View Full Version : Organising Channel lists

30-10-2012, 08:52 PM

I use echelon's channel list - which has been excellent for me. However, I now am thinking of re-organising the list. Generally, I use SAT to get to the satellite I want and then use the index within that satellite. I would like to re-organise the sequence that channels appear within the ALL tab of the satellite and don't know whether this must first be done in the total list and the satellite list then follows. Secondly I may wish to arrange the Favourites also. Is there a guide of how to do this, and is there a better PC tool for doing it rather than on the Spiderbox itself?

30-10-2012, 11:17 PM
there are tools for use on a pc , I havent used them but others do

yes you can move channels about in the all section on each satellite , like I usually do on say 28e, then I add to favourites , change to the fav of choice and then move them about in there

so I start with the sat , move them in ALL , add to fav and save change to fav and move them about in fav as required

I doubt you will get a spiderbox for dummies guide for this, but am sure it will be posted if there is one ;)

I also dont think you will get a guide for the pc channel editors either

31-10-2012, 12:18 AM
Thanks echelon. I have found the PC Channel Editor and will have a play using your list as the starting point - best way to learn I guess.

31-10-2012, 07:48 PM
Hi Paulus

I use "Channel Editor V1.00 by W.Litzinger". I find this much easier and simpler to use than the SB Channel Editor. Do a web search for it ;o)


31-10-2012, 08:13 PM
Thanks gman, got it! Will have a play at the weekend.