View Full Version : anyone got a working and stable E2 image for azbox premium hd?

23-11-2012, 09:07 PM
anyone actually got a good setup on their azbox?

cccam, recording, timers, and not crashing?

let me know what kernel, and what software you're using?


23-11-2012, 10:20 PM
After alot of hassle - i mean alot - i am finally satisfied with my azbox running image release 1.7.0 28-2-2012 - recordings all good, timers work, cccam no glitching - very happy at last - took 2+ years though!

24-11-2012, 10:47 AM
After alot of hassle - i mean alot - i am finally satisfied with my azbox running image release 1.7.0 28-2-2012 - recordings all good, timers work, cccam no glitching - very happy at last - took 2+ years though!

thanks mate, can u link me to what youre using or pm me

what kernel and image exactly - thanks!

g ali
24-11-2012, 05:39 PM
tried e2 b4 bricked my box twice still waiting for a good stable one
now i am on ofw 5402
mind u spaze team image is good though:confused::confused::confus ed:

24-11-2012, 08:31 PM
thanks mate, can u link me to what youre using or pm me

what kernel and image exactly - thanks!

here it is RTI e2 1.7

25-11-2012, 12:27 PM
thanks - trying this today

25-11-2012, 10:16 PM
ahhh ive used this image before, its the one where ch4hd dont work!

almost perfect then

25-11-2012, 10:30 PM
ahhh ive used this image before, its the one where ch4hd dont work!

almost perfect then

Ah! I don't watch C4HD on my azbox - i have Youview for that!

25-11-2012, 11:50 PM
ch4 fix is here:

Stable image now is OpenRSI 3,0 from _www.openrsi.org might even be posted here. Working great on ME & no need for ch4 fix. :)

27-11-2012, 02:40 PM
ch4 fix is here:

Stable image now is OpenRSI 3,0 from _www.openrsi.org might even be posted here. Working great on ME & no need for ch4 fix. :)

hi mate, its not stable on a premium.

you get spinners due to resource leakage if using CCCAM - also TSPANEL causes crashing.

27-11-2012, 02:48 PM
the image smudger has linked me to tho, has been solid as he says (apart from ch4 hd)

28-11-2012, 10:09 AM
Try new OpenRSI 3.0 kernel 3.3.1 ( new drivers and kernel) Use Azup 2.2.7, released 30 minutes ago:


Dig Deep
28-11-2012, 12:05 PM
Yes, I will do that. Thank´s for the update

28-11-2012, 02:31 PM
thanks i will try at the weekend.

happy with the other image, except ch4hd.

28-11-2012, 08:20 PM
If anybody downloaded it this morning please download again Sattommy made some small fixes today

28-11-2012, 09:30 PM
OpenRSI 3.0 from the 23/11 claims to use kernel 3.5.5, do you mean that you downgrade the kernel in OpenRSI 3.0 (28/11) to kernel 3.3.1?
So for me kernel 3.3.1 is not new drivers and kernel...

28-11-2012, 10:18 PM
Well Pr2 Azbox hD models never had 3.3.1 kernel (mini/ME has) so for thats it's new.

Drivers are new and kernel also ( 3.3.1 kernel for azbox hd is new because it was never made before), OpenAzbox team reverted back to more stable kernel because 3.5.5 was hardly useble.
Lots off problems are solved now in 3.3.1 vs 3.5.5

kdhmi OK
internal cardreader OK
Tuners OK
DTS/5.1 OK
Timeschift/Recording/Timers OK

Only thing is ftdi driverbut you can install it through telnet:

opkg install kernel-module-ftdi-sio

28-11-2012, 10:52 PM
And what about image speed when going through menu? No slowness and cogs"?

28-11-2012, 11:39 PM
No, speed is OK in zapping and also in menue.

29-11-2012, 08:18 AM
ftdi - fixed with image from today

29-11-2012, 10:49 AM
An external cardreader (Infinity USB Reader) is only recogmised on my Premium+ on an USB hub. If I go directly on the box. the box do not recognise it.

