View Full Version : postioner broke can i move dish manually

28-12-2012, 04:18 PM
my postioner as just broke moving from 13 to 19 cannot get one for a few days.
is it possible to move manually without scewing up my dish ,
it is a 1.2 iwth arm aculator

28-12-2012, 04:27 PM
Yes but it takes a lot of manual turning (assuming it's a STAB?) if you want to do it via the motor. Other option is is to disengage the arm, set up on sat you want and then fix the position somehow. If it is at ground level then not such a big job but the weather is shyte so not a very attractive prospect either. If it's high up a pole or house then it's going to be a long winded pain in the ass.

Are you sure it's the positioner and not just the reed switch that's failed coz redd switches are cheap and easy to change and you could get one from M@plin today.

28-12-2012, 04:31 PM
it is on the ground

sorry but do not understand the following
Yes but it takes a lot of manual turning (assuming it's a STAB?) if you want to do it via the motor

what do you mean by stab?

28-12-2012, 04:37 PM
stab is a manufacturer , so one of the makers

28-12-2012, 04:39 PM
it is an echostar aculator

28-12-2012, 04:42 PM
it is an echostar aculator

had you mentioned this in your initial post then the respondent wouldnt have mentioned the stab version

so where he says the word stab, substitute the word echostar then

28-12-2012, 04:43 PM
Is it a 36 v motor with separate positioner unit?
If it is you can possibly unscrew motor of the end and manually turn the the flat on the end of the screw, the problem being you would have to turn it and somebody would have to tell you when to stop when the receiver picked up the sat you wanted.

28-12-2012, 04:58 PM
If it's anything like the last 2 jacks I've used --- the bearing falls apart so the motor winds away but dish stays still even though the motor thinks it has moved to the correct position.
There is a clamp on the jack holding it to the dish mount --- slacken the clamp and slide the jack through it until you find the sat you want then tighten the clamp.

simon 2003
28-12-2012, 05:01 PM
somebody would have to tell you when to stop when the receiver picked up the sat you wanted.
job for the mrs then ;)
is it an echostar blackjack,i had one of those must be ancient,,very similar or may even be a rebadged jaeger,go with the reed swich first as it may have blown

28-12-2012, 06:51 PM
my postioner as just broke moving from 13 to 19 cannot get one for a few days.
is it possible to move manually without scewing up my dish ,
it is a 1.2 iwth arm aculator

Assuming in the very first post and not to get confused but i think there may be a spelling error here and the OP actually means ACTUATOR this is just an assumption based on the fact he has a 1.2m dish the most popular being the Channel master 1.2

If this is correct and the actuator has gone either drive rod or something else and as long as it is not stuck in position then a manual movement should be OK but keep an eye on all settings on the brackets in case you disturb anything before your replacement arrives

28-12-2012, 08:58 PM
Assuming in the very first post and not to get confused but i think there may be a spelling error here and the OP actually means ACTUATOR this is just an assumption based on the fact he has a 1.2m dish the most popular being the Channel master 1.2

If this is correct and the actuator has gone either drive rod or something else and as long as it is not stuck in position then a manual movement should be OK but keep an eye on all settings on the brackets in case you disturb anything before your replacement arrives

yes it is a channelmaster 1,2 and a spelling mistake thanks

29-12-2012, 01:51 PM
a big thanks to everyone took back of actulator manual twisted watching football!:hurray:

to you all:bowing-036: