View Full Version : STC6000HDPVR EPG problems.

10-12-2012, 02:50 PM
I am running version v2.11.16 firmware and would be interested to know if others who are running the same version are also experiencing problems loading the EPG data or if this problem is unique to the way I have tuned to the satellite or the channels I have included in the favorites list.

I have reported the EPG problem in another thread related to boot loading issues, but I think this is a separate issue which merits its own thread specific to EPG data problems.

My PVR reports the following system information.

Model STC6000HDPVR
Frequency Area Europe
Loader Version L6.00
H/W Version HS 8200 1.00
Application Version HS v2.11.16
API Version API Nov 5 2012
Data Version FDU v1.4

This version of the firmware appears to have a problem loading EPG information.

It has been suggested that this error might be due to selecting satellites that the PVR does not support as sources of EPG information. To check this I tuned the PVR to only the FreeSat channels on Astra N 28.2 East. This did not fix the problem. I did notice that the PVR sometimes appears to search other satellites to which the PVR had once been tuned, I do no know if this is due to the failure to erase old tuning information or because the the network box was ticked during the tuning for the Astra N satellite.

In my case the automatic download in standby, set in the FAV menu, does not work and is disabled when the PVR is placed in low power standby mode.

The short event description information is missing from most of the guide, however it does appear on some channels, for the program currently being broadcast and the next to be broadcast.

Most attempts to update the guide fail with the a the message "Tuning Failed"
However, I have noticed that if I run the MHW-EPG, the software scans four Astra Satellites for guide information. Each fails with the error message "Tuning failed". If I then run the "Open EPG" update this normally succeeds on the second attempt.

It appears as if running the MHW-EPG first, helps the Open EPG to operate. I have repeated this test a number of times and it has worked each time. Maybe running MHW-EPG clears some flags or memory or maybe the scanning software is running through a list of satellites.

10-12-2012, 04:34 PM
In my case the automatic download in standby, set in the FAV menu, does not work and is disabled when the PVR is placed in low power standby mode.
Standby epg will only work if 'power saving in standby mode' is set to off - has already been mentioned in forums and firmware release notes.

The short event description information is missing from most of the guide, however it does appear on some channels, for the program currently being broadcast and the next to be broadcast.
A known issue since past couple of firmwares - has already been mentioned in forums and firmware release notes.

Most attempts to update the guide fail with the a the message "Tuning Failed"
However, I have noticed that if I run the MHW-EPG, the software scans four Astra Satellites for guide information. Each fails with the error message "Tuning failed". If I then run the "Open EPG" update this normally succeeds on the second attempt.
Not had that issue, try flash cleaner.

10-12-2012, 07:50 PM
Standby epg will only work if 'power saving in standby mode' is set to off - has already been mentioned in forums and firmware release notes.

A known issue since past couple of firmwares - has already been mentioned in forums and firmware release notes.

Not had that issue, try flash cleaner.

I have repeatedly used flash clean, this fixes the EPG update problem for a short time, but the failure mode described in my posting, returns after a short time. I suspect, but have not been able to prove, that it is sufficient to access the FAV menu under the EPG menu to trigger the fault.

Having repeated the laborious process of flash clean and reload of the firmware many times, I am reluctant to perform the process yet again. After cleaning and reloading, the EPG works for a period and then develops the reported faults, but by this time many commands have been executed and it is difficult to isolate which command, or combination of commands, triggers the change in behaviour.

I am aware that some of these EPG problems have been reported before, but I thought it worth while collecting the EPG problems in one thread, and I was interested to know if others are observing the same faults. There was always the possibility that the problems were due to the method of tuning.

11-12-2012, 05:24 AM
Sorry didn't mean to come off harsh or eowt but was just pointing out that all the info had already been mentioned within several other posts and also within the firmware release notes.

To be totally honest, I'd rather have the programmers work on the firmware first and iron out the bugs than to start working on improving the epg probs. I honestly dont trust them working on the bugs AND the epg at the same time (just need to look at the past firmware probs do***ented). Having a box with no lockups, a working timeshift function, correct recording lengths etc would 'for me' be a start in the right direction. A glitch free xcam/cccam or mgcamd would also outweigh the epg for me (this is where the sky guide on the iPhone comes handy lol :)).