29-11-2012, 10:58 AM
i'll give it a go, well done all.

29-11-2012, 11:26 AM
Hi all,
I have following questions:
1. Does WiFi work properly on this image (RSI 3.0 kernel 3.3.1 from 27 or 28 November)? Very crucial for me as NO option to have LAN cable all the time connected…just while flashing…and then only WiFi has to be used
2. Media Center:
a) Does it play all formats
b) Buttons functionality in place?-e.g. Play/Stop/Forward/Fast forward/Backward/Fast Backward
Thanks in advance

P.S. Using Premium HD

29-11-2012, 01:25 PM
My answers in blue below

Hi all,
1. Does WiFi work properly on this image (RSI 3.0 kernel 3.3.1 from 27 or 28 November)? Very crucial for me as NO option to have LAN cable all the time connected…just while flashing…and then only WiFi has to be used
DD: Dunno. I use LAN.
2. Media Center:
a) Does it play all formats
DD: Works OK for me on all formats I have tried. Only thing I never tried were ISO's.
b) Buttons functionality in place?-e.g. Play/Stop/Forward/Fast forward/Backward/Fast Backward
DD: Play/Stop yes. The rest no. Still number buttons as on original DM images. Doubt this will ever change.

29-11-2012, 01:47 PM
Wlan works

29-11-2012, 02:10 PM
all looking good - no lock ups \ spinners in cccam?

29-11-2012, 02:12 PM
all looking good - no lock ups \ spinners in cccam?
Don't give it so much beer then.:cheers2:

29-11-2012, 02:45 PM
sorry mate, that was a expressive question. not a statement.

translated i meant:
"is it all looking good then? are there no longer problems when using cccam?"

29-11-2012, 02:55 PM
CCcam OK
Oscam OK
Multics OK

29-11-2012, 03:06 PM
TSPANEL causing MENU \ SETTINGS to crash!?

CH4 HD working?

30-11-2012, 01:01 PM
installed last night, so far so good.

i also got a bit daring and installed the auto timer tool which appears to work ok.

cccam working, crossepg working - catseyes list working, ch4 hd working, havent tried TSPANEL yet.

30-11-2012, 01:11 PM
Told ya so :)

30-11-2012, 01:21 PM
yer ta mate!

03-12-2012, 07:43 PM
Based on this thread, I've had a go and installed this image on Premium HD. Very smooth in changing channels and timeshift works well, so very happy so far.
Also like the dish icon showing which satellite moving from and to (had not seen this before).

On the down side:
Tried recording to stop after event but it didn't stop, so had to reboot to stop recording.

Have not installed Crossepg, mainly because when I look in plugins i don't see any available to download, it just says no new plugins found. Should I be seeing a list of available plugins or I am missing something?

If there is no list, does anyone know where can I download plugins for this image?

03-12-2012, 08:34 PM
@ galway Crossepg is in menu> plugins . green button

any one get mg??m working ?

03-12-2012, 09:06 PM
@ galway Crossepg is in menu> plugins . green button

any one get mg??m working ?

i tried mg**m for about 4 hours a few days ago. i got it to connect to the server ok but it wouldn't get any emm's. i dont know if this is because the server is cc**m v2.14 and i've read that mg**m only works with cc**m servers up to 2.11. does anybody know if this is true or has anyone managed to get it going?

03-12-2012, 09:08 PM
[QUOTE=jimmyjim11;859417]@ galway Crossepg is in menu> plugins . green button]

Hi jimmyjim,

thanks but that is where I looked for it and only see message "no new plugins found". I will try a reinstall.

