View Full Version : can see the pc, but cant see a share?

09-12-2012, 08:47 PM
hi guys, im trying to share a folder on my windows 7 pc, other pcs can see it fine, ive disabled firewall for now, but it still wont see it. any ideas?

09-12-2012, 11:54 PM
Have you given the folder permission to share ManikM ? Also are
you mixing XP with Win 7. If you do this it can be one way only
but..no problem between Win 7.

Best done from shared folders section, if you want it on your desktop
just put a shorcut from shared folder. I do this for moving notepad
between 2 PCs. Am assuming your networked, you don't need Firewall
off but the Win 7 has to be set up for sharing etc., Don't do you main
drive, only folders that you create.

C:/ Users/PC name,is one place.

Right click on required folder, select properties & set to share. Hope
this helps, if not will try & be more explicit.

PS: missed the section heading but it still might help.

Regards catoro.

10-12-2012, 10:43 AM
Thanks yes, done all that - hence "other pcs can see it fine"

13-12-2012, 02:19 AM
any other ideas?

windows 7 shares, and E2....E2 cannot see win7 share.