Back to the epg, To my knowledge (limited as it may be); I think it stores the prog sypnosis data or *tries* too within the onboard ram of the ice OR the ice firmware/software 'should' be telling it where to look to locate the data (hdd, usb etc) but obviously that dosen't happen. As mentioned before, try this... Choose to store the epg data to 'off', 'network' or 'usb' (without one in) it will still store the program sypnosis but obviously 4-8hrs later all is lost and back to now and next (for the prog sysnosis). This obviously indicates that it's storing the info onboard and there must be some sort of a memory leak which results in the program synopsis disappearing.

19-12-2012, 06:19 PM
EPG not working. No extended info or synopsis beyond now and next; also running 2.11.16
Using Satellite 28.2E and 19.3E
Rewind or fast-forward on media not recorded by the unit not working.


19-12-2012, 07:27 PM
Try the new f/w 2.11.30 in the Icecrypt Firmware section. Still no programme synopsis beyond now and next but the rest should load OK

19-12-2012, 11:03 PM
Thank for the info.
I installed the latest update 2.11.30
The fast-forward seems to work- not smooth though, but the rewind is still the same-null.
I don't know, seems to be a device built by hackers- don't fully know what they're doing.
I hope one day they'll accidentally stomp on the problems.

Thanks again.

05-01-2013, 06:23 PM
I also upgraded to the 2.11.30 software. Interestingly the EPG worked correctly for the first few hours following the upgrade, reporting the short event program information and tuning to the EPG data on the first attempt, however this did not last, quickly reverting to the EPG problems reported above. From this I deduce that there is nothing wrong with the hardware, and the EPG information is available using the tuning setting I have configured. It is clearly a software fault that can be fixed, the question is when?

05-01-2013, 07:35 PM
omg they havent fixed the basics in the upgraded model. jeez

20-01-2013, 09:25 PM
Hi. I too am suffering from this EPG problem. I have both the S4000 and S6000.
I have used "flash Cleaner on both units, Updated the software until the latest firmware- 2.11.16 and tried the 2.11.30, but both units still not able to populate EPG data.

I am on Astra 28.2 and it will not populate EPG. I also have Astra 19.2 and Hotbird 13.0E.

The 19.2E seems to populate EPG, but can not get EPG date population for Hotbird.

On Flash cleaner firmware, the Hotbird 13.0E could be manualy populated using the MHW-EPG, but above that, they seem to have omitted that transponder; now you have to populate it in open tp channels.

I seem to do more tinkering with this pvr, than watching and enjoying it.
I watch less tv now since I’ve purchased these units.
I bought 2 of them from e-bay and the description says “ Powerful Extended EPG”
I also have a GM Spark triplex HD PVR and I have no problems with 7 day epg data at all.
I only bought these devices because it’s more powerful and has PIP.
Hope they will fix the crap firmware soon on Icecrypt devices.

Thank you and good luck.

21-01-2013, 03:15 AM
I seem to do more tinkering with this pvr, than watching and enjoying it.
I watch less tv now since Ive purchased these units.
Exactly the reason I stopped using it and back to my trusted dreambox; heck my openbox and ggg are more faithful.

I only bought these devices because it's more powerful and has PIP.
But instead u got 2 lemons ;)

Hope they will fix the crap firmware soon on Icecrypt devices.
Well I've given up hope. The only thing they seem to do is re-design the menu's, f**k up the firmware, wait for us to complain which in-return takes them a WHOLE month to rectify.

21-01-2013, 03:24 PM
It seems to me that a working EPG is an essential function of a DVR, as it is required to perform the basic time shift function required to view programs at the uses convenience. The fixing of network download features is a distraction to making the more basic operation work as specified.

In my case Internet access is far more flexibly addressed using a Sony VAIO media centre computer connected to my television.

I have found the STC6000HDPVR to be an excellent equipment, providing Free-View, Free-Sat and HD reception in one unit, functions it does very well. If only the EPG worked correctly it would meet all that I require of it.

As a unit to access Internet television programs, it will always be limited in comparison to dedicated computer such as the VAIO, as it will never allow me to use it for more computer orientated tasks. So as far as I am concerned the STC6000HDPVR will only be fit for purpose when it can performs the basic functions expected of a PVR, and that means that fixing the EPG for both Free-View and Free-Sat should be the highest priority for the ICECRYPT engineers.

