View Full Version : Icecrypt stc6000 HD DVR boot loader problem

17-11-2012, 02:05 PM
I am new to this forum, joining in the hope of finding help in resolving my Icecrypt STC6000 HD DVR upgrade problem. I attempted to upgrade my DVR to v2.11.11 firmware, but the initial upgrade crashed. I then used the serial software to load the bridge firmware version.

My DVR is currently running the v1.99.99 bridge firmware, with the 5.04 boot loader. I would like to upgrade to the latest firmware, which I believe is v2.11.16. So far, whenever I try to perform the upgrade, using the USB stick method, the software fails to load correctly, giving the error message flashing 0x10, followed by 0x37. I am then forced to reinstall the v1.99.99 software using the RS232 interface, which I have now done several times.

Please can someone tell me if the V6 boot loader is included in all v2.XX firmware upgrades or am I required to install the very old v2.09.87 firmware, inorder to upgrade to the V6 boot loader before I can load the latest firmware?

Is it possible to jump to the latest version of firmware or is it necessary to install the older versions in sequence?

It would also be helpful to know what the error messages mean.

17-11-2012, 09:04 PM
See post 7 in the stc 6000 Fw section. Both files are there, if that doesn't work you may need to do a clean

18-11-2012, 01:01 PM
While I appreciate any attempt to help resolve my update problem, unfortunately this reply has not answered my original questions, which were:

1) Is the boot loader present in all V2.XX update FW?
2) Is it necessary to upgrade in sequence?
3) What do the error messages mean?

I now have an 4 additional question:

1) What software do I need to perform a "clean"?
2) Where can I find it?
3) What is the procedure to perform a "clean"?
4) How do I update the DVR after a "clean"?

Just knowing the name of the software does not help if there are not any instructions about how to use it, what it will do or what to do after it is used.

For a consumer product there seems to be a lot of arcane knowledge required to maintain its operation. As a neophyte to the inner workings of the firmware, I have lots of questions and am not sure where to find the answers. I suppose this should be expected for a product that uses an embedded linux operating system.

By knowing the meaning of the error messages I hope to determine if my DVR upgrade problem is entirely due to software and procedure or is the result of a hardware fault.

19-11-2012, 02:55 AM
See post 7 in the stc 6000 Fw section. Both files are there, if that doesn't work you may need to do a clean
Geoffh is right. What you really need to do is go into the firmware section and read all the info Cold has provided with each firmware as all the info is there.
I personally don't own the 6000 but according to the f/w section, ColdAsIce has mentioned the following...

'If your loader is ver.5.02 or 5.04 you will first need to load the bridge V1.99.99 firmware (attached) so that you can then upgrade to the new V2.09.87 firmware. The V2.09.87 firmware will upgrade the loader to V6.00'. (can't believe I wrote all that on an iPhone lol).

If you wanna skip all the reading, the above is taken from the stc6000 firmware section and scroll down to firmware V2.09.87.

Regarding your 'clean' questions, that is done via Porter Express and Flash.V6. I ain't gona write the instructions as I've already previously wrote them several times so just follow the link below and use only the Porter Express instructions but use Flash.V6 and the firmware file for you 6000 (instructions are for 4000 but also apply to 6000).


19-11-2012, 10:26 AM
Read also the second sticky down on the main Icecrypt page,how to hard flash, 'boot'/'cleaner'/'firmware, started by fatboy7'
This procedure worked for me getting a error message on boot up.

19-11-2012, 10:55 AM
Geoffh is right. What you really need to do is go into the firmware section and read all the info Cold has provided with each firmware as all the info is there.
I personally don't own the 6000 but according to the f/w section, ColdAsIce has mentioned the following...

'If your loader is ver.5.02 or 5.04 you will first need to load the bridge V1.99.99 firmware (attached) so that you can then upgrade to the new V2.09.87 firmware. The V2.09.87 firmware will upgrade the loader to V6.00'. (can't believe I wrote all that on an iPhone lol).

