View Full Version : green screen of death

10-12-2012, 12:51 PM
hi all just installed black hole 1.7.9 them installed catseye settings from ts panel and ******** server and getting green screen crash ???? i install vhannibal E2 settings and all ok but i like the way catseye settings are set out ? dose anybody no how to fix this problem of had the same trouble as me ????

10-12-2012, 01:03 PM
Does it crash straight away or when you zap to an HD channel ?

10-12-2012, 01:11 PM
when i zap to bbc hd m8 i tryed a rescan but still the same ???

10-12-2012, 01:31 PM
Strange, the rescan should fix it.
I will try and have a chat with catseye to see if we can get to the bottom of this.

10-12-2012, 01:34 PM
cheers m8 i am going to do a transponder scan for bbc hd to m8

10-12-2012, 01:56 PM
all sorted did a manual transponder scan useing 10847 v sr 23000 and auto fec and all ok now

10-12-2012, 04:13 PM
Hi pem1,

Snap, Green screen (BBC 1 HD) and other
BBC HD channels on VU Uno with B/H 179.

Tried a Factory reset but the Uno just started
to Loop with no Factory reset.
Flashed Openvix back in.


10-12-2012, 06:28 PM
hi all i opened the catseye settings and some Vhannibal E2 Motor Dtt Forli 09 dic settings and i noticed the the rolloff was set different so i put the right rolloff in the catseye settings and sent them back to the box and rebooted and now all is working well
but you would think the people at vu addons would point this out ????

10-12-2012, 06:35 PM
hi all i opened the catseye settings and some Vhannibal E2 Motor Dtt Forli 09 dic settings and i noticed the the rolloff was set different so i put the right rolloff in the catseye settings and sent them back to the box and rebooted and now all is working well
but you would think the people at vu addons would point this out ????

Thanks for pointing this out
With the settings file being so big sometimes it can be like searching for a needle in haystack to fix bugs
I will check the file later on & amend if necessary

10-12-2012, 06:52 PM
@catseye hi m8 thanks for the reply could you let me no when you redo the channel list and i will try it m8 for you thanks again m8

10-12-2012, 08:28 PM
@catseye hi m8 thanks for the reply could you let me no when you redo the channel list and i will try it m8 for you thanks again m8

On checking again there are some differences on the roll off setting, with some transponders set to 'auto'

What I plan to do is check the settings on all of the DVB S2 transponders, on all sats over next few days

Many transponders have the roll off set as AUTO so you would think that setting would resolve the issue

This bug only seems to affect later Black hole images & not any others (it does not affect Black Pole open image)

If this is whats been causing the problem for sometime with using BH, I can express a huge thanks for you spotting it

It goes to show, sometimes the problems are right under our noses, especially when its looked at with a fresh pair of eyes!

I will check & report back

Will release amended file by end of week

11-12-2012, 09:26 AM
but you would think the people at vu addons would point this out ????

It is not for the image teams to be messing with the authors work, catseye settings are the only ones with this problem so it is for him to sort.

As catseye has pointed out though help from the community is always appreciated.