View Full Version : New Phantompatch-TM6900HDSuper_752p

28-12-2012, 12:14 PM
Does anyone have the new patch from Phantom and could post it here, please?? "Phantompatch-TM6900HDSuper_752p-27-12-2012.stb"
Please add Your comments here, thanks!

28-12-2012, 02:07 PM
Here you go mate, hot off the press:-:cup-006:

28-12-2012, 06:11 PM
Cheers, I have tested some of it out, but had already loaded 748 orig firmware before my mate manic01 told me I didnt need to with patch 752P all as follows:-

Feedback to Phantom on new patches 27/12/12
Hi Phantom,

Still slowly going through all facets of your new patch 752P posted last night mate!

However, early findings after loading patch 752P on my TM6900HD Super are as follows:-

1) Backed up channel list
2) Factory Reset
3) Loaded 'basic TM6900 firmware 748 (latest version available?)
4) Loaded patch 752P
5) Loaded Add-On
6) Factory Reset
7) Loaded back Channel List from 1) above
8) Loaded latest TM softcam

I then tried out various items as follows:-
Working fine:-
Cs link on 23.5E opening fine with latest softcam
8281 function working fine on all packages
8280 keys entered on patch 751P all keys remained for first time when transferring from 751P to 752P!

Still NOT working:-
SCT HD on 13E opens then immediately freezes but sound continues! It freezes again as stated when changing channels & returning to SCT HD - so this problem is still not sorted!
This channel (SCT HD on 13E) works perfectly with patch 726P!
PLTV HD on 10E is still jerky as on ALL recent patches, yet works perfectly with patch 726P!
PVR still not functioning very well - e.g. when set ahead of scheduled time from EPG it starts up at the set time, but does not record!
(The receiver also goes into various problems when trying to get back - e.g. try to cancel preset recording and try 'manual' recording - it just keeps going on its own path to destruction and I found I had to switch receiver off & on several times at the back of TM6900HD Super SEVERAL times before I could clear it all to start again!)

So it does seem CS Link on 23.5 E is now working thank you Phantom, but many old problems still remain, e.g. PLTV HD on 10E, SCT HD on 13E - and the PVR function is dreadful!

Thanks again for your efforts Phantom!:respect-067:

29-12-2012, 01:46 PM
With regards to the jerky PLTV I have found that changing A/V Output settings from 1080i to 720p makes a big difference.
I have only just found this so I am not sure how well it works or how consistent it is. Give it a try you never know!

30-12-2012, 12:57 AM
Thats very interesting mate - will try it tomorrow - but just to say that I have reloaded patch 752P without loading the original firmware first - and PLTV HD on 10E is STILL going jerky after a few minutes plus the audio still keeps going out of sync!
After all we SHOULDNT ever have to change the video settings DOWN from 1080i to 720P should it, thats the whole point of having a 1080i capable sat receiver - but will TRY and see if it helps thanks mate!:cup-006:

30-12-2012, 01:53 PM
I was just suggesting it as a temporary fix and to give some clue as to the cause of the problem.
You can change the setting just when watching this channel if it makes it more watchable.

I saw similar problems with the extra channels the BBC put on for the Olympics, the HD ones were jerky while the SD ones were fine.
It could be a problem with video decoding only affecting certain channels for some reason. If the decoding is done in software it could be fixed but if it's done in hardware we are stuffed!

I have also been playing around with BISS and Softcam keys. Loading an empty or minimal Softcam and entering zeros in all unused BIss entries.
It's hard to tell if there's an improvement because I only have 60% quality signal which drops out when cloudy/raining. I have an 80cm dish at the moment perhaps I need a bigger one?

30-12-2012, 03:46 PM
With regards to the jerky PLTV I have found that changing A/V Output settings from 1080i to 720p makes a big difference.
I have only just found this so I am not sure how well it works or how consistent it is. Give it a try you never know!

Yes mate thanks, it seems to work perfectly in 720P - but WHY oh why should we have to do this every time we go on to PLTV HD on 10E and then have to set it back to 1080i for all other HD channels 'in case'?

