View Full Version : OpenRSI

05-12-2012, 11:01 AM
Can i ask a simple question im sure some of the experts here can answer.
I have been using the original firmaware from day 1 and want to try the E2 route as getting very laggy channel changes.
The new openrsi seems to be getting good feedback and thought this would be the way to go for a first timer.

1) if i flash the azbox with this image what happens to my recordings on the hard drive that i have not watched yet. Do they get wiped or can i access them once new image is installed.
2) is the mediaplayer any good - can it finally play mkvs with dts soundtracks yet.

Thanks in advance

05-12-2012, 11:46 AM
I used to have an Elite and went E2 on it. Even then it was enough for me to buy an AZBox me and use RSI/Spaze on it (also E2). It is all down to personal taste & choice but in the case of the ME there is no comparison. E2 is a must. Mine is currently for sale. :)

1. If you flash you will only be flashing your firmware and should not affect your recordings but the old addage is always do a backup just in case. If memory serves me correctly they are saved as TS files and so will play on E2.
2. Mediaplayer works reasonably well. There is no fwd/rwd but one can use the number keys to skip which once you get used to it is actually OK. MKV, yes. DTS, not really sure. Maybe another expert can answer.

05-12-2012, 01:34 PM
i still get random hangs on latest version, i do have various timers setup and notice when i get home the red record light is still on, and no response from box.

its not a bad image tho.

i wouldnt buy an azbox - the only reason i did was for 4.2.2 TNA wrestling feeds, which stopped shortly after i bought the box, LOL!