If you wanna skip all the reading, the above is taken from the stc6000 firmware section and scroll down to firmware V2.09.87.

Regarding your 'clean' questions, that is done via Porter Express and Flash.V6. I ain't gona write the instructions as I've already previously wrote them several times so just follow the link below and use only the Porter Express instructions but use Flash.V6 and the firmware file for you 6000 (instructions are for 4000 but also apply to 6000).


Will the flash cleaner load if the DVR is still using the V5.02 loader?

19-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Will the flash cleaner load if the DVR is still using the V5.02 loader?
Yes it will. Flash will work regardless of the firmware no.

19-11-2012, 06:18 PM
I am pleased to report that, with the help of an engineer from the UK ICECRYPT distributor, my STC6000HD PVR is now working with the latest firmware from the ICECRYPT download site.

The problem appears to have been that my copy of v1.99.99 firmware was corrupted (fac.icecrypt.stc6000hdpvr.v1.99. 99.2011aug11). This copy allowed the PVR to appear to run correctly, but stopped any further updates.

Thank you to all those who offered advice and assistance. My particular thanks to Ray in technical, who was so helpful in fixing the problem.

(Note, I have not given the distributor company name as I am unsure if this would break the forum rules, but the contact can be found on the Icecrypt download web site.)

23-11-2012, 07:55 AM
I am - as you - a novice to linux and how to do things. I am also the proud owner of the STC6000 and are quite happy with it. Especially with the latest 2.11.11 s/w - but I can see on a post here , that a 2.11.16 has been released - however it doesnt show up on the Icecrypt site (latest s/W there is 2.11.11). I have tried to upgrade from 2.11.11 to 2.11.16 but with no success. Before the writing to the ram started, the display issued an "errror" sign.
Have you had success with this s/W ? I have the loader 6.00
Regards, Claus, Denmark

I am pleased to report that, with the help of an engineer from the UK ICECRYPT distributor, my STC6000HD PVR is now working with the latest firmware from the ICECRYPT download site.

The problem appears to have been that my copy of v1.99.99 firmware was corrupted (fac.icecrypt.stc6000hdpvr.v1.99. 99.2011aug11). This copy allowed the PVR to appear to run correctly, but stopped any further updates.

Thank you to all those who offered advice and assistance. My particular thanks to Ray in technical, who was so helpful in fixing the problem.

(Note, I have not given the distributor company name as I am unsure if this would break the forum rules, but the contact can be found on the Icecrypt download web site.)

23-11-2012, 10:14 AM
I know very little about the PVR firmware and most of the little I do know has been gleaned by deduction, but of necessity I have learned a few useful facts over the past few days.

I now know there are at least four ways of loading the firmware and have tried them all, which are you using?

1) via the memory stick which is detected when the PVR is operating normally.
2) force loading using a memory stick by powering up the PVR with the channel up button pressed on the front panel.
3) loading via the serial port using the PC program. (the last resort)
4) loading via the Ethernet network port via the download web site.

It appears to be essential to do a factory reset after each firmware update. presumable this is to clear the stored data.

I have loaded the 2.11.16 software, using method 1, without problem, updating from 2.11.11.

My PVR reports the following system information.
Model STC6000HDPVR
Frequency Area Europe
Loader Version L6.00
H/W Version HS 8200 1.00
Application Version HS v2.11.16
API Version API Nov 5 2012
Data Version FDU v1.4

I cannot say either versions of firmware is bug free. When the PVR is working it is excellent, however I have observed the following problems:

The EPG program event descriptions disappear leaving just the program names and the message "no information available" in the event description field.
This error seems to be related to opening the new FAV menu under the EPG.

The recovery back-up no-longer works correctly as any attempt at recovering a stored position results in a flashing red "No Service"
error. The only way out of this seems to be a reload of the firmware, followed by a factory reset and then a rescan of the channels.

Reloading of the stored channel data also does not work correctly.