Lets hope Phantom/TM address this problem with next patch - PLUS sort out the PVR recording problems when recording via time setting from EPG!

NB: Re PLTV HD on 10E, this jerkiness was NOT apparent with old patch 726P, so why now?:respect-055:

30-12-2012, 04:56 PM
Thanks for reminding me that 726p is not jerky - we can probably assume it is a software problem.

With the PVR problem I think the file records stored in memory is being corrupted. I'm sure you've seen it when you press the file button and see a list of the files on the drive but none of them show any video.

I managed to catch my TM6900 not recording when it should have been - I pressed the file button and no video as above. I then went into file manager and then back to live TV - pressed file button - message appeared "Please wait for scanning of records on USB storage device". I was then able to see recorded video and the scheduled recording started of it's own accord.

Perhaps Phantom could arrange for it to scan the records prior to performing a scheduled recording. It would have to check that another recording was not already in progress as I assume that would be interrupted.

31-12-2012, 01:07 AM
Thats very interesting mate - will try it tomorrow - but just to say that I have reloaded patch 752P without loading the original firmware first - and PLTV HD on 10E is STILL going jerky after a few minutes plus the audio still keeps going out of sync!
After all we SHOULDNT ever have to change the video settings DOWN from 1080i to 720P should it, thats the whole point of having a 1080i capable sat receiver - but will TRY and see if it helps thanks mate!:cup-006:

720P worked perfectly mate on PLTV HD on 10E - yet this really shouldnt be happening anyway as you say more recently, espec when patch 726P was perfect, so SOMETHING has become corrupted somewhere over the past 26 patches, again as you say in your recent post mate!:respect-055:

31-12-2012, 05:29 PM
I have been loading various patches recently in an attempt to find when the jerky video first occurred.
Finally I believe I have found the problem first occurred in 733p whereas 732p is not jerky.
I hope this information will help Phantom track down the cause of the problem.

Also I suspect there could be redundant background tasks running in the firmware which could now be removed to increase the speed of the remaining background tasks. I have noticed that 726p is more tolerant to a fragmented disc and defragmenting the disc helps to easy PVR problems under later patches.

I think that speeding up background tasks could cure the PVR problems and who knows it may even cure the jerky video on PLTV.

Many years ago I was involved in writing firmware so I have some understanding of the problems involved.

01-01-2013, 11:42 PM
I decided to load the latest 752p firmware today and came across a problem I had not noticed before.

When i tried to live pause PLTV, not only did it not work but it also turned off the BISS key.
The key was still there but 8280 showed the cursor on the "off" line instead of the line containing the key.
Moving the cursor to the correct line and saving cleared the channel again.
The same problem occurred on CTV and NBA Europe on the same transponder.

This suggests to me there is a conflict in the data storage used by Biss decryption and live pause.
In the above it looks like the BISS key pointer had been corrupted when using live pause.
If my suspicion is correct it may be that this could be the cause of jerky BISS channels and PVR problems.
Both problems may have the same cause - we can only hope.

02-01-2013, 10:53 AM
Yes mate, I'd noticed that too - but was so excited that the Biss keys had actually 'stuck' when updating from patch 726P to 752P, I forgot to note it! lol!!
Lets hope Phantom sees this thread and corrects the following remaining faults:-

PVR dreadful problems
PLTV HD on 10E jerkiness + audio sync
SCT HD on 13E freezes immediately yet sound continues
Line up of existing Biss keys problem above!

Good luck Phantom mate!:respect-055:

03-01-2013, 12:33 AM
He doesn't read these threads here.

Yes maybe mate, but assume you noticed this thread was referred to in the Download Centre Feedback section?
So unless he/she is blind.......!!!!!lol!!:podium-016:

16-01-2013, 01:24 AM
@ Phantom:-
Please note that many of us on the TM6900HD Supers have experienced that the remote occasionally fails to communicate with the box, I personally had forgotten this problem, plus I'd thought it might only be ME who'd noticed it, so I have to switch box off at back and reboot!

Plus we still have problems already reported as follows:-

PVR dreadful problems
PLTV HD on 10E jerkiness + audio sync
SCT HD on 13E freezes immediately yet sound continues!:respect-069:

19-01-2013, 02:31 PM
does anyone knows when should be expect for 6900HD non super patch?

20-01-2013, 12:15 PM
Which patch are you currently using mate?:respect-055:

05-02-2013, 03:35 AM
Not sure if anyone has noticed as no one mentioned it but if you go to the official Technomate site and look in support you will find the latest official version for TM 6900 HDS ******** version 7.52 . Useful to have when patching over updates.

05-02-2013, 01:59 PM
Not sure if anyone has noticed as no one mentioned it but if you go to the official Technomate site and look in support you will find the latest official version for TM 6900 HDS ******** version 7.52 . Useful to have when patching over updates.

Cheers Tony - only thing is that the 'original' firmware to which you refer, is allegedly already contained in patch 752P anyway - so, if true, you would simply be duplicating what's already there mate!:respect-069:

05-02-2013, 06:02 PM
Nothing allegedly about it lol

Ok then, definately!! lol!!!:number-one-043:

20-02-2013, 12:24 PM
I updated my receiver last night with this patch and latest softcam. Not the add-on though which I presume is for CS.

So far I haven't been able to see Skyline channels on 23.5East? Can clear some of the old channels on 4.8East though. Not tried 10East (PLTV).

Anyone else having the same trouble?

20-02-2013, 12:43 PM
I updated my receiver last night with this patch and latest softcam. Not the add-on though which I presume is for CS.

So far I haven't been able to see Skyline channels on 23.5East? Can clear some of the old channels on 4.8East though. Not tried 10East (PLTV).

Anyone else having the same trouble?

Hi mate, long time no hear? Hope you are well - maybe you've been away?
I find the CS link channels on 23.5E DO open ok for me with patch 752P, e.g. CT1,2 etc plus others, e.g. Nova, plus 4E has changed a bit anyway this past 2 years or so - assume you mean Private Spice & Hustler?

For me, the remaining probs are with the PVR not working as it should, 8281 sometimes freezes stb when first starting (ok - not applic to you!), sometimes getting vertical lines & stb freeze up which needs reboot, SCT HD on 13E freezes up immediately yet audio continues (NOT a pretty sight!! lol!!) - plus the other odd thing previously reported earlier!:respect-050::respect-055:

20-02-2013, 01:53 PM
pltv changed encryptions a couple of weeks back so you wont open that one any more, although mgm-me works ok on my spider
travel channel works ok on 4.8e still, although no idea about your actual box or patch

20-02-2013, 11:04 PM
Hi there yourself

Not been away, but have been busy with other things.

Thanks for your clarification. Seems that some of the extras I thought would come with 752P need the CS add-on.

752P is giving me some problems with the PVR function. Seems to work OK with the newer of my usb drives but not the older one, where I have most of my recordings. It says prepare to record and then doesn't, and doesn't show recorded programmes. When I swap them it works, and then swap the old one back it works. So I've managed to get there in the end.

21-02-2013, 12:00 AM
Hi there yourself

Not been away, but have been busy with other things.

Thanks for your clarification. Seems that some of the extras I thought would come with 752P need the CS add-on.

752P is giving me some problems with the PVR function. Seems to work OK with the newer of my usb drives but not the older one, where I have most of my recordings. It says prepare to record and then doesn't, and doesn't show recorded programmes. When I swap them it works, and then swap the old one back it works. So I've managed to get there in the end.

I get all sorts of variations on a theme when using PVR mate, e.g. when setting up from new extended EPG using big red button, where it appears to record to my ONE output device, 500GB external disc - red light etc, but afterwards its HASNT recorded at all!
These very varied problems NEVER occurred when using patch 726P, probably by far the best patch of recent times - assuming you arent bothered about ORF or TNT on 19E, Bulsat 39E, CS Link 23.5E etc - or the extended EPG!:respect-050:

fred fickle
05-04-2013, 02:47 PM
Another problem with 752 going in to the 7day EPG channel box reboots every time you press ok???

05-04-2013, 11:48 PM
Fred, we still await patch 753P to sort out all remaining issues - including PVR and EPG!!:respect-040:

07-04-2013, 01:27 PM
Few issues across Tms.

Pity they would not just resolve known issues and keep the punters happy.

10-04-2013, 05:01 PM
Fred, we still await patch 753P to sort out all remaining issues - including PVR and EPG!!:respect-040:

We can but live in hope but seems since there are only a few issues to sort out and guessing by the time since we last got an update I don't think Darkman can be bothered anymore and with patch 752 we may of seen the last update...but hey who knows...?

11-04-2013, 12:06 AM
Darkman has had nothing to do with TM for many years.

Yes I know but without being too clever I think you know what I meant...thank you

11-04-2013, 12:13 AM
Yes I know but without being too clever I think you know what I meant...thank you

Yes mate, I think we ALL probably both understand AND agree with you!!! lol!!!:number-one-043:

25-04-2013, 12:08 AM
Well its now nearly end of April and we still await a new Phantom patch (?753P) - no responses from him since 28/12/2012!:D

12-05-2013, 02:58 PM
Well its now nearly end of April and we still await a new Phantom patch (?753P) - no responses from him since 28/12/2012!:D

Seems that the Phantom is living up to his name, the Phantom patches have truly become a Phantom....

12-05-2013, 11:06 PM
True Tony, maybe we wont have to wait much longer?? lol!!:nopity:

04-06-2013, 02:46 AM
True Tony, maybe we wont have to wait much longer?? lol!!:nopity:

Well how much longer for patch 753p....it's been that quiet spiders have even spun their webs

04-06-2013, 12:01 PM
Well how much longer for patch 753p....it's been that quiet spiders have even spun their webs

They have already promised new patches - for the WHOLE range -in the infamous Download Centre Tony, so that was last week - maybe soon, lets hope the PVR probs get resolved this time at last?:respect-069:

06-06-2013, 12:25 AM
Thanks for the info I didn't catch that news but yes the PVR issues are not good....lets hope it happens

06-06-2013, 07:31 AM
As the Download Centre states:-
"Watch this space!"!! :respect-057:

25-06-2013, 01:04 AM
Looks like we will be watching this space a very long time holmroad...Download Centre need to re-think their time strategies I think

26-06-2013, 12:00 AM
Think current opinion has it that they are currently taking the pi** on Download Centre - someone posting on there has a very warped sense of humour!:reddevil:

26-06-2013, 04:43 AM
Think current opinion has it that they are currently taking the pi** on Download Centre - someone posting on there has a very warped sense of humour!:reddevil:

Well that sounds more like what's happening, I think we need a reality check....this receiver is now becoming quite old and I don't think that there's much call anymore to keep patches updated but that said I know I could always be wrong, but if I am not then it's true to say that we best use Patch 726p and make that it's prime software whereby PVR issues are OK and sync on PLTV is also OK.

I always had a feeling that the 726p was going to be the one & only to use...

09-07-2013, 07:44 PM
See a beta firmware 009p debug on the download center.

10-07-2013, 12:23 AM
See a beta firmware 009p debug on the download center.

Its not really a 'debug' mate, but merely a TEST PATCH for us to try out & report back - and that's why I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to help him - as follows:-
Phantom posted a new 'test' patch bets 009 for TM6900HD Super in the DLC last night - I have tested it out as follows:-

Here are my results as promised:-
1) Backed up latest Channel List
2) Factory Reset
3) Loaded patch beta-tm-6900 super from USB memory stick - but did NOT load the Add-On!
4) Switched TM6900HD Super off/on using toggle switch at rear
5) Loaded back Channel List from 1) above
6) Loaded latest softcam

8) Started testing at 28E:-
All channels woring perfectly, including FTA ones and those opened via 8281 facility

9) Transferred to 13E to test:-
10) No channels of ANY type opening at first, despite showing good signal!
11) Switch TM6900HD Super off/on using REMOTE CONTROL
12) All channels working perfectly after this - even SCT HD opened without freezing up at all - whereas on 752P always froze up immediately!

13) To 19E to test:-
All channels working fine -
BUT: no softcam channels opening at all, e.g. ORF or TNT Sat (TNT Sat which we know about!)

14) To 23.5E to test:-
All channels working fine, but with exception being that CS Link (CT etc) not opening from latest softcam!

15) To 39E to test:-
All channels opening fine - with excpetion of remaining Irdeto 2 Bulsat channel (e.g. Nova Sport) which do NOT open with latest softcam!

16) PVR - tested PVR by setting up two recordings at 28E (FTA channels) to record to USB PVR directly from EPG - all 'appeared' to be recording fine (red light on fron etc) but NOTHING to play back upon completion!
In fact, the PVR shows as totally blank m- even old recordings no longer showing on patch 009!

So MY conclusions:-
a) Patch beta 009 is much better than 007/8 in every way - now unexpected 'hanging up'.
b) PVR function totally absent - did not work at all!
c) Softcam not working on any of the satellites at 19E, 23.%E or 39E when used with patch beta 009!
d) Blind scan still seeking out non accurate frequencies, e.g. 27498 - instead of 27500.

Thanks Phantom, so far so good, but not quite there yet mate


11-07-2013, 02:48 PM
Here's some further info I've just posted on TM Community location for Phantom's attention - just to keep you all up to date:-

Hi again Phantom,

Here's an interesting observation now I've gone back to patch 752P from beta test 009 - I did tell you I'd attempted to record a program on a channel using the TM6900HD Super EPG/PVR whilst on 009 - and it had appeared to be recording at the time I'd set it up - the red recording light on the front of my TM6900HD Super was clearly showing!
There was however no sign of the PVR disc contents (USB 'oo') when I went back in to play back my recordings, so I naturally assumed the recording may not have worked whilst on patch 009!

Anyway, my point now is that now I'm back on patch 752P, my PVR disc is clearly displaying ALL thirty-odd recordings I'd done over the past few years (but which had all disappeared, I THOUGHT, when on 009) - INCLUDING the program I'd recorded whilst still on test beta patch 009 - so it DID record as scheduled after all, but was unable to be displayed etc!

So I thought you should be made aware of this fact Phantom - for when you again tweak things for your next test patch?

Incidentally Polsat Sport HD on 13E works fine - sound AND vision - on patch 752P, unlike on test patch 009 - so assume you can sort that out too please mate?

Back to you Phantom - thanks again for trying for us all - it IS most appreciated!!:D:respect-050:

11-07-2013, 07:09 PM
The 'Phantom' in question i assume is a name given to the korean team behind all the firmware and patches that are brought out, there are at least 4 receivers that stem from the same factory and are nigh on identical namely TM5402, Blade 7000, Dr HD F15, Clarke tech 3000 etc.. and this team has to write for all LOL. It could be a very long wait

12-07-2013, 12:22 AM
Yes guys, but MOST of us just 'go with the flow' yes, EVEN when we ALL know the truth?? lol!!!:cup-006:

12-07-2013, 11:18 PM
I feel more sorry for poor @holmroad mate testing all this stuff than for Phant0m himself
that comes out with only failling patches!...
He's just released one more "TM-6900 Super 010p test only"
as if he couldn't test it himself,and come out only with a right new patch instead!...
Don't waste your time @holmroad mate with this crap,he would do it right if he could,
he wouldn't need any testers I believe...

12-07-2013, 11:42 PM
I know where you are coming from mate - and when you think he's only got to use patch 726P as his 'basic' template then add the best parts of 752P to that - and rest assured that if I had the basic info/expertise I need to do it I WOULD - yet as its not people like me who have access to this information, but only people 'allowed' to by Technomate, then we unfortunately HAVE to suck up and do everything we can to help - and feel 'involved' - so that's ME in this instance mate!
i.e. I'd rather be on a bit of an apparent wild goose chase, than to be doing absolutely NOTHING - so anything I CAN do to help etc etc etc!!:respect-055:

14-07-2013, 01:32 AM
I must be missing the plot, I would assume that patch 053 is the next release, where do the tests 001, 002 ect come in to play? I can only guess that it has taken 10 attempts so far to get a working patch 053 hence the 010p? This is total madness and quite honestly a waste of everyone's time, either Phantom is a capable programmer of this software or he is not and judging by the so far failed attempts it's no wonder holmroad that your receiver hasn't blown up with all these failed tests...how many does it take to get one working patch?

It is not that I am grateful but I seriously doubt Phantom,s ability to write the software and that's just my view so please holmroad be careful when you test these software's because it seems that Phantom isn't putting his receiver at risk...

14-07-2013, 09:53 AM
I must be missing the plot, I would assume that patch 053 is the next release, where do the tests 001, 002 ect come in to play? I can only guess that it has taken 10 attempts so far to get a working patch 053 hence the 010p? This is total madness and quite honestly a waste of everyone's time, either Phantom is a capable programmer of this software or he is not and judging by the so far failed attempts it's no wonder holmroad that your receiver hasn't blown up with all these failed tests...how many does it take to get one working patch?

It is not that I am grateful but I seriously doubt Phantom,s ability to write the software and that's just my view so please holmroad be careful when you test these software's because it seems that Phantom isn't putting his receiver at risk...

If Phantom (or whoever) is based say in Korea, then my logic tells me that he/she may not be capable of actually testing his/her patches out there for obvious geographical reasons!
When DM used to do it all before the 'split' he was obviously able to test nearer home - and hence we used to get much better quality patches (via Albania/London).
My POINT being that that is the reason why in KOREA they need US to help out for testing, as since patch 726P 'ish' which IS working fine but without the later innovations, since 726P ish we have had effectively a whole series of 'test' patches anyway - 752P being the best of a bad lot!
So now that the Koreans are actually APPEARING to at least 'try' to sort TM's mega probs - before they totally go bust - I personally am more than happy to test out their test patches - with a view to an eventual 'Universal' patch 753P 'proper' patch with everything working on it ok - e.g. PVR, softcams, 8281, Extended EPG, etc etc!!
That COULD be something like!!!!:cheers2:

14-07-2013, 05:58 PM
Do any of the 6900 patches allow for pause live radio.
I know pause tv is poss.
If anyone knows please feel free to answer.

Hi mate, just tried Heart and Caroline off 28E using TM6900HD Super patch 752P and no pause - but it does record ok on radio!!
Havent tried any other patches as I dont use the radio function much to be honest!!:medal-028:

15-07-2013, 12:29 AM
Was for the local pub, rec no good needs to be pause live thanks for trying.

Surely if they record ahead of actually playing it, they could keep pausing the recording?
Just an idea!! lol!!:cheers2:

17-08-2013, 04:29 PM
I guess the 753p has too many issues still, new patches seem to be taking longer these days, or is 752p the FINAL PATCH?

18-08-2013, 12:12 AM
011P beta test patch is 'actually' the most up to date Tony, but it IS still only a TEST patch - and we DO still await a patch no.753P to put everything into one patch!!:number-one-043:

19-08-2013, 08:53 PM
Holmroad - are you able to check out what 011p is like on the EMU front?

19-08-2013, 10:59 PM
Yes mate, still no UPC on 1W for example mate!:bow-004:

20-08-2013, 05:08 PM
and we wait with anticipation...

21-08-2013, 12:27 AM
Not half mate - sure it cant be much longer now!:king-041:

23-08-2013, 11:19 PM
New patches out today for TM5000 Series, but reports not good with it being said that the alleged fixes may NOT be working?
However it WOULD be nice for Phantom to issue new patch 753P for we TM6000HD Series users to try too?:nopity:

24-08-2013, 07:49 AM
I hope so m8. You richly deserve that patch after your long campaign.

I hope it works as it ought to do for you all.