View Full Version : UK Football stadium

27-11-2012, 08:59 PM
Inside an UK Football stadium,23.5°E

Channel data : 23.5e,11594h.10000(dvb-s2,hdtv,mpeg-4)
Channel Name : unnamed
Date : 27/11
Time : 19:58
Sat Name : Astra 1E/1G/13A
Sat Pos : 23.5°E
Event Type : Inside an UK Football stadium

Inside an UK Football stadium,23.5°E
Channel data : 23.5e,11582h.10000(dvb-s2,hdtv,mpeg-4)
Channel Name : uPod81 Enc2
Date : 27/11
Time : 19:58
Sat Name : Astra 1E/1G/13A
Sat Pos : 23.5°E
Event Type : Inside an UK Football stadium

27-11-2012, 09:37 PM
So its Inside an UK Football stadium

Bit vague that.

What do we see?

27-11-2012, 09:45 PM
at 11594 now Cardiff - Derby County (UK Championship),now id: UKI 787 ENC 1

27-11-2012, 09:50 PM
at 11594 now Cardiff - Derby County (UK Championship),now id: UKI 787 ENC 1

Why not say this before?

Think I will give this a miss

27-11-2012, 10:10 PM
When the link found empty stadium, crystal ball also failed. LOL
The links people would like are encrypted with no biss keys, or in some other form of encryption.
Most encrypted links worthless to up.

27-11-2012, 10:23 PM
When the link found empty stadium, crystal ball also failed. LOL
The links people would like are encrypted with no biss keys, or in some other form of encryption.
Most encrypted links worthless to up.

So why bother posting them if worthless/useless?

28-11-2012, 12:29 AM
I don’t post links if Biss keys are not available, but I am aware that keys are sometimes only available to a very few and sometimes not at all, most links posted are unencrypted. But if this is a problem for anybody please ignore my posts and find your own, and don’t waste my time having to cross every T, and dot every I, have better things to be doing.

28-11-2012, 09:34 AM
Thanks Bob, ANY feeds are appreciated by MOST poeple.

Keep up the good work.


28-11-2012, 09:46 AM
Il second that.

If feeds were not posted we would not discover such channels as the three free fta feeds for premier league football that we had on saturday.

cheers bob

simon 2003
28-11-2012, 03:36 PM
these are stanley cassidys feeds arn't they ,,he is the the man for feeds think hes at it 24/7 for as long as i can remember

simon 2003
28-11-2012, 04:22 PM
lol that would explain it mate,god i feel stupid,i thought that chap eats sleeps drinks feeds

28-11-2012, 04:23 PM
Just get the feeds yourself from here.


personally I dont go looking for feeds but when they pop up on pimps and are useful and verified by other members on here thats when i bother to scan them in.

Surely its better to get more info and be able to debate about it. Rather than no info at all.

Forums would become a dull place.
their is already so little to discuss on the sat scene at the moment

28-11-2012, 04:31 PM
yes I agree with you on looking for specific feed

I just dont want people to stop posting info that others call useless.
When the majority of us are grateful.

28-11-2012, 05:28 PM
Time for a little home truth, I am very familiar with this group being a member for the last 20years.
Now for those amongst us who show total disrespect for the efforts required to find feeds, and share them with us all, this group is no exception, but on closer inspection some of the best feeds have been posted by forum members. After reading this tread, I would let you find your own links, being an Ignorant, ungrateful, disrespectful, shower. Members are entitled to look where ever they want to look for feed links, that’s up to them, but that does not entitle them to disrespect the work of other people who make the effort to post for us all.

29-11-2012, 08:44 PM
Do not believe members have got the right angle on my statement,,,,
As you can see it was Bob himself that used the worthless word in post #5

When the link found empty stadium, crystal ball also failed. LOL
The links people would like are encrypted with no biss keys, or in some other form of encryption.
Most encrypted links worthless to up.

Definition of worthless is :-

"" worthless [ˈwɜːθlɪs]
1. without practical value or usefulness ""


Thus my reply.

When I post I try my best to accredit the source of my info unless it involves mentioning confidential or other forums, not many members do!

eg. this post in feed hunters :-


So cut me some slack, and end of story from me!
