View Full Version : New F7w

17-12-2012, 05:55 PM
I see our Germanic friends have some new f/w (1.11.30 and 2.11.30) for Xmas.
There seems to be a lot of fixes and upgrades according to the Readme.
Any chance we get to evaluate these by the weekend?

17-12-2012, 10:03 PM
Buck what site are these on? Don't mind trying on mine. Pm me if you cannot mention on forum plz.

18-12-2012, 06:41 AM
From what i've read, f/w 1.11.30 is having network connection problems and also refusing to recognise some wireless dongles that previously worked so users have reverted back to the previous Nov f/w.
2.11.30 is running great with improvement in SD viewing.

18-12-2012, 08:42 AM
Are you running 2.11.30 on an S6000? If so, has the programme 7 day synopsis in the EPG been sorted out?
I assume that 2.11.30 can be loaded onto all the Icecrypt satellite boxes (S3500, S3550, S3600, S6000) but NOT the S4000.
In view of your post I will leave the S4000 until ColdAsIce comments.

18-12-2012, 09:44 AM
Are you running 2.11.30 on an S6000? If so, has the programme 7 day synopsis in the EPG been sorted out?
I assume that 2.11.30 can be loaded onto all the Icecrypt satellite boxes (S3500, S3550, S3600, S6000) but NOT the S4000.
In view of your post I will leave the S4000 until ColdAsIce comments.

What I wrote above was taken off the german site who; like us; tested and reported back. Just thought i'd mention what their findings were so you atleast had an idea what to expect ;)

18-12-2012, 11:46 AM
You can judge for yourself as its now in the firmware section.

786 Bladerunner
19-12-2012, 02:20 AM
Hi Blakmumba,

I am new to this forum, only registered today(19/12/12). My main experience to date has been with Netgem freeview boxes but I only recently installed a FTA system, bought my S4000 about 2 months ago.

Given all the problems that you all have posted on here & experienced from my own perspective all I want to achieve from this box is to have a 7 day EPG, and the capability to record FTA Sd/HD channels. I feel after reading many S4000 owner experiences we all are in the same boat (hopefully not without a paddle up the icecrypt preverbial creek).

I will be getting 2TB WD AV-GP drive if the EPG & other playback issues are sorted out as otherwise I will sell the S4000. I am resisting buying a humax as it will not, as far as I am aware, let me put channels in my own order and it rather limited by only having a 1TB h/drive which will fill up quickly with HD programmes. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you to the forum regulars such as echelon, Buck401, blakmumba, ColdAsIce apologies for anyone I have not mentioned for your posts advising on the S4000 developments as I appreciate your efforts. I have checked on icecrypt website but no f/w is showing except what is already installed on my S4000 at present v1.10.32.

20-12-2012, 03:41 AM
all I want to achieve from this box is to have a 7 day EPG, and the capability to record FTA Sd/HD channels.
Looking at the latest firmware releases for the octagon's, I highly doubt that the epg will be sorted with the next firmware release which shouldn't be too long. We most likely will still be left with the now and next program synopsis only and with incorrect synopsis for the recorded program's.
Recording SD/HD program's are a hit an miss. Some record just fine and some have various playback issues (forwarding/rewinding/only first 5-10mins play etc)

I feel after reading many S4000 owner experiences we all are in the same boat (hopefully not without a paddle up the icecrypt preverbial creek).
The problem is, this *BLEEP* creek is never ending and there's only so much 1 can paddle before giving up and diving in.

I will be getting 2TB WD AV-GP drive if the EPG & other playback issues are sorted
My advise would be to wait for the next firmware release before making a decision wether to buy a bigger hard drive or to sell on 'as is'.

I am resisting buying a humax as it will not, as far as I am aware, let me put channels in my own order and it rather limited by only having a 1TB h/drive which will fill up quickly with HD programmes.
Depending which humax u buy, there are custom firmware's which enable hard drives larger than 1tb (highest someone has managed is 3tb), and also allow you to rearrange the program's to your acquired taste.

I have checked on icecrypt website but no f/w is showing except what is already installed on my S4000 at present v1.10.32.
They have actually updated the downloads within the icecrypt receiver with the latest firmware (v1.11.16) which makes a change.
Menu > Settings > Network Setting > Software upgrade server.

Sent from my iPhone

20-12-2012, 02:39 PM
Hi blakmumba,

Seems we are having some similar problems with this box I do not have program synopsis just now and next also slow motion on live tv which freezes the box, I am experiencing one problem which it seems you are not i.e. occasionaly very long delays when changing channels which I can tollerate its just a bit annoying.

I dont seem to have the problems with recorded programs wether Hd or Sd they all play perfectly no issues at all also as long as I have set the recording via the epg it always has the correct synopsis, However I do have it set to start one minute early.

If I start the recording manually just as the program starts it has the synopsis for the following program.

Have you tried setting your recordings to start early, might solve one problem (you never know).

I am only using mcas and coconut for the odd extra channel on other sats. Not yet tried a cline.

20-12-2012, 05:16 PM
Any chance of the 1.11.30 f/w for the S4000 to evaluate?
Cheers, in anticipation.

21-12-2012, 03:50 PM
I spoke to soon just been watching a recording off ITV HD and the picture started breaking up similar to a corrupt internet download. This is the first problem I have had with a recording. I have a very strong signal so I know its not that.

I did consider getting a different box at one point but a friend has a Humax freeview (not satellite) box and he has had problems too. Ha well

22-12-2012, 02:13 AM
@ satnoobie, recording back to back also is a hit and miss with this box. I had 9 - 1hr recordings set to record back to back and from them 9, only 5 were watchable. The rest played for the first 5-10 mins and froze with the timer jumping in 10 to 30sec intervals like your quick forwading. Lockups are still persistent. Really considering selling this lump if the next firmware is the same.
Don't even get me started with Xcam and clines (still trying to figure a way of getting a half stable pic:toetap05:).

24-12-2012, 04:50 PM
Is the 1.11 30 f/w for the S4000 ready yet?

24-12-2012, 05:59 PM
Sorry Buck v1.11.30 too buggy to release.

24-12-2012, 06:30 PM
Sorry Buck v1.11.30 too buggy to release.
Still any chance off a crack at it? Can't exactly be any worse than what we already have ;)

24-12-2012, 08:20 PM
The octagon version doesn't seem that buggy besides the wlan issues, is the icecrypt one worse/different?
My main question is; Is stapi fixed? (and will it be OK in the next releases so oscam and/or mgcamd will run again like on other brands)

25-12-2012, 09:18 AM
Agree with Jaaps, the Octagon version of the firmware seems to be fairly stable, also find XCam is more stable on ND& channels, less freezing.