View Full Version : DynDNS no-ip updater or similar

07-11-2012, 10:44 AM
hi all

i am setting up for a friend a duo at his holiday home and want to know if there is anything that will update ip like dynds has for their accounts. he is not at this place that often and does not want anything which needs a pc to update.
the DynDNS updater i use personally on my dreambox is ideal but i see that they do not do free accounts any longer,so can i use this software with no-ip or another type of dns updater or is there something like it with its own software i can use on duo, i am using blackhole image on it
cheers guys

07-11-2012, 10:55 AM
on my pc I now use the DUC dns updater for no-ip, with my router using the dyn-dns one, and nothing in my satellite boxes

however, any of these free accounts need regular updating, say once a month , or you lose the account, so not "being there" could pose a problem

its also not necessary for anything incoming, only outgoing, so if he isnt "serving" then its not needed at all
I find it strange that his duo would be there, with a card in it, and he isnt there (cards and duos go "walkies)

to address another point about dyndns, I seem to remember that allegation on this very forum a couple of years ago, and the company came on here to refute it

they said you sign up or something, and then you could choose to leave the account as a freebie and not pay for the paid one
the point about a paid for account was that it didnt run on an expiry countdown timer every month, which the freebies do
so a search of satpimps should yield that thread

EDIT:- FOUND IT (mikeatdyn)


so although I cannot answer your duo question as regards a suiatable plugin, I hope the rest of this info is helpful, but the questions are

ie:- does he really/actually need a dns host for this duo or not ?

does he know it will expire if its not updated by the duo, router, duc dns updater tool on his pc, or by the email reminder they use , monthly ?

07-11-2012, 03:57 PM
Inadyn together with no-ip is the answer. You can run this on your VU+ Duo and it will keep the no-ip alias in sync with the remote IP. The VU+ has to be left in standby, and you can check remotely that the updates are happening as they should.

In my case, the IP changes about every two weeks -when inadyn invokes the update process it has to logon to the No-Ip account. So it has the beneficial side affect of meaning you don't need to logon separately to No-ip to keep it updated. This trick obviously only works if your IP changes more than once every three weeks.

If you have ViX loaded on your VU+Duo it is very simple to set up as inadyn is pre-loaded (it was on the old ViX image I am using).

If you need more details please ask.

07-11-2012, 06:14 PM
Hello everyone.


Blackhole images also have a built in Inadyn client which can be accessed by pressing the blue button twice. You can either input your details there or edit the 'inadyn_script.sh' file which is located in the usr/bin folder.

Regards to all,


08-11-2012, 10:08 AM
Ditto the VTI & PLI images.

regards painter

22-11-2012, 04:06 PM
Op has not posted in this thread for two weeks so assume answer was ok.

My question now is to Peckish and Painter who are championing Blackhole & VTi & PLi images. What I am looking for is a way for inadyn to log on to the no-ip account every three weeks so that it keeps the free no-ip proxy alive without having to do the job manually. I can't see how to do this with ViX but can Blackhole, VTi or PLi perform this neat task.

As I mentioned above I have one location where the IP changes approx every 14 days and the inadyn process does a great job in keeping the no-ip proxy live without me having to do anything at all.

But in another location the IP never changes - I have inadyn running but it has nothing to do as the IP is constant.

22-11-2012, 09:43 PM
thats a good question burnham

myself,i can update my no-ip from my router or my dreambox server set to update every 5mins and my dns never goes down.
but once a month i get the annoying email telling me that i havent used the update service and so my account is seen as being idle and if i dont update within 7 days it will be deleted.

i then have to disable my router and dreambox updaters and reboot my router to obtain a new ip and then run the gui from my pc.
all this effort and interruption to my server to my peers just to stop them suspending my free account,so if anyone knows of a way to get the updater in the box or router to do this automatically,that would be great.


25-11-2012, 04:53 PM
Hello everyone.


I've just noticed that you addressed a question at me so I'm sorry for not replying earlier.

Firstly, I'm not 'championing' any particular image and was only informing Baz that the Blackhole image that he was using had an Iynadyn client built in, something he did not seem to be aware of.
Secondly, you stated that in one location you had a 'constant' IP and that Inadyn was set up to use this but why did you decide to do it like this as Inadyn is not required for a 'constant' IP?

Lets assume you want to access your receiver from outside your network and that your router has been configured to allow an incoming connection on port 80 and that your 'constant' IP is In this case all you have to do to see your channel listing is type into your browser from the remote location. As this IP never changes there is no need to configure Inadyn with 'burnham.dyndns.tv' or anything similar to make the connection.

Regards to all,


26-11-2012, 03:09 PM
I set up inadyn at the constant IP location just to see what would happen, and as you say nothing happens.

Still don't have an answer to my conundrum, which is to get inadyn - or any other process - to log on to my no-ip account every three weeks automatically.

26-11-2012, 04:40 PM
This is how the plugin works. If your ip changes, then send a message that informs dyndns, no-ip or whatever provider you are using, that your ip has changed.

Your problem is that as your ip is static, this update will never happen, as the plugin correctly doesn't want to spam your provider with the same information. However you can force an update message to be sent. From the link echelon posted you can find another link. https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?154176-scp-problems&p=831367&viewfull=1#post831367
Try setting
FORCED_UPDATE_PERIOD_ON=1 in your inadyn script. Setting it to 1 should do the trick. Also check that
FORCED_UPDATE_PERIOD=600000 has a high value. You don't want to be spamming dyndns, no-ip, etc. every now and then. This value is in seconds which means that 600000 is something around 7 days.

There is also another way of informing the provider of an ip update using crontab with a simple wget command. For more info on what you should wget check these links

27-11-2012, 02:50 PM
Thanks for all the detailed information. I will give your commands a try and report back.

EDIT: I am stuck already. On the old ViX image I am using it seems that Inadyn is built into the base image and I can't find inadyn_script.sh in the normal places eg /usr/script/ or /usr/bin/

I assume the scipt that calls the inadyn process is in there somewhere, but I can't find it. So unless I can find the script that calls inadyn I am stuck.

27-11-2012, 05:27 PM
It could be in /etc/init.d/inadyn.sh

Otherwise type this
find / -name 'inadyn*.sh' to search for it

29-11-2012, 07:34 PM
Thanks for very quick reply. I am away for a few days - will try your suggestions with the Duo when I get back.

EDIT: have tried to search for the .sh file on the UNO and it finds nothing. The Uno has a similar ViX image loaded as the Duo, so I suspect the ViX people embedded the inadyn script commands in another script or file.

2nd EDIT: I have found a lot of inadyn files in by searching for inadyn* in /usr/lib/opkg/info/ - will take me a while to see what is in them, so thanks again for the tip.

3rd EDIT: The above info files pointed me to /etc/init.d/inadyn-daemon. This file has the same commands as in the script file (as you posted in the thread you refered to above). Will try out your suggestions on the Duo when I get back in a few days.

29-11-2012, 09:54 PM

find / -name '*inadyn*'
This will find all instances with the word inadyn in it. Usually script files have a .sh extension, although this isn't necessary.
From a google search I found that the file you need to edit is inadyn.conf which is located in /etc. The find command should be helpful.

30-11-2012, 07:45 PM
I don't think editing the inadyn.conf file will work with my old ViX image. Reason is that this old ViX image uses a special version of inadyn.conf - it is different to the standard inadyn.conf file.

Will try it anyway to see what happens. Thanks again for all your help.