View Full Version : S4000pvr current bootloader

26-12-2012, 02:39 AM
Can any one tell me were I can find the current bootloader I believe its L1.54 I have searched high and low and haven't come across it,I have currently maxiboot installed which after a bad update of the current icecrypt firmware will only boot my E2 pkt image of a memory stick, so I need to get the icecrypt bootloader back on there (Porter Express does not work because of maxiboot)so I read somewhere on the forum to just boot-up pressing volume up button with the icecrypt bootloader on a fat 32 formatted memory stick and then repeat this with the latest firmware if this doesn't work i'll have to go down the AAF recovery route.

26-12-2012, 09:45 AM
when you "searched high and low" , did you look here ?


posted 18 months ago !

26-12-2012, 08:39 PM
No ,well done thank you !