View Full Version : LNB connection problems

27-12-2012, 07:13 PM
I have a motorised satellite system with 2 receivers, V.36 (Spiderbox 9900hd and Protek 9700HD) with a Technomate V II positioner.

As a result of my Spiderbox stuck at F100 despite may best efforts, I am unable to repair it.

The problem is now that what moves my satellite positions is my Protek 9700 receiver and I want to remove my Spiderbox but I am not sure of the connections. At the moment with the existing connections the dish is not moving, as no doubt it goes through the Spiderbox. I can only do this manually!

The Technomate positioner has the "4 sensors" and then "to receiver" and "to LNB" all these connections are used at the moment. My Protek receiver has a connection "LNB INN" connected only, apart from the HDMI cable to the TV , ect. My Spiderbox has an In and Out LNB type connections been used.

Any help greatly appreciated!!!

27-12-2012, 07:19 PM
remove the connection from the vbox to the spiderbox on the actual spiderbox, and connect to the lnb input of the protek

that way the protek is connected directly to the vbox, and the vbox goes to the 36v motor and actuator

27-12-2012, 08:13 PM
Thank you for the quick reply but someone else is recommending the following:

"so the lnb in to the spider looks like the main feed and loop out is going to other receiver .so remove the connection from other receiver and replace it with the lnb in cable from the spider"

I don't really know about this things as the connections are as the installer made them 5 years ago!

What should I do?

27-12-2012, 08:20 PM
Thank you for the quick reply but someone else is recommending the following:

"so the lnb in to the spider looks like the main feed and loop out is going to other receiver .so remove the connection from other receiver and replace it with the lnb in cable from the spider"

I don't really know about this things as the connections are as the installer made them 5 years ago!

What should I do?

that reply seems to be the same as what I said

if you read my post again, its logical to remove the coax cable from the spider that travels to the vbox at the spiderbox end, and connect it to the lnb input of the protek instead. that way the protek controls the vbox and not the spiderbox

if you only had the one box, that is how you would connect it to a vbox anyway

27-12-2012, 08:28 PM
that reply seems to be the same as what I said

if you read my post again, its logical to remove the coax cable from the spider that travels to the vbox at the spiderbox end, and connect it to the lnb input of the protek instead. that way the protek controls the vbox and not the spiderbox

if you only had the one box, that is how you would connect it to a vbox anyway

Thank you. As I said I am not very good with connections as at the moment I have more cables behing my equipment than I have had hot dinners!

Therefore, with the Technomate positioner, the cable that says "To receiver" I connect this directly tto the Protek marked "LNB Inn" . All the other connections including the one that is already in the Protek "LNB In " becomes redundant.

Thanks once more for your help.

27-12-2012, 08:33 PM
the only redundant coax lead is the one currently going from the spider lnb out (the loopthrough) to the protek lnb in

all the other cables remain in situ

basically you remove the loopthrough cable, and then remove the lnb in from the spiderbox and connect it to lnb in on the protek

then you fully remove the spiderbox and that redundant loopthrough coaxial cable too

do not remove any wires or cables that go from the technomate vbox to the motor

I would put some tape around the coax cable going to the spiderbox lnb input
this is then connected to any box you like, on its lnb input, when only one box is in use at a time

this is the cable that goes to the technomate vbox (its receiver connection)

28-12-2012, 12:46 AM
Thanks again for explaining this to me.

I have found a shop in Birmingham that could repair my Spiderbox 9900 HD, therefore, this will be a temporary measure! (Hopefully!) and move my dish again with the Protek.

I will have ago at these new connections tomorrow as I need to pack the Spiderbox.

Thank you for your help and prompt reply.

28-12-2012, 04:56 PM
the only redundant coax lead is the one currently going from the spider lnb out (the loopthrough) to the protek lnb in

all the other cables remain in situ

basically you remove the loopthrough cable, and then remove the lnb in from the spiderbox and connect it to lnb in on the protek

then you fully remove the spiderbox and that redundant loopthrough coaxial cable too

do not remove any wires or cables that go from the technomate vbox to the motor

I would put some tape around the coax cable going to the spiderbox lnb input
this is then connected to any box you like, on its lnb input, when only one box is in use at a time

this is the cable that goes to the technomate vbox (its receiver connection)

I have made the connection changes today and it works very well. Thank you for your help.
As and when I get my Spiderbox repair I will be able to go back to the old connections as I have mark them with sticky labels!

Thank you once again.