It appears that storing channel data for more than one satellite can result in a failure of the program guide to update, reporting the error message "failed to tune"

Setting the power save mode, locks the PVR when it is turn off, leaving a high brightness "Power Off" on the display. Escape from this is by turning the power off and on, forcing a reboot.

Setting the FAV auto EPG update in standby, and the power save mode seems to result in a conflict, putting the PVR into a deep sleep.
The PVR detects the IR handset turn on command, but just flashes a dot on the display and fails to wake up.

Provided certain menu options are avoided, the PVR is usable, however I am beginning to suspect that the loss of program description in the EPG is not just triggered by access to the FAV menu and maybe related to memory usage.

23-11-2012, 10:26 AM
I have tried methode #1 - that function with the 2.11.11 but not the .16 s/w
Anyway - due to your report I wont try to upgrade to .16
I have also tried to upgrade via the net - but cant get in touch with the icecrypt server :(
Btw I have'nt made the factory reset at all - but it functions anyway.

30-11-2012, 05:09 PM
My problem with the power off has been fixed by running flash clean and then reinstalling the 2.11.16 firmware. I am now able to put the PVR into low power standby and wake it using the remote control. When in low power standby, the EPG update in standby does not appear to work. I assume this is because the PVR does not support a timer to wake it from low power standby to allow it to perform the guide update and return to standby mode.

The problems with the operation of the EPG remain, these are:

If the auto update in standby is set, it is impossible to perform a manual update of the EPG. The error message "failed to tune" is generated.
Interestingly, the same error is also generated when attempting to manually tune, when the update in standby is again switched off, however, the guide does update between one in five or ten times of trying. The update lacks the program short event description, storing only the program name and time information and reporting "no event information available". Again there appears to be exceptions, in that the guide sometime reports short event information for programs currently being broadcast and the one that follows, I have been unable to establish if this is channel specific, but I suspect not.

It has been suggested that this error is due to selecting satellites that the PVR does not support as sources of EPG information. To check this I tuned the PVR to only the FreeSat channels on Astra N 28.2 East. This did not fix the problem. I did notice that the PVR sometimes appears to search other satellites to which the PVR had once been tuned, I do no know if this is due to the failure to erase old tuning information or because the the network box was ticked during the tuning for the Astra N satellite.

In general the 2.11.16 firmware appears to be stable and usable, provided you are happy to accept the current limitation on the operation of the EPG.

Further information: I have noticed that if I run the MHW-EPG, the software scans four Astra Satellites for guide information. Each fails with the error message "Tuning failed". If I then run the "Open EPG" update this normally succeeds on the second attempt. It appears as if running the MHW-EPG first helps the Open EPG to operate. I have repeated this test a number of times and it has worked each time. Maybe running MHW-EPG clears some flags or memory or maybe the scanning software is running through a list of satellites. I post this observation in the hope that the software developers may read it and find it useful in fixing the bugs in the EPG software.

01-04-2013, 07:42 PM
I am pleased to report that, with the help of an engineer from the UK ICECRYPT distributor, my STC6000HD PVR is now working with the latest firmware from the ICECRYPT download site.

The problem appears to have been that my copy of v1.99.99 firmware was corrupted (fac.icecrypt.stc6000hdpvr.v1.99. 99.2011aug11). This copy allowed the PVR to appear to run correctly, but stopped any further updates.

Any chance you could upload the v1.99.99 firmware and the instructions the tech gave you on uploading the boot loader as I'm having the same issues that you had (boot loader stuck on L5.04). Thanks

01-04-2013, 08:45 PM
Any chance you could upload the v1.99.99 firmware and the instructions the tech gave you on uploading the boot loader as I'm having the same issues that you had (boot loader stuck on L5.04). Thanks

I will attempt to do so, however I will need to unravel a number of emails between ICECRYPT tech and myself, and refresh my memory of the procedure which I have not performed since the upgrade five or more months ago.

