View Full Version : update ka band lnb soarsat

04-11-2012, 10:14 AM
ka band lnb arrived on Friday, but few days before fiddled about putting a second lmb holder and ku band lmb
beside my c120 on 1.2 motorized channel master. tried to get 9e with dish at 16e and 13e but nothing on any sat.
replaced c120 with ka band and done a blind scan on spiderbox 9e for soarsat all channels came up high 60's
quality. no break up of picture.
now that i knew i could receive it i put ka band on my 1m fixed dish and signal q went down to 60 q. no picture breakup. during a heavy shower of rain signal went down to 52 quality still no breakup of picture.

04-11-2012, 05:34 PM
Glad you got it working !
What do you normally use the fixed dish for? --- I only have the one dish so had to bolt the ka lnb alongside the ku at prime focus but it works.
It's the challenge --- sometimes there are interesting programmes but not very often !

04-11-2012, 06:00 PM
my channel master only goes to 36e then the signal is blocked by back off house, so i used the 1m with a mono block to get 39e and 42e but i never really used them. i would have liked to have got it on the channel master but tried everything with bracket on but think the dish support bar got in the way plus don't have the patience any more.