27-01-2013, 10:03 PM
I have been messing around with the STC4000 and STC6000. I ran the Flash Cleaner at least 10 times before getting lucky with the EPG. It worked for a day and a half, and then the EPG data started disappearing.

The Icecrypt S4000/S6000 will not Auto Populate EPG data- that's just the way these units were intended for profit and cost effective purposes. Not HD or free-view certified.

When I try the Express EPG, I too get "Tuner Fail", this happens many times. It took me 7 tries today before it actualy connected and populated one page of EPG data.

The units crashes and becomes slow to respond, (as if it's going to crash)- not a good feeling, and when it crashes, there goes all EPG data. It's a vicious cycle!

I bought it on line with the description:" Powerful Extended EPG"

I don't have the time to give full list of crashes/defects with the software- just complete crap!

I complained- they said it's accurate and I don't know Linux.

For now I'll just use my GM Spark triplex.
No PIP, but at-least it's to description.

Now how to get rid of these faulty hacker built units?

No hope in sight
Please fix this EPG issue.


27-02-2013, 02:27 AM
I am finding it increasingly difficult to see how Icecrypt can continue to sell STC6000HDPVR when its EPG and time shift function is not working. I would have thought this would make the equipment unfit for purpose and render the company vulnerable to legal action by trading standards.
The product cannot be advertised as having any EPG functionality if the company wishes to meet the letter of the trade description act. This must be a significant disadvantage in the Freeview / Freesat receiver market. This is a real shame as the product is otherwise very good.

20-05-2013, 02:30 AM
I agree completely.

I received an email from Icecrypt/Turbosat confirming that they acknowledge the fact that EPG and Time-shift have been a long time problem and they still have not sorted it out.

I bought the STC6000 on the basis that the description stated: "powerful Extended EPG with event timer".

a complete lie and breach of fair trading standards.

The STC4000 seems to have the product support completely abandoned, yet they're still being sold with the same description.

Product status at abandoned time: still defective- EPG and Time-shift not resolved.

Every-time they do an update on these receivers, they just remove/alter some interface feature- that's all they do... never a mention about the actual issues.

If they just hired somebody that new what they were doing, we'd all be set. These unites go for £400-£500.
You can get them a bit cheaper now, because they're crap and people are on to them.

They keep telling us the big lie, like the EPG is owned by SKY and so on, but the fact is that they can't figure out Sh..

I have a non generic stc- as Icecrypt calls them. I paid £140 and they are just completing full 7 day EPG.. Golden Media.

As for the Icecrypt STC4000 and STC6000, I would need to write a book to list the crashes, remote control issues, external media rewind/FF issues...the list goes on.

Sorry for the long outcry.


20-05-2013, 12:06 PM
I cannot comment on the legal issues relating to access to the Free Sat EPG information, this may well be protected by IPR, however I make the following observations:

a) Ice-crypt do make a point of claiming their PVRs have an extensive EPG function. This is clearly not the case, as the EPG function does not currently work.

b) Some earlier firmware versions did provide a working EPG function, which has ceased to function in later versions of the code.
These subsequent code updates are published as official updates on the Ice-crypt web site and were essential to fix unacceptable bug in the original code.

c) The excuse that it is IPR issues that stop the EPG function operating correctly are not consistent with the observation that the EPG does function for a short period following a firmware upgrade, or that the successful operation of the EPG can be influenced by the order in which buttons are pressed on the handset.
I have recently noticed that toggling the extended EPG screen between single and multi channel display mode, by pushing the EPG button, has a significant affect on the likely success or failure of subsequent updates to the EPG channel information.

Points b) and c) suggests that the failure of the EPG function has more to do with a software timing bug or memory usage issues than it does IPR issues.

From the trading standards point of view, It is my understanding that the company cannot hide behind Free Sat IPR issues as a excuse for its products EPG not working. The contracted relationship with its customers is only dependent on the specification claims it makes for the products it sells. If Ice-crypt claims to sell products with an extensive working EPG, then that is what it must provide for the product to be fit for purpose.

I think the existing limited EPG operation would be greatly improved, if Ice-crypt addressed the timing sync problem that forces the user to attempt multiple EPG updates before one actually works.