But as I recall the main points were:

That it was necessary to upgrade in very short version steps, as the newer loader is only included in the firmware version that directly follows the one you are using, and I was using at the time. Later versions of the firmware do not contain the loader software.
It was also necessary to load and run the memory cleaning software, before performing the firmware upgrade, as data stored in the DVR could stop the upgrade working.

For the upgrade to work it is necessary to make a null RS232 cable connection between the DVR and a PC running the download program, (porter express), that transfers the firmware image. This was because the old loader had an error in USB loading software, so it did not work.

This process is not without risk, as a failure in the upload process can lock-up the DVR by corrupting the loader.

Once the upgrade has been performed successfully, it is not possible to go back to running any of the v 1.9*** firmware, it is a one way process that while it fixes some lockup problems, it introduces the EPG bugs I have reported on this site

As I recall, there was also a telephone discussion to confirm that my DVR hardware was sufficiently new to be able to run the upgraded firmware, some older hardware versions might require a change of the main PCB, I believe this was due to a memory issue.

I have not uploaded software to this site before, how do I attach a file? You should also know that I only have an unzipped copy of the V1.99.99 software, so I will need to re-zip it before posting.

01-04-2013, 09:40 PM
Thanks mate. To upload choose 'go advance' tab under post reply and then 'manage' to upload the file.
What flash cleaner were you using on f/w 1.99.99? The one posted on ice website gives me errors each and every time!

01-04-2013, 10:00 PM
As I recall I had the same poblem with the 1.99.99 version on the Icecrypt web site.
I believe that you need to use the V3.* cleaner with the V1.9*firmware.

I have tried to upload the file, but I get an invalid file type message.

01-04-2013, 10:06 PM
As I recall I had the same poblem with the 1.99.99 version on the Icecrypt web site.
I believe that you need to use the V3.* cleaner with the V1.9*firmware.

Did you get that off this site? As not on ice site.

I have tried to upload the file, but I get an invalid file type message.

The file needs to be rar, zip etc format.

01-04-2013, 10:17 PM
Attached is a zip file containing the files I think you require. These are the ones I used to perform the upgrade, They are provided for you to use at your own risk and in the understanding that this information is freely avalible in the public domain from the ICECRYPT web site, all be it that the V1.99.99 file on that site seems to contain an error.

Sorry about the disclaimer, but I have no wish to be sued by ICECRYPT for copyright infringement or you if the upgrade goes horribly wrong.

02-04-2013, 12:05 AM
Thanks for the files. Flash cleaner worked a treat but same issue with loader stuck on L5.04 Have given up and emailed ice. Will keep u posted.

02-04-2013, 01:30 AM
I suggest you check your version of hardware and make sure it is the same age or younger than My DVR. The data is shown above.

It is important to turn off the power to the DVR, before you start the new download. It does not appear sufficient to just put it in sleep mode.. Connect up the RS232 cable and start the download on the pc. You should see the download start on the DVR when you switch it back on. It is possible you have not gone sufficiently far back with the firmware update. I will check if I loaded to an earlier version of the firmware before loading v1.99.99.

The RS232 lead only needs Tx and Rx with crossover and ground. Set the PC port to software handshake, I think the speed is 9600baud. The RS232 download takes a very long time to complete the update, as I recall 20 to 30 minutes or more. Not something you want to do many times. I repeated it several times in an attempt to fix the EPG problem, as the EPG works when the new firmware is first installed. It only shows the problems I reported after a few hours. When it performs the loader update, you can see it clear and load each page.

No doubt ICECRYPT will help.

02-04-2013, 01:41 AM
Previous f/w was V1.09.35. Flash worked as normal and so did f/w V1.99.99. However, trying to update to f/w V2.09.87 gives an error 0x10.
Also have the ice 4000 so using the same method.

02-04-2013, 02:20 AM
I think error 0x10 means that the new loader has not installed correctly.
What does the system log report as the status of the DVR?
It should be similar to the one I posted above.

I have been tracing through my email conversation with ICECRYPT. The first firmware version I loaded after the new loader was installed was v2.11.11.2012Oct23.ird. This loaded, but was full of bugs, so I updated to v2.11.16.2012Nov08.ird.

