View Full Version : S4000 PVR problem

28-12-2012, 08:47 AM
I use S4000HDPVR.v1.10.67 and CCCam plugin the newest available from this forum (25NOV2011 as I remember).
And I still have freezing and lock up issues issues....
But the problem occurs only on the channels "native" for my SAT service provider. "Native" means that such channels are produced by my SAT provider. Other channels, not produced by provider (for example Discovery, BBC etc) are working properly. Especially problem occurs after depressing EPG key on remote and waiting for lull list to be downloaded.
I use my home cccam server for S4000 and 2 pcs Ariva Ferguson SAT receiver. I have not similar problems with Ferguson`s.
Any idea how to resolve such problem?

28-12-2012, 10:24 AM
moved to the correct forum

welcome to the sad world of the icecrypt

these problems have gone on for years m8 with no end in site (good hardware, cr*p firmware)

the koreans that are employed on this firmware probably produced the cr*p firmware for the tm9100 too, another "good hardware,bad firmware" candidate

sell it and buy a vu ;)

ps v1.11.16 was the last one posted on here from what I remember

its also worth noting that recent changes by one provider have caused various issues to cs and I would think that using cccam instead of oscam or something else will contribute to your woes, as very few people would use cccam now as a distribution method

28-12-2012, 01:43 PM
yes rid yourself of that box mate.

28-12-2012, 07:07 PM
OK. Moving to Enigma will solve problem?

28-12-2012, 07:45 PM
it "may" help, but it comes with its own problems. u can either choose to install e2 into flash , or leave the flash with ori firmware, and use a usb stick to run E2 off.

see my tutorial on how to do it.

28-12-2012, 08:25 PM
So I have two requests (if i can):
- to echelon - any link to version v1.11.16 (I can not find one)
- to ManikM - any link to Your last version of E2 install tutorial (i found several so which one is correct?)

28-12-2012, 08:28 PM
the link is in another thread on this icecrypt forum, clearly you havent read all the threads on page 1

and nobody is going to guarantee that changing firmware will fix your problems, especially if its down to the broadcaster or a 13 month old cccam plugin causing those problems

personally, I would never change my ice to E2 , as I have E2 boxes for E2, and I have always expected the koreans to come up with a decent icecrypt firmware seeing as its an icecrypt

E2 stuff is in our E2 section, this is the non-E2 section

28-12-2012, 09:09 PM
So - as I understand - we have to wait for Koreans...

28-12-2012, 09:15 PM
So - as I understand - we have to wait for Koreans...

I have been waiting since before you became a member

in the meantime read the forum and try that firmware coldasice posted

not sure why you are using such an outdated plugin though, as old plugins were meant for old firmwares not newer ones

28-12-2012, 09:23 PM
Hmm. "outdated plugin". So which one in "current"? Any help please....

28-12-2012, 09:38 PM
Hmm. "outdated plugin". So which one in "current"? Any help please....

you should know how to navigate the forums by now,

official plugins are in the plugin section

official firmwares are in the firmwares section

beta files are in threads on the forum, like that firmware I mentioned

the cccam hasnt been updated in well over a year ! (perhaps that is a clue ? )

as with the firmware, the files you require do not exist (ones that actually work)

I dont mind helping members but spoonfeeding them is out of the question when it takes but a few minutes to find what you need, and you didnt even post in the correct section either causing me more work moving it and no apology either !

28-12-2012, 09:40 PM
I have been waiting since before you became a member
HaHaHa so so true, that's a cracker :)

not sure why you are using such an outdated plugin though, as old plugins were meant for old firmwares not newer ones
Go into sub forum and download the plugin pack and start using xcam (don't expect an improvement). Don't even bother trying the cccam for the s6000, 3500 etc as they don't work well with the s4000 (I should know as I've already tried).

in the meantime read the forum
This is exactly what you need to do ;)

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