03-12-2012, 09:23 PM
i tried mg**m for about 4 hours a few days ago. i got it to connect to the server ok but it wouldn't get any emm's. i dont know if this is because the server is cc**m v2.14 and i've read that mg**m only works with cc**m servers up to 2.11. does anybody know if this is true or has anyone managed to get it going?
Hi Mgcamd works great just edit mg_cfg go to box type and change to 06 or add 06 and name it azbox and the list of course should work mine does!!!!!!was written hear before somewhere not pinching anyone's post I hope

05-12-2012, 10:01 PM
Tried a few re-installs since using the daily updates, however it seems that my box is not connecting to the package list updater or plugins updater.

Network settings are testing OK as is the Open Webif pages which works fine as does cccam. I had to manually install cccam as that did not download either during wizard setup.

Where can I check the settings for the update sites?

06-12-2012, 02:06 PM
Hi Mgcamd works great just edit mg_cfg go to box type and change to 06 or add 06 and name it azbox and the list of course should work mine does!!!!!!was written hear before somewhere not pinching anyone's post I hope

i'll try it again at the weekend, thanks for the info.

07-12-2012, 06:00 PM
what is password to login on DCC on OpenAZBox PLi MOD HD Release ?
root azbox dose not work

07-12-2012, 06:26 PM
did you try "Dreambox"? or "dreambox"..

Found OpenRSI to be better than Azbox Open Mod for Premium HD anyway.

Update: When I go into Setup_Software Update I now see 4 different options and message:
Do you want to update your receiver to<a href="/bankin?
(5 upload packages available)

..however it still does not seem to connect to update server.

07-12-2012, 06:30 PM
@ Galwaysat
yes :(

08-12-2012, 01:26 PM

Try to connect via a standard telnet session, login is root password should be azbox.
But it is possible that there is no password, some FTP program gets trouble if there is no password defined in the STB.

So connect via telnet to check if there is or not a password.
If there is no password type:


and define the password of your own, don't forget it!

Then try again with DCC.

08-12-2012, 05:36 PM
did a re-flash works OK now :)

08-12-2012, 05:51 PM
@ galway Crossepg is in menu> plugins . green button

Finally got it to work, in order to to do this I had to play around with the network settings and edit DNS to add in the Primary & Secondary DNS IPs from my provider before the update worked.

After downloading the update and rebooting I notice that I can now see the plugins via green button even though it did not save the settings for primary & secondary DNS.

Next question is, are the software updates the same as the what is in the latest image for download, or is it better to download the latest image and load via azup to stay up to date?

08-12-2012, 06:37 PM
Finally got it to work, in order to to do this I had to play around with the network settings and edit DNS to add in the Primary & Secondary DNS IPs from my provider before the update worked.

After downloading the update and rebooting I notice that I can now see the plugins via green button even though it did not save the settings for primary & secondary DNS.

Next question is, are the software updates the same as the what is in the latest image for download, or is it better to download the latest image and load via azup to stay up to date?

so it wasnt DHCP then, no internet services would have worked.

12-12-2012, 09:11 PM
did an online update today, after box rebooted, all i got was STARTING VFD or something, that was it!


im not the only one:

12-12-2012, 09:59 PM
I learned that lesson early on because for me every time I chose the online update it killed my mediaplayer and I had to reload manually. In the end I stop bothering with the updates altogether unless there was a major change but even then did a complete reflash instead of an online jobby.

12-12-2012, 10:31 PM

ive manually installed DEC 12th now, and now there is an HDD bug, not mounting at start...cant be bothered to sort now... GRRR!

13-12-2012, 07:49 PM
installing the dec 13th image fixed it

13-12-2012, 11:19 PM
I too installed the updates and my box would not reboot past the vfd ready message, very frustrating. I just re-copied the kernal across and this saved me the hassle of a full re-install.

17-12-2012, 09:13 AM
Timers start but don't stop on this image

EDIT: this was the AUTOTIMER plugin causing these hangs and weird recording issues

18-12-2012, 01:50 PM
Still running 1.7 but one problem - does not connect to RTi update server - anyone got the correct address and where do i put it?


