View Full Version : Service Unavailable, Check Configuration

27-12-2012, 10:17 PM
I just installed Catseye channel settings which look great however i am having some issue clearing channels on 28. Some clear fine fine but others are showing SNR 0% and the channel does not clear.

I am having the above issue on astra however i just checked all other sats and all channels are greyed out, no channel names, just N/A. When i try and select a channel i get the message "check tuner config"

Any idaes guys?

Single tuner motorized setup

andy gg
27-12-2012, 11:30 PM
Best bet is to go to the Sat you want and do a maual scan to test.

27-12-2012, 11:34 PM
Enable Mutiple Bouqets in setup-customize
Check your satellites.xml
Use Dreamboxedit to upload the settings

28-12-2012, 01:46 AM
Thanks for the replys, I have been told that I need to setup advanced diseq in the tuner config.

I'm currently using positioner along with my longitude & latitude settings given to me by my installer.

Is there anything else I should be doing, also what's the reason for needing advanced diseqc

28-12-2012, 03:32 PM
Update - the channels that were previously showing 0% snr are now showing but very intermittently and are subject to mass distortion. Could this be my dish is out if place? It strange as not all channels are effected, some hd clear fine where as the sd equivilant breaks up.

Still got the other issue on all other Sats where the channel list shows no channel names just n/a

28-12-2012, 03:35 PM
did you check your usals position is correct after loading the new list ?

29-12-2012, 02:46 PM
I have always used the below setup as given to me by my installer:

Config mode: Simple
Mode: Positioner
Longitude: 000.700 East
Latitude: 051.500 North

Do I need to change anything?

29-12-2012, 08:05 PM
I decided to start a fresh this afternoon. Reinstalled vti 5.0 along with catseye channel settings.

Now all channels on all sats are showing n/a and I get the error "service Unavaliable, check tuner config"

I have tried a new sattelites.xml but it makes no difference. Any ideas guys as I have no tv and can't see where the problem is.

29-12-2012, 09:04 PM
try a black hole image see if that works

30-12-2012, 10:36 AM
Get exactly the same results with BH.

30-12-2012, 01:45 PM
Have you tried downloading Catseye Settings off the BH Server ?

30-12-2012, 02:23 PM
No, what would be the difference to FTP the settings. I would like to find the cause of the issue and rectify fit future

30-12-2012, 03:39 PM
sometimes the satellites xml file doesn't get overwritten if it already present, i usually find downloading of a addons server resolves this issue.

30-12-2012, 07:22 PM
Just tried downloading settings from the server and it works, however some channels still show n/a to which i am currently rescanning.

My question is why does it work when downloaded direct and not when i was ftp the same settings, there must be something i was missing or failing to do?

30-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Just tried downloading settings from the server and it works, however some channels still show n/a to which i am currently rescanning.

My question is why does it work when downloaded direct and not when i was ftp the same settings, there must be something i was missing or failing to do?

I suppose the answer to that may depend on the tool you used , and I know of at least 3 it could have been


so fess up and tell us which tool you used, the version number, and did you set it for E2 on the latter ones ?

you also have to reload the box on the latter ones too (there is a button for this in dreamboxedit)

30-12-2012, 07:42 PM
Are you using VU Control Centre or Dream Box Edit when you FTP Catseye Settings to your receiver

the reason i ask this is i have better success with Dreambox Edit,

I run Dreambox EDIT

File> Browse to catseye settings> ok to select file>
"processing please wait"
File>Fast FTP upload
"Successfully transferred the file-set to dreambox and a reload command is issued"

Dreambox Edit never fails for me

VUCC doesn't seem to be as successful for me

30-12-2012, 08:49 PM
Thanks for the reply s guys, i have been using vu control center 0.5 to manage my box.

I just did a rescan and some of my channels are still showing n/a however if i select the channel the bouquet updates itself with the correct info.

Do you think i should use dreambox edit opposed to vu control center?

30-12-2012, 08:54 PM
VuCC was updated recently to 0.6

try that in case there is an improvement

and sonic1 has uploaded the newest dreamboxedit in case you wish to try that instead

31-12-2012, 12:27 PM
did you tick auto reload settings enigma2 in dreambox edit

i had exactley same problem untill i ticked that box


31-12-2012, 12:40 PM

dbitalia is only using VUCC to manage his box

31-12-2012, 12:46 PM

dbitalia is only using VUCC to manage his box
sorry maybe should of read post properly

31-12-2012, 02:29 PM
sorry maybe should of read post properly

don't worry it's nice that you took time to offer some assistance to dbitalia,

31-12-2012, 02:49 PM
Hi dbitalia,

I have the Vu Uno, and the only
time N/A or all are grayed out is
when I am Recording.

If your still using USALS tweek
your Longitude see if you
can up the Sig Quality.
I think its set at (0.7e) try
(1.1e) then (0.3e) see if
it up your Signal.


01-01-2013, 10:40 AM
Thanks for all the replys,

Dreambox edit resolved the issue.