View Full Version : my usals position to get a good signal has changed?? WTF

27-10-2012, 02:41 PM
i just reflashed my box with latets VIX image, and my normal USALS position was pulling in weak signals, so what is normally about 000.5 East, I had to put in 3.000 West.


dya think my dish has moved, or software bug?

i can still go 45e to 45w with all good sigs/

27-10-2012, 08:44 PM
Not too sure if this will help, but keep playing with the input of the USALS puting in a plus or minus value each time. It took me a long time and many inputs to get a correct alignment. Hope this helps.

Best wishes from,


28-10-2012, 02:02 AM
thanks, its not a problem, ive got great signal, its just totally different USALS to what i've used previously

28-10-2012, 08:50 PM
had the same problem on my motorized spiderbox 9900.