30-12-2012, 03:35 PM
i tried openrsi 2.1 but it has the ch4 hd bug, i then went back to 3.0 (ch4 hd bug fixed) and ran the hard disk file system check - since then, no more spinnners, and 4 successful timer recordings...
hope it stays this way, i'll finally be happy with the azbox if it does.

30-12-2012, 08:17 PM
Record bug was only on OpenRSI 3.0 with kernel 3.5.5. This image have destroyed the filesystem of HDD. Now OpenRSI 3.0 with kernel 3.3.1 is OK.

05-01-2013, 12:15 AM
Record bug was only on OpenRSI 3.0 with kernel 3.5.5. This image have destroyed the filesystem of HDD. Now OpenRSI 3.0 with kernel 3.3.1 is OK.

i dont understand this - as i downgraded kernel after trying 2.1 - then when i saw it had the ch4 bug i reinstalled a dec 28th image which installs the 3.3.1 kernel (AFAIK) and i still had and have the spinner issue, drives me buts, its the last piece of the puzzle for me

05-01-2013, 06:04 PM
or do u mean since have the new kernel, i need to reformat the disk?

05-01-2013, 06:17 PM
Have a look do your disk if filesystem is not corrupt.

fsck.ext3 /dev/sda1

eg. for an ext3-formatted disk as sda1-device.

05-01-2013, 06:31 PM
says: /dev/hdb1: clean, 290/357744 files, 48497097/244190645 blocks

05-01-2013, 08:01 PM
Than your HDD is OK!

06-01-2013, 02:42 PM
so why do i get the spinners then mate?

09-01-2013, 10:12 AM
hmm touch wood, i havent had spinners for about 4 days now, i did do an online update - wonder if they fixed it in that?

09-01-2013, 10:14 AM
Than your HDD is OK!

does that command fix any errors, as it didnt take long.

09-01-2013, 12:57 PM
If fsck say clean, that means the filetable is fully OK. If there must fixed errors, the time is very longer, to fix this.

09-01-2013, 09:47 PM
ive been getting weird letterbox pic issues lately, ive decided to install todays image.
its nearly a perfect solid box with the later openrsi images

ID Team : OpenRSI
ID Enigma : OpenRSI_for_Azbox
Version : 3.0
About E2 : Enigma2
Kernel : ULK-3.3.1

20:42:42 > Connecting...
20:42:42 > Login...
20:42:43 > Login Success.
20:42:43 > Checking kernel ver...
20:42:43 > You have NEW kernel in your AZBox
20:42:43 > Getting Enigma Info...
20:42:44 > Detect E2 in AZBox - NOK
20:42:44 > Checking files...
20:42:44 > Checking files - done
20:42:44 > Overclock Checking...
20:42:45 > Your AZBox is not OverClocked.
20:42:45 > Checking rescue mode...
20:42:46 > Rescue mode - OK
20:42:59 > Free RAM Checking...
20:43:00 > Free RAM = 84596 KB
20:43:00 > Sending Kernel ...
20:43:04 > Sending Kernel - Done
20:43:04 > Copying kernel...
20:44:31 > Copying kernel - Done
20:44:31 > Storage Device Checking...
20:44:32 > Storage Device Checking - Done
20:44:32 > Creating Partitions...
20:44:32 > Size of DOM Checking...
20:44:32 > Size of DOM = 256 MB
20:44:39 > Creating Partitions - Done
20:44:40 > Formatting Partitions...
20:44:49 > Formatting Partitions - Done
20:44:49 > Preparing...
20:44:49 > Free RAM Checking...
20:44:49 > Free RAM = 83284 KB
20:44:51 > Sending E2 Image ...
20:45:25 > Sending E2 Image - Done
20:45:26 > Image Size Checking...
20:45:28 > Image Size = 100 M
20:45:28 > Copying E2 files...
20:46:33 > Copying E2 files - Done
20:46:33 > Finalising Installation
20:46:34 > Removing tmp files...
20:46:35 > E2 installed successfully.
20:46:35 > Rebooting... after ~5sec

DONE!! :)

10-01-2013, 04:33 PM
hello guys,

are you able to mount the DVD player of your laptop, and run then multimedia files (like *.avi ) ?

PS : i have the latest image of OpenRSI 3.3.1

thank you

16-01-2013, 10:05 AM
cant you just share your DVD drive \\homepc\d_drive for example...that should work, as azbox should see cifs shares.

17-01-2013, 07:23 AM
anyone actually got a good setup on their azbox?

cccam, recording, timers, and not crashing?

let me know what kernel, and what software you're using?


I got one image working flawless, minor updates.....just need a little tweak, but so far the best, I tried:

openazbox - 80% (they are trying to hit clone boxes, so the software is unstable, many plugin errors)
openrsi - 85% (too many memory leaks still, they might be trying to hit clone boxes, many plugin errors)
RTI Core 1.7 - 89% ( good but not perfect)
Spaze 2.2 - 89% ( good but not perfect)
FW original(Still the best to watch TV) - 90% ( good but not perfect)
Aztrino - 80%
neutrino - 70%
SIF Team - 89% (good but not perfect)
Persian Professionals - 85%
Hidden Image - 95% (good so far, needs minor updates to be perfect, one update will be blind scan)

and none of them quite where 100% or at least 90% stable for my purpose..The one i found is working amazing with mgcamd and oscamd, no glitches at all, of course i did some minor teaks but after trying all the images mentioned before the one I hve now is better....

I downloaded an image and customize some how myself, but really minor updates, and voila,, great image with almost all plugins needed in my case....no errors so far,,,I have been testing since January 2013......Remember every image is made for one purpose and when trying and image make sure that is build for the same purpose you have..

17-01-2013, 11:01 AM
I got one image working flawless, minor updates.....just need a little tweak, but so far the best, I tried:

openazbox - 80% (they are trying to hit clone boxes, so the software is unstable, many plugin errors)
openrsi - 85% (too many memory leaks still, they might be trying to hit clone boxes, many plugin errors)
RTI Core 1.7 - 89% ( good but not perfect)
Spaze 2.2 - 89% ( good but not perfect)
FW original(Still the best to watch TV) - 90% ( good but not perfect)
Aztrino - 80%
neutrino - 70%
SIF Team - 89% (good but not perfect)
Persian Professionals - 85%
Hidden Image - 95% (good so far, needs minor updates to be perfect, one update will be blind scan)

and none of them quite where 100% or at least 90% stable for my purpose..The one i found is working amazing with mgcamd and oscamd, no glitches at all, of course i did some minor teaks but after trying all the images mentioned before the one I hve now is better....

I downloaded an image and customize some how myself, but really minor updates, and voila,, great image with almost all plugins needed in my case....no errors so far,,,I have been testing since January 2013......Remember every image is made for one purpose and when trying and image make sure that is build for the same purpose you have..

Impresses us!

18-01-2013, 08:09 AM
Impresses us!

will upload some pictures tomorrow, but remember, it works great for me, you must try to see if you like it....and in my case from now on I will use this images til openazbox and openrsi works better

19-01-2013, 04:25 PM
what image r u talking about?

my azbox is now stable with the "OpenRSI-3.0-azboxhd-20130109.zip" image.

no hangups in over a week, cccam working lovely, no glitching. timers working, and timeshift working. picons workings, crossepg working.

im not gonna bother with online updates for a while cos its working as i want it - "if it aint broke, dont fix it"

22-01-2013, 10:53 AM
what image r u talking about?

my azbox is now stable with the "OpenRSI-3.0-azboxhd-20130109.zip" image.

no hangups in over a week, cccam working lovely, no glitching. timers working, and timeshift working. picons workings, crossepg working.

im not gonna bother with online updates for a while cos its working as i want it - "if it aint broke, dont fix it"

Hi ManikM

Does the image you are using have blind scan? If so, how does it perform?


