View Full Version : Help for a Newbie with a Go 910

02-12-2012, 01:13 PM
Hi Guys
can someone please help here I have a TOMTOM Go 910 which I have had for a few years but which lay in a draw not working. I had looked at buying a new one but when i found out that Maps could not be copied or speed cameras added so easy i decided to see about getting it repaired. Luckly I found somneone who could repair the unit Brand new motherboard for a Just £25.

Having read many post on this site which I thank everyone for the information It is clear that I will need to update my TomTom with a Patched Navcore mine is currently 7.903 bootloader 48600.
I would like to use the TOMTOM truck maps if possible but i guess that will require a patch and failing that I will install UK 7 Ireland maps but would like to use all the addons that are available lane guidence, Spoken Street names, live updates etc but again I understand I will need patched software and an updated navcore. 9.0 provided this work on my machine of course

I also understand i need tomtom home which needs to be patched, but not the lastest version as this can't be done. I have a copy of BBS Tool which seems to do something similar to TomTom Home so is there a difference at this moment in time i am suffering from information overload so can someone just outline the steps i need to complete in numerical order i.e 1 to 6 I've searched this site for tutoriasls but not found any that cover TomTom Go 910 maybe im looking in the wrong place

02-12-2012, 01:55 PM
If you want to use the Truck map you will need a copy of the Truck Navcore v8.398
Found a link here (Don't know if it will need patching, but easy to find out if you try to patch it) -


Truck map v900.4612


Me ta info :-

; Europe_TRUCK v900.4612
08 07 84 17 3B A8 E6 CE 86 43 14 33 F9 C1 9A 74 Europe_TRUCK-674.me ta
; Europe_TRUCK v900.4612
F6 FA DD B0 21 30 E2 D6 6F 2C F6 2D 36 10 6E 7C Europe_TRUCK-674.tme ta

(Remove the spaces in me ta & tme ta)

The add ons you mentions are all part of the map - depending on the map version & your navcore.

02-12-2012, 05:19 PM
Many Thanks For the info Russell1

I will look it all out and start looking at a tutorial on patching Navcore


03-12-2012, 10:45 PM
Hi Guys I seem to have gone wrong some where I installed the Navcore that Russell1 linked and I then checked it in BBS tools and it identified my tomtom as a GO910

Bootloader 48600

Navcore Ver: 8398 1917

I used Fastactivate to patch the navcore which it said was sucessful, I then installed the Maps using BBS tools and I have check and its there,but when I run my tomtom it says no Maps found. I Suspect I'm not entering the met a Data correctly I deleted the appropriate spaces so any help would be appreciated.

03-12-2012, 11:06 PM
Have you patched the map ?
You should have 2 .dct files in the map folder - MAPNAME.tme ta.dct & MAPNAME.me ta.dct

04-12-2012, 10:06 AM
Hi Russell1
I used fast active to patch the maps but I didn't check for any .dct file but having done some reading and exploring over night I've found that fastactive has a long list of Me ta data in the programe its self and not necessarilly the two you gave me early.

Therefore am I right in thinking I could copy each of these to a note pad file and rename each as MAPNAME.tme ta.dct & MAPNAME.me ta.dct (minus the spaces) and then place them in the Mapfolder or is that me just wishful thinking

Ok Time for an update:

I looked at the Map foler which was named different to the the Me Ta So I went back to the beginning and started again here is the process

1) I formated the internal drive using windows (I have already backed up me previous system)

2) I then installed the Navcore to my tomtom and then switched it off and let it reboot this time it showed up as a TomTom logo on my computer

3) I checked the navore with BBS which Now read Bootloader 48600 Navcore 8398 and Map Ver 0.0

4) I then copied the Truck maps to my tomtom using BBS

5) I then used fastactivate to patch my maps and the ttf file system

6) Turned on my Tomtom and waited for it to work and it came up NO Maps Found

Somewhere I think i must have missed something........................ ........!:banghead:

Also where can i find TT Hme 2.6 I looked on a few places and most links are dead

and in answer to your Question Russell YES there are two .dct files 1KB in size DCT

04-12-2012, 06:38 PM
Right Guys the Navcore i have is patched and appears to be from BBS when i tried to patch it using Fastactive it said it was already patched and it certainly seems to load okay as when i check it using BBS tool it tells me the navcore is now 8395 So the problem appears to be with me installimng and activating the Map obviously user error but just where am I going wrong

Oh and incidently I found a copy of TT Hme 2.8

This is my current config

DeviceName=TomTom GO 910
DeviceVersionHW=GO 910
ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=8 398
Not Found...

Not Found...

As you can see no map listed

04-12-2012, 09:16 PM
Try this activation tool - copy it to your Tomtom & run it through your PC

You should be able to use that tool to get a me ta file update & then activate the map.

04-12-2012, 11:22 PM
Hi Russell Ive tried easy activate and followed your tutorial that is on this site and when I took my TT of it's dock it started up and gave me a disclaimer about safty etc which i hadnt had before so I thought yes it's worked but No it said NO MAPS FOUND soon as i agreed.

I must be missing something I am gonna go back to the begginning and try again witha new folder containing a newly opened rar Nav file, and a newly opened rar Map folder and then just use easy active just in case i have corrupted any of the file having done this about 20 times now lol

05-12-2012, 08:33 AM
Make sure you do not have one map folder inside another folder. If you still have problems just try it with another map that will work with that navcore.

05-12-2012, 04:16 PM
Hi Russwll
Well i had already decided to do as you suggested and try another map, but I'd also decided to try another 8.398 Navcore which wasn't patched so I installed the navcore and then let it run before patching. It showed the TT Logo but then just froze I had to use reset button at the back but when it came back on it will no longer recognise the hard drive How the hell do i revert it back or have i cooked it's goose

help urgently required

Problem Solved I reset TT once again and TTHome found my device and said update device so I clicked update it installed the orginal 910 Firmware and we're back in business

which means i can now delete the Nav which is still there, but my question therefore is what do i need to do to this File in order to get it to work on my TT it is a genuine TT Navcore 8.398

ok ignore the lasst part I now have a X10 8.398 Nav that is patched So I will now attempt to install this Nav then the Maps which i will hoepefully be able to active but don't hold your breath Russell :rofl:

06-12-2012, 10:37 PM
time for an update

I have downloaded another navcore and the Europe-Truck 900-4612 Maps used fastactive and hey presto it's working just got to take it for a spin and check out the GPS signal and install the Speed cameras and Im sorted Many Thank Russell for all your help