View Full Version : Vu Ultimo - Upload Catseye Settings via FTP

21-11-2012, 08:22 PM

As a newbie, what is the correct procedure for uploading the latest Catseye settings file to the Vu Ultimo receiver via FTP, including the directory paths on the receiver? Or alternatively, please point me in the right direction.

Many thanks in advance, for all your help.

With kind regards.

21-11-2012, 08:33 PM
I use Vu-Control-Centre to update channel settings and more on my VUUNO


21-11-2012, 08:37 PM
Load Black Hole image and update direct from the image addon server.

If not use Dreambox edit to load them.

15-04-2013, 04:57 PM

Regarding the above loading of Catseye settings for an Vu Ultimo, will this alternative method also work when the Catseye settings (once uncompressed) are loaded into Dreamset application and then "writen" them back into the receiver?

Many thanks in advance, for all your help.

With kind regards.