22-01-2013, 12:08 PM
what image r u talking about?

my azbox is now stable with the "OpenRSI-3.0-azboxhd-20130109.zip" image.

no hangups in over a week, cccam working lovely, no glitching. timers working, and timeshift working. picons workings, crossepg working.

im not gonna bother with online updates for a while cos its working as i want it - "if it aint broke, dont fix it"

I'm using OpenAzbox release 4 and have to say I have fallen back in love with my ME. The DM800HD SE is now back whimpering in the cupboard.

Finally, after a year, I have my box working as I want it.............................ex cept a small issue with the media player not playing some avi's which ironicly play ok in Aplay??? Go figure. Think this may also be why BBC iPlay does not work as it wants to use mediaplayer over Aplay. Gonna play with the scripts to see if I can fix that. :)

Hi ManikM

Does the image you are using have blind scan? If so, how does it perform?


Yes, AZbox have always had blindscan & 422 feed capability.

Performance is very fast on ME but then it was the fastest STB on the planet until the Solo2 was released.

23-01-2013, 03:08 AM
I'm using OpenAzbox release 4 and have to say I have fallen back in love with my ME. The DM800HD SE is now back whimpering in the cupboard.

Finally, after a year, I have my box working as I want it.............................ex cept a small issue with the media player not playing some avi's which ironicly play ok in Aplay??? Go figure. Think this may also be why BBC iPlay does not work as it wants to use mediaplayer over Aplay. Gonna play with the scripts to see if I can fix that. :)

Yes, AZbox have always had blindscan & 422 feed capability.

Performance is very fast on ME but then it was the fastest STB on the planet until the Solo2 was released.

Thanks Donki

Is this image better than openrsi 3.0?

07-02-2013, 03:50 AM
Thanks Donki

Is this image better than openrsi 3.0?

Yes, there is one, but remember that every image has its ups and downs, good and bad, etc, I am using one that is working a lot better than openrsi but need tweaking ( I little bit) you need to know first what features are important to you...

01-03-2013, 03:14 AM
neiumar; Is this better image openazbox release 6b or some other that I dont catch?

01-03-2013, 12:36 PM
IMHO the OpenZABox Release is the best image around to date. In fact it's the best image ever and the only reason I kept my box instead of buying the new Solo2. I am now so glad I did. This release has made the AZBox ME a serious STB again. Well, for me at least. :)

04-03-2013, 12:39 PM
what image r u talking about?

my azbox is now stable with the "OpenRSI-3.0-azboxhd-20130109.zip" image.

no hangups in over a week, cccam working lovely, no glitching. timers working, and timeshift working. picons workings, crossepg working.

im not gonna bother with online updates for a while cos its working as i want it - "if it aint broke, dont fix it"

¿Would you upload this image or post some link please?


08-03-2013, 01:37 AM
OpenAZBox MOD Enigma 2 Image Release 6 for AZBox Me:


All OpenAZBox MOD Images You can download on http://www.openazbox.info

For Elite, Premium, Premium+ and Ultra

OpenAZBox MOD Enigma 2 Image Release 7:


Download, Install and don't update, as we are making CI implementation.

28-06-2013, 07:16 PM
premium+ hd azbox
image is OAM-HD-Release-8
plugins running cross epg,
merlin epg centre,
graphical epg,
rats auto picon updater, and rats auto boquet plugin updater.
kernel version is march 15 th 2013
last updated 24/6/2013
hdd 500.107gb
skin ai.hd
softcam cc230 (running nline on cccam.cfg )
boot pic modified with rti tiger- beautiful picture
box and image working fine,no freezing... recording works ok.
any1 want the image search google or mail me and i will zip it up for yous..

27-05-2017, 12:02 AM
here it is RTI e2 1.7

Yes it works, but stil prefer the Ofw, can't see any advantage in using e2.