him/her/them to come up with the new one!
So it really IS fingers crossed this time!:number-one-043:

22-11-2012, 01:14 AM
I second the motion, we would have only been on Patch 740p maybe as a benchmark if Magic was stil doing his true Magic, at this rate we wil be on 800p still waiting for a decent benchmark version....lol...just an obsevation

22-11-2012, 11:48 AM
I second the motion, we would have only been on Patch 740p maybe as a benchmark if Magic was stil doing his true Magic, at this rate we wil be on 800p still waiting for a decent benchmark version....lol...just an obsevation

Partly true mate, but there were still probs by 740P :respect-067:already starting with PLTV HD on 10E going jerky and C Ned not opening at that time with softcam!
I do agree though when you say that with Magic we would NOT have had so many poor patches as he would have ensured they were properly tested out (as they SHOULD BE!) before releasing them mate!
Unfortunately that was before the demise of Technomate sales on his site!
If only............!

07-12-2012, 07:11 PM
I think that Patch 751p has got lost or taken the wrong turn somewhere on it's way here......last unconnfirmed sighting in Timbucktuuuuuuuuu?

07-12-2012, 08:50 PM
751p is out

not tried as yet due to usual coro eastenders taking remote time up

08-12-2012, 12:41 AM
Patch 751P:- Currently trying it - but Phantom has requested that we also run a special 'log prog' at the same time alongside it to feedback info to him in a more 'technical' manner - but this logware only works with a cable attached!
I will run patch 751P in the 'ususl' way and feed back my findings as normal!:number-one-043: