View Full Version : VU+ Solo2 Review

ekko star
22-12-2012, 02:24 PM
Every once in while something comes along in the world of electronics and promises to be a game changer.

You've had miniature marvels that turn things upside down and inside out and have their competitors running in fear. Sony once did it with the Walkman, Apple did it with an iPod (and then later again with the iPhone).... and so it now comes to the world of satellite.

VU+ gives you the Solo2

For those already familiar with VU+ models, this is their latest and new shrunk to size powerhouse of a receiver.

The packaging is pretty much the same as always. A friendly recyclable cardboard box with a commitment emblazoned upon it to make a donation from their profits to children's welfare institutions.

http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/7164/solo2p.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/solo2p.jpg/)

You will notice the sticker that the outer box wears. It's a 'badge of pride'. The receiver unashamedly professes to be the fastest twin pvr satellite receiver on Earth. The package may appear deceptively diminutive on the outside but that claim certainly alludes to what lies within.

http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/4862/boxie.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/831/boxie.jpg/)

As you can see everything comes very neatly and professionally packaged.

It's a handsome receiver. Beauty is not just skin deep though as this is undoubtedly a wolf in sheep's clothing.

http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/4210/shot1v.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/shot1v.jpg/)

Profile view makes a style statement.... like a smiling assassin

http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/2243/shot2fu.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/shot2fu.jpg/)

The rear of the box harbours all the AV connections. You'll notice the all important twin tuners, Ethernet, HDMI, USB socketry. The Solo2 also heralds a first for the VU+ range which is an external PSU socket.

The departure from an internal PSU has it's pro's and cons. Internal means everything is housed in a singular package. An external PSU has many upsides though. There is no unnecessary heat build up within the machine and should your PSU ever fail on you, it's a far simpler job getting an external replacement for sure.

The Solo2 draws 3.5A on 12V.

http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/9940/rearyk.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/846/rearyk.jpg/)

Onto the accessories, here you get an external PSU, HDMI & SATA cable, remote control and some batteries thrown in for good measure. You will also notice a small pack of HDD mounting screws. The Solo2 has the ability to mount an internal 2.5" HDD, something it's predecessor could not do. This really makes the Solo2 a very competent PVR proposal for satellite enthusiasts.

http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/6084/accessoriesi.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/651/accessoriesi.jpg/)

The receiver retains much of the Solo's original footprint. For those not familiar with it's sizing here is how it ranks alongside a genuine Dreambox DM800HDSE

http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/9412/sidebysidem.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/sidebysidem.jpg/)

Another size comparison for you to marvel at. The best of technology harnessed in the smallest of packages

http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/3829/sizecomparisonf.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/sizecomparisonf.jpg/)

The VU+ remote is the same as the programmable type supplied with the Solo and Duo. This is no bad thing. It is perfectly sized and very tactile. If you thought the Solo, Duo or Ultimo were responsive (and they are) you've got another thing coming here for sure. In short the VU+ remote and the Solo2 are very responsive indeed.

The only other tactile remote that I personally favour is the Dreambox Omikron, that however is of course for Dreamboxes only.

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/3126/remotes.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/541/remotes.jpg/)

Whilst there are two USB2 ports at the rear of the machine, you will find another one behind the front drop down flap. You can for example attach an external HDD on the rear USB's. The front USB is especially handy when you plan to upgrade the firmware and images. In time you will come to appreciate this accessibility. There is of course a twin card reader built into the Solo2.

The front flap is held in place magnetically. It feels robust and is in pretty much the same ilk as that found on the Ultimo.

http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/9941/frontflap.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/frontflap.jpg/)

There are 3 screws on the rear panel and a screw on either side panel. If my maths is correct, that makes 5 to remove in total ?

http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/4593/lidopen.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/lidopen.jpg/)

et Voila...Pandora's box reveals all. It's as beautifully clean on the inside as it's lines on the outside suggest

http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/8351/lidoff.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/lidoff.jpg/)

As you can see very efficient and clean. You can see the HDD mounting tray. This is seated by 3 holding screws. Unlike many other receivers such as the Dreamboxes the HDD tray in the VU's always feels more solid and workmanlike. This is no exception. Just above the heatsink you will see the SATA port to connect your HDD to. To the left of it are four Nanya chips (presumably the 1Gb DDR) surface mounted to the main board. Under the heatsink you will find the dual core 1.3Ghz Broadcom processor. Size makes for nothing without speed and agility. This is the real powerhouse at the heart of this receiver and this processor takes this tiny box to gargantuan heights. Satellite enthusiasts will soon come to appreciate the watershed that this marks. We are entering a whole new era of power and performance.

Believe me we are talking the stuff that legends are made of....

http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/6166/insideub.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/insideub.jpg/)

Removing the tray makes it a simple task to install a 2.5" HDD. Choose yourself a decently sized 5400RPM HDD and install carefully. It's worth getting a decent reliable brand. After all much of your media within the machine will reside here and it's best to go with something that is reliable from the outset.

http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/4299/hddmountingtray.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/hddmountingtray.jpg/)

From the flick of the power switch, the time taken to cycle to boot up to the splash set up screen was a mere 34 secs (pre-installed image). This thing is like Usain Bolt on a mission....

Other than a blinking LED the Original Solo was a 'blind' machine. Thankfully, the Solo2 has a rather more informative 12-digit VFD display. It's not in the league of the Ultimo but it's a welcome addition nonetheless.

http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/125/bootingb.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/bootingb.jpg/)

HDD installation and mounting is a breeze. As you place the HDD tray back there are raised guides on the mount points....nice touch VU+. It is here you'll begin to appreciate the finer qualities and attention to detail of the Solo2.

Plug the HDD power connector into the socket on the board behind the power switch (it is also guided to prevent foolproof installation). Plug the SATA connector onto the main board and the connector assembly into the HDD itself....everything goes in with a re-assuring click and has the feel of a quality product throughout.

Placing the lid back on the receiver you'll feel the guides on the sides of the chassis. The side panels ease over the lip and the lid then slides gently back into place.

Those of you who may have built PC's before will appreciate the well thought out chassis and pay a homage to those clever chaps at VU+. This is a receiver built with some deep know how. We are talking real attention to detail. The build quality is superb.

http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/930/mountedhdd.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/705/mountedhdd.jpg/)

Whilst the pre-loaded VU experimental image will get you up and running, the more adventurous amongst you will head for Blackhole and the like to reach all that an E2 Linux box like this can offer.

Transfer your chosen image file to USB, plug in and hard reboot the receiver. The box asks you to confirm so by tapping the touch sensitive standby button. It then goes on to do it's thing and reboots itself into life once the flash procedure is done.

http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/41/updating.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/updating.jpg/)

I was able to load the very latest BH 1.7.9 v3 via USB from boot to update to reboot in about 1 minute. To put that into perspective that's a chunky 103Mb fully loaded HbbTv image booted and loaded into flash, ready to go in around a minute. That's pretty impressive.

Thankfully you are not shortchanged in the performance stakes. It runs at a blistering 1.305 Ghz and 869.37 BogoMIPS.

http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8306/techspecs.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/techspecs.png/)

Barely having time to get my breath back I find BH are already using updated drivers. The support for the machine is flying almost as fast as the machine itself and although it's early days transcoding on the fly is already enabled. This bodes well for the future for those looking to stream to external devices on the fly.

Simply log on to Webif via browser on your device and you can choose a host of options to stream HDD recordings or view 'on the fly' transcoded material.

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/6679/webifl.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/201/webifl.jpg/)

Whilst this function is still in beta stages the receiver did not lock up whilst multi-tasking and transcoding HD material. The transcode is approx 5 seconds behind the actual broadcast.

http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/1606/transcodeq.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/transcodeq.jpg/)

A quick gander at some of the ARD HD channels on 19.2E also confirms that HbbTv is working fine. HbbTv can be a resource strain and only 28% of memory appeared being utilised at the time. The Solo2 just laps it all up in it's stride. It also plays 1080p MKV's very smoothly. It runs a Gigabit LAN adaptor and on my network I was able to transfer an 8gb file to the machine in around 10mins.

http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/2141/screenshot1yp.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/404/screenshot1yp.png/)

The combination of price, support and hardware is very likely to become a marriage made in heaven....probably irresistible to many. New features and further stability is pretty much assured. Furthermore if VU's recent track record is anything to go by then this is simply going on to become a phenomenal machine.

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7677/talentedzapper.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14/talentedzapper.jpg/)

It is labelled as the 'Multi-Talented Twin HD PVR' and the 'Fastest Twin Tuner PVR on Earth'...to be honest both are a bit of a mouthful and I'll sum up the box a little more succinctly...it's a Game Changer

A very well done must also go to the BH team. They are truly on it. They've got HbbTv working off the bat and in as many days VU have released them updated drivers and the much vaunted transcoding feature has been enabled. That's pretty good going by all accounts.

Hopefully my brief review has been useful and whetted the appetite for one of the most eagerly sought after satellite receivers there has been for a long, long while.


22-12-2012, 02:45 PM
Nice review ekko.....................wonder if the sponsor is working on monday

ekko star
22-12-2012, 02:50 PM
He's a top guy. I'm pretty sure he will be and quite busy at that ! Get to the shop.....

simon 2003
22-12-2012, 06:02 PM
thanks alot mate

22-12-2012, 06:53 PM
Will there be a duo2 and then a ultimo2 not sure whether to wait and see I want the best to last a while and be upstage with another

22-12-2012, 08:49 PM
Great review

Will there be a duo2 and then a ultimo2 not sure whether to wait and see I want the best to last a while and be upstage with another

I think the Duo 2 is already announced and I am sure more will follow. After all the nature of the game is to keep us punters keen. :)

I am still NOT buying one............who called me a liar??? LOL :respect-050:

23-12-2012, 01:46 AM
The best Review i ever see it..Well done.

28-12-2012, 08:07 PM
great review.

i have a question, the box says "the fastest twin tuner PVR on earth" - im confused, i thought SOLO was a single tuner and the DUO was the twin ...can someone clarify please.

28-12-2012, 08:25 PM
great review.

i have a question, the box says "the fastest twin tuner PVR on earth" - im confused, i thought SOLO was a single tuner and the DUO was the twin ...can someone clarify please.

and there was me thinking the single tuner model was the UNO ;)

andy gg
28-12-2012, 08:32 PM
Yes VU+Solo2 has Two Tuners.

29-12-2012, 03:26 AM
So what will the new duo have in Feb thanks

29-12-2012, 10:47 AM
So what will the new duo have in Feb thanks

2 X Plug & Play Tuners so if swapped with the new Plug & Play Dual Tuner Module will make the Duo2 a Quad Tuner if you so wish

simon 2003
29-12-2012, 11:55 AM
Solo = 333mhz (iirc) cpu, single fixed tuner
Duo = 405mhz cpu, 386mb ram, twin fixed tuner
Uno = 405mhz dual core cpu, 512mb ram, single pluggable tuner with blindscan, so can swap out tuner for sat, terestrial or cable, and soon twin tuner sat card avaliable.
Ultimo = 405mhz dual core cpu, 512mb ram, triple plugable tuners with blindscan, so can swap out 1,2 or all 3, mix and match the tuners as you wish (I have 3x dvb-s2 in mine), and soon there is twin tuner card, so you could have 4 tuners built in, and the large vfd display
Solo2 = 1.3ghz cpu, twin fixed sat tuners with blindscan (when the drivers are updated), 1gb ddr3 ram
Duo2 = 1.3ghz cpu, twin pluggable tuners with blindscan, 2gb ddr3 ram, vfd and lcd front panal displays, and built in wifi (all of which to be confirmed before launch as all specs can and are likely to change).
thanks to CokeAddict...

mines on the way should get on Monday (from wafers) cant wait

30-12-2012, 07:46 PM
Mine came 28th never had a linux box, took a while but ive got pictures
well impressed

simon 2003
31-12-2012, 02:04 PM
got mine first thing thanks to Lee from goldwafers couldnt be more helpfull, got £175 for the db800 so £125 for a solo2 is a no brainer,first impressions are its fast very fast still setting up but its a breeze so far

31-12-2012, 03:51 PM
Hey Ekko. Firstly, thanks for comprehensive review. I am hoping to purchase 1 of these units in the new year. Just a quick question.. You said 'a decently sized 5400RPM'.. Would a 7200RPM not be compatible? I pretty new to this.. Cheers,

31-12-2012, 04:12 PM
Ok.. So i think I found the answer.. A 7200rpm would work, however.. Somehow a 5400rpm is better as a kind of mass storage device (i.e for your recordings, etc). After having a look around, I found this drive :


Says it's perfect for DVR's and demanding Multi-Media applications. So seems a good choice?

31-12-2012, 06:53 PM
Great box set up in a few miutes, only drawback is installing a different skin as im still on the default one!

simon 2003
04-01-2013, 12:08 PM
hows that a drawback charlie ,in blackhole you can preveiw the skins first before download which is a bonus ,ive installed one onto latest blackhole that tidys things up a bit ,took 30 seconds including reboot :coolgleamA:

05-01-2013, 01:32 PM
Sorry for not replying sooner,this is what i did
Went to Addons Download Manager, then Black Hole Image Skins, selected a skin to download (EleganceHD-P)all ok.
In setup after selecting the skin got message Sorry this skin is not compatible with current Black hole image, got this message with most Skins but managed to download the Blackshadow3 skin ok, hope this is of any use

05-01-2013, 01:36 PM
You need to pick a skin that says for BH 1.7.9

08-01-2013, 09:33 PM
Just got it today. Its ok :D not gonna say its the best or anything like that now. Give a little time and then...
Yes booting is faster than any other box I have or have had

08-01-2013, 10:32 PM
Got oen for test to, and im not happy with the Quality of the Picture. otherwise is same as any other Mips based box, nothing to new in my book
Quicker booting, but nothing more to be seen for now, perhaps there is new things comming as cpu is fast

09-01-2013, 12:36 AM
Got oen for test to, and im not happy with the Quality of the Picture. otherwise is same as any other Mips based box, nothing to new in my book
Quicker booting, but nothing more to be seen for now, perhaps there is new things comming as cpu is fast

What exactly do you mean by 'quality of the picture' please mate - is HD not in HD, is SD blurred, etc etc??:respect-055:

09-01-2013, 12:56 AM
PQ compared to what and under which conditions ???

09-01-2013, 09:18 AM
PQ is same as any VU+ just booting is fast nothing more I have noticed but for the price it great.
Maybe some new developments will change things
I had to buy this one as my VU+Duo got kaput

simon 2003
09-01-2013, 11:08 AM
picture on mine as good if not better than db800 and faster in all departments

Dark Cloud
09-01-2013, 11:22 AM
ok Simon, that's it,........I'm having one of these next payday !.

simon 2003
09-01-2013, 11:30 AM
you wont regret it mate i guarantee it so easy to use,flash in 2 mins ,reboot gui in about 20 secs,hard reboot 30-35 secs ,flys through the channels nice blackhole image very stable even at this early stage ,i loved my db800 but i sold it and got a solo2 not looked back

09-01-2013, 12:08 PM
you wont regret it mate i guarantee it so easy to use,flash in 2 mins ,reboot gui in about 20 secs,hard reboot 30-35 secs ,flys through the channels nice blackhole image very stable even at this early stage ,i loved my db800 but i sold it and got a solo2 not looked back

Yesp can see how the Solo2 is a greeat improvement over the 800 but based on the above I'll stick with my 800SE. It boots from cold into watchable TV in 40-45 seconds. Can't really justify paying the money for a gain of 5-10 seconds in bootup time and the loss of using Nemesis images (sorry Sonic1). :)

Maybe look at it again in the summer when hopefully there will be more image support for it but at the end of the day enigma is enigma and if one can find a skin one loves it doesn't really matter about the image underneath as long as it works and has all the functionality one wants.

09-01-2013, 12:19 PM
depending how old your box is, you will find a duo or solo2 should give you many more features like better 24/7 epg , playback of more video files like mkv and mp4 and avi , older boxes may struggle with these file formats or not even play some of them. also you can use them as media streamers using plugins, or distribute a card locally to a few boxes on your lan. and usually you can fit an internal hdd to transform the box into a pvr, and even better a twin tuner pvr on a duo or solo2. you can back up your files and settings to usb stick or to internal hdd. lastly you can access your box over your lan, ftp files to and from it and generally get a better experience than older boxes provide

a new and modern box using up to date images and an internal hdd can transform what you do, so in some cases you may wish to sell the old and buy new like simon2003 and myself have done

it depends what you require as to whether or not a new box is worth it, but time moves on and in our modern world we upgrade from old laptops, old cars, old washing machines and fridge freezers, and from old crt tv,s to flatscreen panel tv`s, even when the old one is working fine

simon 2003
09-01-2013, 12:51 PM
couldnt agree more echelon thanks ,,i realise faster boot times is not really a reason too upgrade receivers but had my db800 3 years and wanted twin tuners and to upgrade in general and the potential with this big chip should be good,got £175 on that selling place for db so £125 for solo2 :)

09-01-2013, 01:19 PM
Its all very interesting what is being said on here - the only 'worry' I had was with the PQ comment - my TM6900HD Super indeed has a 'Super' PQ, in my opinion of course, so now I'm seriously considering the Solo 2, I wanted to clear up all lingering doubts by listening to what people who actually HAVE one are saying - espec as its not THAT cheap a receiver to buy outright, well not to ME at any rate!!:respect-055:

26-01-2013, 02:25 PM
pic quality threads make me laugh, there are too many factors involved for me to take it seriously.

a) someones eyes.
b) the tv's settings (sharpness, contrast etc)
c) the age of the tv's panel
d) the quality of the tv's panel
e) how it is connected (scart \ hdmi)
f) interference from other devices.
g) the persons knowledge of how av equipment should be setup.
h) the stb's settings

i for one never listen to pic quality threads, as they are totally subjective.

i for one, cannot see difference between my virgin media box, my xtrend box, my azbox box.

29-01-2013, 01:02 PM
pic quality threads make me laugh, there are too many factors involved for me to take it seriously.

a) someones eyes.
b) the tv's settings (sharpness, contrast etc)
c) the age of the tv's panel
d) the quality of the tv's panel
e) how it is connected (scart \ hdmi)
f) interference from other devices.
g) the persons knowledge of how av equipment should be setup.
h) the stb's settings

i for one never listen to pic quality threads, as they are totally subjective.

i for one, cannot see difference between my virgin media box, my xtrend box, my azbox box.

Must admit I agree mate - its all 'relative' - and also a matter of opinion, but thats all I've ever said when, for example, praising the Panasonic TVs by which I 'personally' swear!! lol!!:podium-016:

29-01-2013, 05:45 PM
Before I press the pay now button will HD Glass work on BH &/or ViX?

29-01-2013, 05:50 PM
Before I press the pay now button will HD Glass work on BH &/or ViX?

Yes but you have to change some files to get it working on BH.

29-01-2013, 05:51 PM
Before I press the pay now button will HD Glass work on BH &/or ViX?

It works on Vix cause of the OpenPLI relation but on blackhole it needs a couple of extra files to tweak it so to speak

simon 2003
29-01-2013, 06:10 PM
hd glass is that a skin ? is it in BH addons ?

29-01-2013, 06:13 PM
hd glass is that a skin ? is it in BH addons ?

Yes it is a skin, but the BH team do not support it, therefore it's not in the BH addons.

13-02-2013, 02:30 PM
Also considering this box and the PQ question raised my brows a bit.

I have a sammy UE46D7000 and the pq from my Icecrypt S3500 is better than the sammy's tuner.

I would regret it if the Solo2 did not outperform the Icecrypt.

Maniks comment is true but if I replace the crypt without changing any other settings I would hope to see the pq as equally good if not better.

Comments invited before I buy.



13-02-2013, 03:10 PM
Also considering this box and the PQ question raised my brows a bit.

I have a sammy UE46D7000 and the pq from my Icecrypt S3500 is better than the sammy's tuner.

I would regret it if the Solo2 did not outperform the Icecrypt.

Maniks comment is true but if I replace the crypt without changing any other settings I would hope to see the pq as equally good if not better.

Comments invited before I buy.



I can only compare what i have at home both on the same TV screen, My DrHD Grand Triple gives a better and sharper picture than what the Solo2 can provide, there is only one way to find out and that is to purchase one or take your Icecrypt around to someone who already has a Solo2.

13-02-2013, 03:35 PM
I can only compare what i have at home both on the same TV screen, My DrHD Grand Triple gives a better and sharper picture than what the Solo2 can provide, there is only one way to find out and that is to purchase one or take your Icecrypt around to someone who already has a Solo2.

Ah but have you installed the latest Solo2 drivers? They make for a great improvement I am reading. Can't confirm myself yet as I am still waiting for mine to arrive.

Dark Cloud
13-02-2013, 04:05 PM
Well, I've got mine up and running,,,,,,thanks to "SIMON",.........otherwise I'd still be fiddling around,.......and my mate, who works in Currys, where I got my Samsung8000 46",.........could not believe the pictures on my screen. Much better than my Openbox S11.
No complaints from me.

13-02-2013, 05:17 PM
Ah but have you installed the latest Solo2 drivers? They make for a great improvement I am reading. Can't confirm myself yet as I am still waiting for mine to arrive.

Yes i always keep up to date with everything

simon 2003
13-02-2013, 07:22 PM
its a new receiver plenty of updates to come to improve it further, PQ is always an individual thing ,what one person might think is better another person might not ,is it 1080i or 720p or what are the tv setting blah blah blah,,on my screen 58 series fujitsu plasma,my solo 2 pic is as good if not better than SKYHD box and dreambox 800hd ,it got a bit sharper with the last drivers though i read on the vu+ forums some thought it deteriorated,one thing is for sure the receiver has got lots in reserve ( processor /memory )to make further improvements

13-02-2013, 07:37 PM

I have read that this box and the duo are not suitable for Sky and HD+. As I am thinking of getting one or the other, I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this for me before I go any further.


13-02-2013, 08:10 PM

I have read that this box and the duo are not suitable for Sky and HD+. As I am thinking of getting one or the other, I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this for me before I go any further.


Is fine for Sly. No idea about HD+ as I don't watch it.

It is customary for new members to introduce themselves before posting to the forum:

Introduce Yourself (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?431-Introduce-Yourself Here)

13-02-2013, 08:39 PM
Sorry for my ignorance, but why is it called sly?

Thanks for the heads up on the intorduction. All sorted now :)

13-02-2013, 08:47 PM

I have read that this box and the duo are not suitable for Sky and HD+. As I am thinking of getting one or the other, I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this for me before I go any further.


a load of rubbish and no idea where you get that info from, but its 100% c**p and no owner would tell you any different

sly , vermin , beeb , all colloquialism/nicknames. we dont use real names on here, and not on most other forums either

13-02-2013, 08:55 PM
Hmm a case of suck it and see I feel.

One would think that a brand such as VU would at least equal the tuner on a Crypt....

13-02-2013, 08:59 PM
Well that's certainly a definite statement. I seen it on the site that shares its name with a well known rainforest and jungle (.de).

So are you saying that you are an owner?

13-02-2013, 10:46 PM
Well that's certainly a definite statement. I seen it on the site that shares its name with a well known rainforest and jungle (.de).

So are you saying that you are an owner?

you have only just joined here so have no idea how long others have been here or what they own

check my posts out , then you decide if I am a vu owner or not (but its not really any of your business who owns what on here), although I definitely own 1 more vu than you with another on pre-order

frankly , most members on here dont care what other forums say, and de have their own sly so may not be referring to OUR uk sly, and in any case sly on 13e or 19e or 28e are no problem for a linux box of any type, especially E2 boxes. I have had boxes for over 10 years and never known a box that cannot handle sly on various satellites

13-02-2013, 10:56 PM
I have read that this box and the duo are not suitable for Sky and HD+

It will work with Sky for sure as others have already confirmed and you can use SCAM for HD+ support including activation and with no setup required, just install, activate and insert card, or you can use OScam but with a little more configuration required.

14-02-2013, 06:37 PM
It will work with Sky for sure as others have already confirmed and you can use SCAM for HD+ support including activation and with no setup required, just install, activate and insert card, or you can use OScam but with a little more configuration required.

Thanks for the friendly information ;)

16-02-2013, 10:02 AM
Been playing with my solo 2 for the last week,been the owner of many receivers over the years,have to say this is head and shoulders above the rest(its replaced a DM800 which is now consigned to a bedroom)almost changes channel before the remote is pressed....:respect-048: Dunc.

08-09-2013, 01:17 PM
DB 800 HD SE or SOLO2 (with BH)? Can you guys tell me which one has better picture quality?