I recently emailed Ice-crypt, to complain that the EPG problems had not been fixed in the latest release of the firmware. I received a reply to the effect that the problem is actively being investigated, but is somehow complicated by the number of channels that the PVR can receive. I found the latter comment a little bewildering, but without access to the technical details, I am forced to accept it at face value.

Given all the above, I still believe that the STC6000HDPVR hardware platform is very good. I have not been able to find another Free Sat Free View combo HD PVR on the market. These functions usually require more than one box.

22-05-2013, 05:38 AM
I honestly don't think they gona ever attempt to fix neither the epg or time shift issues as these mentioned problems or 'bugs' should I say; have gone on since the initial release of either the s4000 or s6000's firmware (excluding s4000 f/w .32). I also DO believe they don't give 2 S**TS once the product has been sold.
Ask yourself; what have they actually 'fixed' within each released firmware?...Crap we either don't use, never heard off or features that we never asked for (ie small record icon when recording, icon menu facelift, more efficient webzeal etc etc). The latest released firmware (s6000) 'supposedly' had epg issue fixed, yeh right. I would love to know who tested these firmware's prior to releasing them to the general public with such assumptions. They (the programmers AND icecrypt) need to look at dreamboxes which DO have 7 day epg; heck the dm500s has 7 day epg & can be had for £30-£50 or even cheaper.

So now we all wait AGAIN for 2-3 months for the next disappointing firmware release with features that we NEVER asked for and then b**ch and moan again...

27-05-2013, 03:25 PM
Last night I loaded the latest release of the STC6000HDPVR firmware, FAC.ICECRYPT.STC6000HDPVR.v2.11.5 3.2013May08.ird, this has greatly improved the operation of the EPG. It is still not perfect, but it does now load all program titles on the first try. It supports both Free View and Free Sat EPG. On Free View, the program description loads correctly. On Free Sat the program titles load, but the program descriptions only load for some channels. Now and next program descriptions seem to work for all channels, but only load when the DVR is tuned to the particular channel. The problem with displaying HD channel titles and descriptions also seems to have been fixed.

The automatic EPG update still does not work. I would be interested to know if anyone else has managed to find settings that make this work.

This version of the firmware is a significant improvement, and in my opinion is worth loading, however the EPG functionality is still a long way from the advanced 7 day guide promised in the product specification.

I should point out I have not conducted extensive checks to see if this new release of firmware contains any bugs that break other features. My interest is in basic Free Sat, Free View and HD reception, with working EPG and time shift recording. I do not use the add on functions or network connection. I have a Sony media centre for that purpose.

27-05-2013, 07:05 PM
I too have loaded this software and I can agree with NJ's synopsis

28-05-2013, 10:13 AM
I have version 2.11 .34 I dont have any issues with recording fta channels from the epg does have a problem rewinding from the arrows button but you can rewind using the left side of the ok button, however there is a problem recording encrypted chans from the epg it will record if the receiver is left on the desired channel or as previously mentioned you change the lnb settings to loop through whilst you do desired recording, it is a very finnicky receiver that requires constant attention but you can work with it if you put in time and effort, also my epg has stayed on for a couple of months on most of the main chans on astra 2

20-08-2013, 06:58 PM
I am please to report that firmware versions v2.11.62.2013jul12.ind and later have a working EPG, reporting both program title and program event information.
There is a very minor bug in the display of the title. When scrolling through the guide, it is sometimes necessary to select the program being viewed to make the titles update.

This software gives a huge improvement in the operation of the EPG.

In case any of the software developers read this thread, I would like to suggest a possible further improvement. At the moment the guide will only auto update in standby mode not in power saving mode. It would be usefully if the DVR could be programmed to wake from power save mode into standby mode for a preset period of time to allow the guide to perform an auto update.

22-08-2013, 05:28 AM
In case any of the software developers read this thread, I would like to suggest a possible further improvement. At the moment the guide will only auto update in standby mode not in power saving mode. It would be usefully if the DVR could be programmed to wake from power save mode into standby mode for a preset period of time to allow the guide to perform an auto update.
This feature is already implemented within the firmware.

Time Settings
Wake Up Mode - Daily
Wake Up Time - 06:00 AM
Wake Up Service - BBC1 HD
Sleep Mode - Daily
Sleep Time - 06:10 AM.

The above are my settings which work wonders on both my ice's and dreambox's in power saving mode. The clock is set to 12 hours. Just change whatever suits you best.

Sent from my iPhone

24-08-2013, 10:32 AM
Just a small issue but unlees you check the above will not work.
Its obvious really but it caught me out and it must be due to the fact I have multi sats tuned into my system.
When selecting the service (BBC 1 HD) make sure you are on 28 deg east and not some other sat

24-08-2013, 05:22 PM
I must be missing a menu setting as my EPG fails to update. The wake instruction seems to wake the DVR from power save into normal operation and not standby mode. As the epg only updates in standby mode it fails to update the program guide, any suggestions on the missing switch setting.

24-08-2013, 05:32 PM
Leave all your settings on wakeup etc and change `Power saving in standby mode`to off.

25-08-2013, 01:31 AM
I think that was the point of my earlier comment (see below) about a possible improvement to the firmare. If the DVR wakes in standby mode then the EPG update could proceed as a background task in standby and it would still be possible to run the DVR in power save mode when not in use. I have known for some time that the EPG will update in stanby mode.

"In case any of the software developers read this thread, I would like to suggest a possible further improvement. At the moment the guide will only auto update in standby mode not in power saving mode. It would be usefully if the DVR could be programmed to wake from power save mode into standby mode for a preset period of time to allow the guide to perform an auto update. "

25-08-2013, 08:55 AM
NJ, do you have a single sat tuner or double?
If I understand the way the Fw works a double sat tuner will update in normal mode where (I have a sat/terrestial combo) a single sat tuner will only do it in standby mode so this could be why it wont't work (I'm struggling to get it to work)

25-08-2013, 05:30 PM
NJ, do you have a single sat tuner or double?
If I understand the way the Fw works a double sat tuner will update in normal mode where (I have a sat/terrestrial combo) a single sat tuner will only do it in standby mode so this could be why it wont't work (I'm struggling to get it to work)

It has a single sat tuner as the other tuner is a freeview HD tuner.
I should explain, one of the reasons I selected this model was to add HD tuning to my television, I required my television to receive both analogue and digital TV, the analogue is needed to continue to receive signals from my CCTV system. Unfortunately I could not find a television that received analogue, digital, digital HD and satellite, and in any case I wanted to be able to record all of the above. I have a Panasonic DVD connected to my system to record the terrestrial channels.

The lack of a second satellite tuner on the DVR may explain the EPG problem. I cannot find a way to wake the DVR into standby mode so that EPG updates can be performed when the DVR is not in use. I could run the DVR in standby mode rather than power save, but looking at the DVR display type, I suspect that it will fail within a couple of years if I do this, and there is the matter of unnecessary power usage and heat generation.

25-08-2013, 06:46 PM
I understand, its almost the same reasons I went for the sat / Terr combo.
I wanted to be able to record mainstream tv in HD while searching the other sats for the footy. In general it works very well indeed now that the Terr HD epg is sorted, I love the box. however if we could get auto updating sorted it would be the iceing on the cake.
Im sure I read somewhere in the distant past that the FW does support a Freeview plugin tuner via the usb hub which would leave us free to have a dual sat system, Perhaps the Ice could advise on that

26-08-2013, 07:47 AM
NJ post 7 and 8 in the firmware section for the 6000 explain my last post but whether anybody has got a pluging Freeview tuner to work in this way I don't know. Maybe another member could suggest such a device + the cost of a new sat tuner module

27-08-2013, 10:37 PM
Geoffh & NJ; ignore what I said about the ice waiking up and updating the epg. I honestly thought that it was updating as I get out at 6 for work and once back, see that it has updated. This bank holiday Monday I woke up to find it had NOT updated whilst on BBC 1 HD or any other channel for that matter. So put the theory to test and yep, it had not updated (the dreamboxes did). It will ONLY update in standby or update the particular channel your box is programmed to tune too on wake. I can only think whilst at work fam members place it in standby.

Once again, I am generally sorry for the miss information as this was an honest mistake and thought it would be nice to be honest rather than yourselves going out to purchase freeview dongles or extra sat modules for the ice on my mis-information.

28-08-2013, 09:32 AM
No probs mate easy to do (mistakes that is).
Your correction has stopped me going out to buy an expensive panny freeview HD recorder and swapping my terrestial tuner for a second sat tuner for the 6000:respect-067: