View Full Version : OpenRSI 3.0 based on OpenPL and OpenAZBox MOD kernel and drivers.

05-11-2012, 11:08 AM
OpenRSI 3.0 based on OpenPLi OE2.0 and OpenAZBox MOD kernel and drivers for all Azboxes.
This image use kernel 3.5.5 for all boxes.
Very important: Use Azup 2.2.7 for flashing this image on Azbox Premium, Elite, Premium+ and Ultra.

This image run very well on my Azbox Me and Premium+. After install reboot the box. Records you only can play in Mediaplayer not in MediaCenter. Better you press the STOP-button for play your records.

This image is based on OpenEmbedded 2.0, not on OpenEmbedded 1.6 as previous images. In OE2.0 standard python is 2.7. So some pllugins would not work compiled with python 2.6 (for example pingflood keymap).

You allways find the newest images on this side.
Open RSI - downloads (http://www.openrsi.org/openrsi/downloads/)

05-11-2012, 06:23 PM
Used this yesterday to watch all day. So far so good. Everything I use in it seems to work ok for now. :respect-055:

Just a few plugins missing but nothing major nor that I'd really miss. :)

OpenRSI is Grrrrreate but personally I can't wait for the new SpAZe version or OpenSpAZe is it seems it may be named. .................:respect-001:

05-11-2012, 07:27 PM
mate do u use catseyes channel list? does your BBC ONE HD work ok?

05-11-2012, 09:07 PM
when i try dreamset and use k1ng 0f s4t import, bbc one hd works, but not with catseyes ch list

06-11-2012, 01:42 PM
Hi ManikM

I use my own modified channel lists based on vhannibal's settings. ALL BBC OK here. Some channels recently moved frequencies. Could the entries you have still be the pre-move ones?

06-11-2012, 06:54 PM
thanks, i doubt it, catseye always keeps em up to date, and i was using his latest november list.

at least its not an f/ware issue, thats the main thing.

07-11-2012, 03:27 PM
ive pm'd cats, I will do a before and after in DREAMSET to see what changes on those particular channels.

13-11-2012, 10:01 PM
Great image, best so far IMO. Spaze was fantastic but had it's fair share of minor bugs. This one is a winner, many thanks to all the developers, testers, forums and supporters. Can't believe I stuck with it to this point :D

18-11-2012, 07:52 PM
can anyone help me get mytube working on this image.

18-11-2012, 10:25 PM
Had spinners today for no reason

19-11-2012, 09:42 PM
It's the drivers causing problems with PremiumHD and with Emu's running. System usage slowly creeps up until system overload. switching to standby for 10 secs frees the overload for around 30mins.

20-11-2012, 01:41 PM
yes mate ive been noticing the lags - running cccam 2.3.0

and still the azbox continues to drive us all nuts

23-11-2012, 06:14 PM

As usual SCART in RGB mode doesn't work, we are stuck with an ugly image on CRT TV with the Azcrap.

- Blue is missing in RGB
- Image sizing is wrong

What a pitty we can not use this crappy box on an old CRT TV with at least a proper RGB output signal.

New kernel 3.5.5 same bugs as in 3.4.4...

23-11-2012, 09:05 PM
yer i was thinking the same, all this "progress" but same old ****ty bugs.

09-03-2013, 09:41 PM

As usual SCART in RGB mode doesn't work, we are stuck with an ugly image on CRT TV with the Azcrap.

- Blue is missing in RGB
- Image sizing is wrong

What a pitty we can not use this crappy box on an old CRT TV with at least a proper RGB output signal.

New kernel 3.5.5 same bugs as in 3.4.4...

I moved my Azbox to feed a CRT TV and I observe these problems.

Which release do you suggest which can handle RGB and image size?