Unfortunately I do not have a full record of all the steps I was forced to take, as some of my conversations with ICECRYPT were by telephone. I found a very friendly engineer there, who was a great help in the debug process. The update process involved a lot of factory resets and power switch offs, before I was able to install the new loader, but once it was installed I was able to switch to using the USB stick update method.

02-04-2013, 02:44 AM
My PVR reports the following system information.
Model STC6000HDPVR
Frequency Area Europe
Loader Version L6.00
H/W Version HS 8200 1.00
Application Version HS v2.11.16
API Version API Nov 5 2012
Data Version FDU v1.4

Mine are as follows..

Model -- STC6000HDPVR
Frequency Area -- Europe
Loader Version -- L5.04
H/W Version -- HS 8200 1.00
Application Version -- HS v1.99.99
API Version -- API Aug 11 2011
Data Version -- FDU v1.3

Have tried every trick in the book but the ice is playing hard to get. Has a hissy fit and starts throwing tantrums of error 0x10 (gona be seeing that error in my dreams, been at it for the last 4hrs).

02-04-2013, 04:17 PM
Just spoken to ice rep, not very helpful. Without any troubleshooting wants me to send the unit in for a 'check' as to whats wrong.

Anyone else with any ideas?

02-04-2013, 07:13 PM
You will not be able to update past v1.99.99 until the boot loader has been updated.I have found one other file on the PC I used to updata my DVR, I think it is a special version of the firmware with the new boot loader included. I will post it here, but you must use it at your own risk, as I do not have any instructions relating to its operation other than its name. I do wish ICECRYPT would publish doc files with there code, to tell the user what the code does and how to install it.

02-04-2013, 07:23 PM
I would have posted this last night, or rather the early hours of this morning, had it not been for a failure of the UPS that powers that computer. It took me a while to find a new battery.

I believe that the attached file will take you back to an earlier version of the firmware with the L6.00 boot loader attached. You will need to use the RS232 loadmethod. You should then be able to update to v1.99.99 and then to v2.**.
As I now recall there was a problem finding a version of the firmware which included the new loader and the attached is that version, but it has lots of other problems, so it is necessary to just use it as an update step. This is all from memory of an event five months ago and after very little sleep, so I hope you will forgive me missing out this step in the begining.

If you a unsure that it is safe to run, I suggest you email icecrypt and ask for a version from them. If you intend to send the unit back, maybe you have nothing to lose.

I am a little concerned about posting this file as it is not on the ICECRYPT web site, though it must have been at one time or no one would have been able to perform the upgrade.

02-04-2013, 08:35 PM
Thanks NJ. That file is available on the ice website and as you guessed, i've already tried it. I'm just giving the 1 you posted a shot to see if the ice accepts the V2** software to update the loader to 6.00. Its just strange; as much as I hate the ice4000, that never gave me this much greef as the 6000.
Regarding sending the unit back, thats fine but thought could try myself as i've had many bricked boxes brought back to life but this particular one tends to elude me.


Still on L5.04. I give up!!!

04-04-2013, 04:12 PM
Result, got it all up and working. Special thanks to NJ for the continued support ;)

04-04-2013, 10:09 PM
Result, got it all up and working.

Great news, but how did you fix it?

Did I forget some vital step in the update process?

To assist others, how about posting the updata process info while it is still fresh.

12-04-2013, 11:48 PM
Great news, but how did you fix it?

Did I forget some vital step in the update process?

To assist others, how about posting the updata process info while it is still fresh.

Sorry for the late reply (been really busy with work). Since I wasn't getting anywhere with either the bootloader update or icecrypt technical help, I decided to load each and every firmware way back to the initial release date and upon reaching the bootloader update firmware (aka bridge) I used fatboy's usb method (a special thanks to him), closed my eyes and prayed (honestly I did).

I have to give my upmost thanks and appreciation to NJ who helped me as much as he could and especially taking the time to upload certain files ;)